Blog: Ketogenic Diet
by rraheja

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

Date:   5/17/2019 3:14:53 PM   ( 6 y ) ... viewed 406 times

There are various ways to earn money online. YouTube is one of the mediums that can be used to earn money on the Internet. You can utilize it for Internet marketing. Many online marketers generate revenue using Youtube and other video-sharing portals. How can you make money on YouTube?

Share exciting video clips: Publishing original and interesting videos will grab attention. YouTube permits you to show advertisements with videos and earn money. The revenue from clips will depend on the number of views of video and ad clicks.

Share product reviews: You can utilize YouTube to share video reviews of online products and services. Add an affiliate link with your clips so that when the viewer buys the service, you get a cut. Insert your affiliate link (trimmed using to make it look good). Many online marketers make money through this method. When creating such clips, ensure it looks realistic.

Some tips for making money through YouTube

1. Video clips should be at least half a minute for product reviews.

2. Use screen recording tools to create a screencast. Utilize it to create tutorials.

3. Insert your affiliate link in the video.

4. Insert your target keywords in the heading of the YouTube video.

5. When you include a description for the video, it should include your keywords.

6. Insert the affiliate URL or discount code in the video description.

7. Insert "annotations" in your clips. Insert your affiliate URL or discount code in the YouTube annotations.

8. Leave comments on other clips on YouTube.

9. Insert your video as a "video response" to other popular clips.

10. Build links to your videos/clips.

Now you know one cool trick for making money online. If you follow these tips, you can make money on YouTube. Like other ways to earn money online, it is unlikely to happen overnight, but you will see the results over time. It can be rewarding in terms of passive income. Once your videos are there on YouTube, you get a commission each time someone uses your affiliate link to purchase a product. If you are using it to get visitors to your websites, make it interesting enough. You will see a regular flow of visitors to your site.

YouTube and other video sharing sites get loads of traffic. If you can get a small portion of it to your affiliate page or your website, expect to make money. All the best.

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