Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Hamburger Meat Does Good

Funds from MacDonald's heir Joan Kroc
are making a World of Difference in San Diego

How about meeting me for Cinderella
Saturday, 7:30 PM, December 12?

Date:   12/2/2005 12:11:38 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1689 times

Show TIckets for Cinderella:

Been going through my computer
doing some masterful cleanup, getting ready to install
a new system and get my Financial Program back up to speed.
Discovered some heart touching photos Lost and now Found
of three little angels--Kids about 6-8--performing at the Joan
Kroc Salvation Arm Center, less than four miles from
the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.

This woman, Joan Kroc, was the heir to a fortune, much of it
from MacDonalds Hamburger. She did a lot of good while she lived
and she also left in her will more than a billion, if I am not mistaken
to create Community Centers to serve low income folks.

The Center in San Diego is a state of the art facility.
It is 12 acres really, really close to my house. A few years
ago I would go in there every day for a while to use the therapy pool
and once stopped in to catch one of the Christmas performances
by the children. Thus the photos I rediscovered .

My heart is very touched by this Center. It is really Good News.
In my mind right now, I am thinking of the daughter of my best friend
and what joy I would have to see her enjoying the Ice Rink, or one
of these Holiday Shows. I could just imagine the joy she would have
if she had an opportunity to live close in her own neighborhood
to such a facility and could participate in doing
performance and arts programs as this Center offers.

ALL our Cities need this kind of place. Maybe
we could divert War or Oil profits into such places here
and abroad to enrich the kids of the world.

I have a soft spot in my heart for this Center.
When i was a kid growing up in East Los Angeles,
I received tons of enrichment at the Variety Boy's Club
where I would make art objects and use the wood shop.
My dad, an Orthodox Jew who I often put down as a father
for not having time for me, did take me--I remember--
to Christmas Shows in downtown LA
where all the Kids received free gifts and met
Santa Claus. And Yes, I do believe in Santa Claus.

There is so much sadness in the world right now that i see.
So much hurt from the injury we cause one another as we imagine
that people cannot all get their needs met.

Once i walked this Joan Kroc Salvation Army facility
and I saw a large area that would suit
an organic garden. I notice where they have a catering facility
and likely a large kitchen on site. What if that served wholesome foods,
I mean really , really health foods? What if the people here had a chance
to understand what it means to live "Chemical free" lives as part of the
Classes offered here.

This woman, Joan Kroc, also gave an enormous amount of money
for a Peace Studies Center at the University of San Diego, I believe.

We can each do so much to help the world. Everything we do
can turn to good.

I want to attend one of the shows down here at this center this
Holiday Season in their beautiful 600 -seat theatre. Wow! wouldn't
that be something, if I actually created some kind of performance

Just Seed Dreaming...but look at the lovely kids being served.

Holiday love from Your Enchanted Gardener

The Ray and Joan Kroc Salvation Army Center
Calender of Events:

from their website:
The Salvation Army Kroc Center is a 12-acre family support, education, recreation, and cultural arts facility. Made possible by a generous gift from philanthropist Mrs. Joan Kroc, the Center provides a variety of programs for individuals of all ages. The community center is available to members
and the general public.

Events and Catering:

We need a Housemate:
Enchanted Garden Intentional Community:

photo up soon!!!

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