Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Light acts, July 11, 2016

Light acts, July 11, 2016

Date:   7/11/2016 8:36:59 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 724 times

#AllLifeMatters #CampaignToEducateWashingtonOnRealFoodSafety #EnchantedGardenIntentionalCommunity #GrowA
Campaign to Grow A healthier Pizza
Plant Parenthood

Are ALL Parts of #OurRevolution

I need U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders or Someone of that Character to be my next President

At his is inauguration in January will he be introduced as Bernie or Bernard Sanders?

I want #OrganicFoodiesForBernie #CompostCorruption & and support for #OurRevolution in the #DemPlatform.

I want @senberniessnders to stand up and clearly state is he is running for president.

IF #FeelTheBERN Endorses Hillary Clinton, then Hillary Clinton needs to endorse Bernie Sanders. At the convention the delegates and popular vote need to decide who will be our next president and our next vice President.

The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton and it's results showed that Hillary Clinton is above the law and does not have to Pay The price for putting potential our nation in harms way.
That's the way things are now, but not in the #enchantedGardenEra

I'm OK with Bernie Sanders being our next VP if he could be more powerful in that role than senator. He knows.

I also love Tulsi and they should be her week to shine as the S764 heads into the house of representativesthis week of July 11.

I also support the petition being circulated by The Grandma instigator
Pamm Larry to have President Barack Obama veto the #DarkAct bill,

#Your Enchanted Gardener

#Superdelegates need to vote for #bernieorbust Tulsi Gabbard also has a petition to eliminate #superdelegates

I support this petition.

San Diego State community development enchanted Garden ideas

I want to invite people I love to move into this neighborhood within walking distance of the Arosa property so we could all tend the land here.

I want to invite Michelle Michelle Perales to be my guest in the little room for one night to explore possibilities.

I'm going to land big energy to the kids program at this year's kids camp at the national Heirloom Expo September 6-8, 2016 at the Sonoma fairgrounds Santa Rosa California .

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener #PlantYourDreamBlog

Through my Eyes
I am Recording a History
of Peace on Earth,
A History of the Earth
and It's Human Flowering.
Our Renewed Earth
Is The Enchanted Garden
and You and its Gardener.

When I was a VISTA associate in the summer of love of 1967, six months or so before the enchanted Garden Mobile was born in January 1968 our training was in Mendocino. I spent a number of days on top of the mountain. Stevie Wonders song that features the line I was made to love her was very popular that summer.

I was stationed at Parks job Corps Center. I helped organize a band called the Maitri days . The bandmembers were all beautiful young man from different parts of the country. I bonded with the lead singer named Charles Adkins from Reform Alabama . He then went to Vietnam. I've never heard from him again.

When I worked for Ted Watkins at the capital WLC AC I bonded with Cozy Corley and his family. Cozy was the musical director. We both worked in Watts,

Special plant growing project for Nadine and her husband Donald
Move the tower garden that Lurrae Lupone gave me and ask Nadine's favorite ingredients to grow her totem plant in it.

I'd like Dane Dormio to use his skills to set up the Trello so we can manage the hours of our work trades . We need to have a meeting to identify the priorities of work trades at least once a month , and that be accountable for what we accomplish in the month preceding and ahead.

I want to work with Rachel Linden of GMO free Arizona on the #EducatingWashingtonOnRealFoodSafetyCampaign

These are all my ideas from early morning July 11, 2016.

I'd also like to revive #EsseneSchoolOfThought under my ministerial license with Kimberly mole Rooney of the #GatewayUniversity.



Jonathan Pantalis Jere Gettle
Rachel Linden Rachel Rose Berry Wynn John Brazaitis Lisa olearyJuly 11, 2016,

To do add photo from farmers market yesterday

Stay at Patricia Bragg's
Will update with her
Petaluma visit
Petaluma visit working with school kids
Frei land this it 2016
ALERT to Tommy Frey

It's now 6:36 AM
Leslie do plant care every day have a Planned Parenthood map

Talk to Matt love
Email him

Putting my family together for the new season

Cuddle party advancement getting needs met
Talk to Dane about this

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