Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Revive ALL!

Working to release deep blocks
through Flower Essences...

Date:   11/21/2005 4:21:45 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2136 times

This is the combination of Flower Essences
that I am taking in the FlorAlive line.

I spent the day with Dr. Brend Davis on Saturday.

I was told to place 32 drops in a 1 liter bottle of water
and sip this 32 times a day.

I began taking in on Nov 19, the day of my birthday
in the late afternoon.

I had a lucid dream of positive well being
toward the morning of the next day.

The eve of November 20, Sunday, I had two nightmares
dealing with core issues, of abandonment, and feeling

Revive All is made of these six flower essences:

– A combination formula for mental/emotional uplifting, and to diminish body/mind response to a broad range of stressors. More fully described as follows: A profoundly acting yet gentle force composed of six flower essences for aligning us with Divine Consciousness to help overcome whatever physical or emotional challenges we may encounter. Each individual remedy listed as follows may help:

(1) Dispel hopelessness and futility - Maquilina

(2) Banish loneliness, strengthen connection to Divine Intelligence - Wild Iris

(3) Strengthen self-esteem - Tulip Poplar

(4) Reduce rage, anger, and frustration, often from abuse or being controlled - Blue Eyed Grass

(5) Overcome invalidation from others; to help transform feelings of shyness, ineptness, or social unease - May Apple

(6 )Instill or awaken more trust in life - Pink Lady Slipper

How flower essences work:

This is from his web site.

The unique and highly energized flowers Dr. Davis has discovered coupled with the power of the UNCUT extraction process allow healing with essences in a revolutionary new way. The frequency of the FlorAlive™ essences appears to "overwrite" negative subconscious patterning, diminishing or removing profound obstacles such as hopelessness, loneliness, poor self esteem, lack of trust, failure to allow receiving and prosperity, and more.

As remarkable as it may seem, all features of a flower including its color, shape and fragrance combine to form a “frequency” that acts as an antidote to unbalanced emotional states. Flowers appear to have been divinely placed on Earth for the great healing purpose of displacing negative subconscious memories and beliefs most people harbor, or for filling voids in us where we have emotional chasms. When a few drops of a highly energized FlorAlive™ essence is placed in water, the healing frequency is transferred to the water immediately. When the consumer drinks the water, the healing frequency is immediately transferred to him, and appears to transmute the part of the subconscious mind which is holding a negative memory or belief. To use a common analogy, it appears very similar to the process of reformatting a hard drive for better performance. The paradigm that explains how this can happen is explained below.

For thousands of years, observant healers and physicians noticed that consuming tiny doses of therapeutic remedies (or doses prepared in very specific ways so diluted as to contain not even a molecule of material substance, but only energy, as in homeopathy) could produce profound therapeutic changes in the human body. Such changes can only be explained in the context of a multi-dimensional and metaphysical view of the human body. (To fully understand this complex field would require study of comprehensive texts such as the 500 page book titled "Vibrational Medicine" written by Richard Gerber, M.D., and first published in 1988.)
Institutional Western medicine treats the human body like a machine composed of interrelated tissues and organs, powered by cellular reactions, and controlled by electro-chemical impulses in the brain and central nervous system. The influence on human physiology of Spirit, Divine Creative Intelligence, and other metaphysical subtle forces is excluded from its paradigm.

Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, East Indian, Oriental, and aboriginal medical systems worldwide, as well as the more recent homeopathic medicine (approximately 200 years old) take a philosophical and very much expanded view of how the body operates, and of the forces that animate it. Dr. Bach and many other holistic and flower essence practitioners have demonstrated that human physiology and health is intimately connected with the subtle but powerful influences of the invisible layers of our being.
According to a composite view derived from ancient medical systems and contemporary “vibrational medicine”, Figure 1 depicts the several layers that comprise the full human being.

Fig. 1

It is posited that the outermost shells essentially influence and determine the balance (state of health) of the inner layers. Each successive layer going outward from the physical body is believed to resonate at a higher frequency, possessing a more subtle character, than the layer inside it, yet exerting a greater power of influence over the state of the physical body. For example, if an individual is suffering from stubborn, unbalanced emotional states (layer 2), it can lead to strong imbalances in the electrical acupuncture meridians (layer 1) and reflect into the physical body causing disease symptoms. If this individual were treated with the appropriate, high frequency FlorAlive™ flower essence for his condition (influencing layers 2,3, and 4), he could receive a strong stimulus toward deep restoration of health.

Results from health professionals using electrodermal screening with Vegatest® and other instruments, as well as kinesiological procedures, show that flower essences prepared according to Dr. Bach’s method primarily influence the second layer, that of the emotions, while FlorAlive™ essences influence the layer of the emotions as well as the higher frequency layers 3, 4 and beyond.

Numerous highly sensitive individuals with the gift of revelation and clairvoyant sight have perceived that FlorAlive™ essences are unique in the world with respect to the depth of their reach into Divine Creative Intelligence. Please refer to the testimonials section for some of their comments.

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