Blog: In The Raw
by Lapis

Ecology Of Raw

"Cooking food is by far the most costly, laborious, and disease producing way of procuring food and nourishing the body possible!!!"

Date:   5/23/2005 6:11:51 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2209 times

Besides the incredible health benefits of a raw lifestyle, there are a plethora of benefits to the entire planetary ecosystem. We can heal the microcosm (individual human) and the macrocosm (the entire planet) with this perfect, nature intended way of sustaining ourselves (in balance with nature). The following article lists the destructive footprint that consumeristic diets have on the world.


The Ignominious List Of Carnage Brought About By The Human Practice Of Firing Our Food
By Seth Asher and Rob Miller

Give some thought to this list and you'll understand the true power of raw food to create incredible, long-lasting, positive change on Earth. The following items and industries are unspeakably destructive, and mostly if not wholly unnecessary in a raw vegan diet:

Pots, pans, baking dishes, woks, stoves, ovens, microwaves, cooking utensils, cooking gas, heating elements, kerosene, firewood, charcoal, barbeques, grills...

Dishwashers, dishwashing soap and detergents, pot scrubbers and heavy-duty sponges...

Preservatives, packaging...Packaging... PACKAGING...

Plastic, glass, cardboard, wax paper, plastic wrap, aluminium, other metals, styrofoam, paper for labels, glossy paper, printing ink, printing presses...

Warehouses, grain silos, factory farms, slaughter houses, manufacturing and processing plants, water, Water, WATER...

Shipping, trucking, refrigerator trucks, freon, trains (the reason behind our whole train system: grain to cattle and cattle to slaughter), steel for the cattle cars, asphalt, cargo planes, cargo ships, fumigants...

Stock and commodities exchange (hog futures, grain futures, etc.)...

Marketing and advertising to create a need in your mind for something that will slowly kill you! The advertising cost is far greater than the food. Advertising agencies, TV, radio, newspaper, magazine ads. All the resources needed for these businesses to run...

Grocery stores, mega-grocery stores, shelving, more refrigerators, more freezers, employees to stock stock shelves, check out and bag your groceries, more paper and plastic bags...

Once the food is consumed: medical costs, hospitals, doctors, nurses, drugs, alternative drugs, herbs, all manner of pills, potions and procedures, marketing and advertising costs for the doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies...

The cost of the physical, mental and spiritual pain is incalculable!!!

Cooking food is by far the most costly, laborious, and disease producing way of procuring food and nourishing the body possible!!!

The incredible amount of pollution and environmental devastation caused by this way of eating is absolutely mind-boggling!!!

Every time a human eats a raw vegan meal s/he makes a conscious boycott of this destruction, and an active statement for PEACE and LIFE!!!

©2001 Robert A. Miller and Seth Asher. World rights reserved.

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Comments (20 of 100):
Re: Raw Food Cures… #1156… 12 y
Seeking a Dr. Croo… North 15 y
Hope all is well BLUEPAST… 16 y
Re: Colitis Cured:… Hobok… 18 y
secret health movi… dr en… 18 y
Meat and violence … jcmal… 18 y
It is all good as … kermi… 19 y
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" Why Suffer?" Su… kermi… 19 y
Re: food combining Lapis 19 y
food combining ALKALIZING… 19 y
tried that link deradune 19 y
yes, thank you! ;… derad… 19 y
thank you boobookittyCAT 19 y
!!! chirontherainbowbridg… 19 y
Re: canola oil--he… grzbe… 19 y
What a coincidence… drpr 19 y
Leagalism ties man… kermi… 19 y
Nope Lapis 19 y
canola oil--health… bkcra… 19 y
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