Rainbow Coming
Finding balance...seeking connection
with my Mother Earth....stopping leaks
Date: 1/12/2006 10:53:47 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 973 times 8:48 AM
Jan 12, 06
Well, this is a day when when some significant leaks
will be fixed.
Rainbow, our New Age plumber, is on his way.
I woke up kinda bored and in dread of the kind of
work I have to do today.
Hopefull, I will get to the bottom of the bills.
I am going to enrich my life soon by carving in some time
for swim visits at the therapy pool.
[ 7-10 AM
3-5 PM daily
1-3 Sat and Sunday
http://www.kroccenter.org/senior_programs.html }
I am going to take one little manageable patch and get some
seeds in, something I can handle myself.
Not about how much when it comes to Enchanted Gardening,
just get a circle (square?) of Holy Soil connection your Spiritual
Umbilicus to the Mother Earth, going way, way in,
and way way up to heaven:
"The Earth and the Soil are Soul Mates."
© leslie goldman, your enchanted gardener
2:06 PM report
Rainbow fixed the leaks.
New window pane put in my bedroom where
I broke it.
Leak in kitchen fixed.
learned a little lesson about removing the rubber
washer for the shower in the bathroom.
Turn it counterclockwise and it loosens it up on this
one, but as Rainbow says, "Wil I remember?"
Still some hours to pay some bills, and it felt good
having someone else helping to do things around here.
He doesn't charge that much.
Making some progress with the bill paying.
Here comes the Bill...
5 hrs labor at $20.00 an hour. labor.
materials, 46.77
Total $156.77
#ck No 346
new set of wrenches included...
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