Blog: How I got rid of my 18 year old Dermal Melasma
by simplebeauty

How I got rid of my 18 year old melasma!

My good riddance melasma journey.Melasma gone forever

Date:   10/13/2016 2:54:06 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 1361 times

The simplest things for hyperpigmentation work the best. This is my story.
I had melasma for 18 years and tried all kinds of treatments & concoctions. As a melasma suffer we all used HQ, unfortunately my melasma came back with a vengeance once I stopped. HQ is not the answer. I had laser therapy and skin peels. Well! The pigmentation just moves from one area to another and in some areas darkened even more. I promised myself I would not use hydroquinone again or harsh chemicals again. At this point I almost gave up trying.
Last year I was one of the volunteers for a Melasma program. To test a product for hyper-pigmentation. The product was developed by a final chemistry student for her mother, not for commercial purpose. Using natural Bio-whitening & plant base breakthrough ingredients and no! Harsh chemicals. All the ingredients was plant base.
I was not impressed when I saw the serum, it looked liked water. I had really stubborn Melasma stage 2/3 and gave this trial product very little hope of ever succeeding with my melasma. It was free, so I had nothing to lose and this was my last chance to try.
In 3 months of use, my melasma was lightened by 50%. It was jaw dropping moment for me. Today I am 90% melasma free. It cannot even be seen, no other product ever gave me this results.I stopped using the product for over 6 months and I though it would reoccur as with all other products but it did not. I still have under tone of the melasma but that is ok because it is hardly noticeable and in some areas it is lighten on it own. I am back on the melasma fade to clear the under tone.It is working well.
What started out as a research project is now a life saver for people with melasma MELASAMA FADE was launched in September and we were all waiting in line for it I am now a believer in the younger generation and their bright minds.

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