Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Mother Earth, #superdelegate, Votes: @SenSanders president!

Mother Earth, #superdelegate, Votes @SenSanders for president!

Date:   4/15/2016 3:47:58 PM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 909 times

MOTHER EARTH, #superdelegate, votes @senSanders for President


Almost simultaneously with Bernie Sanders calling out for immediate action toward climate change during the New York presidential Debate April 14, mother nature caused corporate work stoppage in Japan where a 7.0 earthquake affirmed that Hillary Clinton @hillaryclinton may be an outstanding President to continue the policies that are now taking us to the edge of extinction;however,our clearest hope for dealing with the problems on our plate would be electing Senator Bernie Sanders as our next president.

To me, he did a little too much handwaving during the New York debate but he made his key points about the need for a new kind of economic morality; he continued his talk at the Vatican on our tax day April 15 while hundreds of Japanese were attempting to climb out from shattered dreams and Homes lost . Thanks to God who likely loves Christians, Jews and Muslims; and presumably people of all color and diversities, we did not have as far as we know another nuclear nightmare in Japan as we did on March 11, 2011 when Fukushima happened .nuclear power is no longer a viable answer. A lot of new reinvisoning is needed, This may include unheard of options such as regenerative agriculture and local economies emerging out of feeding one another with locally
Grown food we grow ourselves

The truth is we simply cannot afford Hillary Clinton right now. The Youth of the world would like to live to bear further generations and no longer die in unnecessary wars.

Out youth are ignited by what our favorite grandpa is saying . It is our responsibility as their parents and elders to ensure that they have the opportunity to vote without any kinds of illegal vote suppression that will only further Damage hopes and dreams .

I truly believe that Hillary Clinton in spite of the impending FBI investigation, scandals with the panama papers and emerging Department of State interference in democracy around the world such as the events in Honduras, is a much better politician then Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is something we have not seen before and may not have the opportunity to see again for decades, an honest man in the White House .he makes many of the weep. He makes me be grateful to be a witness of what is happening now as democracy and the founding vision of our nation csn be Heard and what is is saying.

I believe he went to the Vatican as he said because it was the opportunity of a lifetime and more important then being on the campaign trail in New York.

A candidate for president taking off two days before a major vote in New York is s man who exhibits a moral compass that is very rare in our age although questionable from a political point of you .

I truly believe the hundred years from now what he did and said at the Vatican will be recorded in the history books. We are in an epic moment in life and in Politics, mother earth, the superdelegate above all superdelegates likely agrees .
I hear her saying this morning Bernie Sanders for president. It's the soul of America that is as well speaking.

Sending Bernie one more $10 contribution .

Go Bernie! Take New York. She is yours .

Leslie Goldman Your enchanted gardener


April 15, 3016



Two #feeltheBern rallies today 4/8 New York.

Igniting the youth!

Igniting the youth of America: Can you #FeeltheBern?

"This is the true myth of America. she starts old,
old wrinkled and writhing in an old skin. And there is
a gradual sloughing off of the old skin,
towards a new youth. It is the myth of America."
--D.H. Lawrence, Studies in Classical American Literature

FULL #demdebate april 14

4/16//16. Inspirations:

Mother Earth #suoerdelegate announces these #feeltheBern victory grassroots moves in honor of earth day week 2016!!!! @yourEG @rareseeds

#plantyourdresmblog envisions 4/17 rally in nyc a national funding day for #feelthebern with him tithing 10% back to scholarship a needy student to colleges or ...? I see more entertainment at our @sensanders rallies!! Declare victory now and do what we have to do to get it!!! Start building relationships with every and all superdelegates!!! Make sure every head of elections in all 50 states knows each of us personally!! Call a national convention and state Grassroot convention where we give ideas and discuss #presidentSanders ideas and give feedback before the election!!! Invite @hillary to donate to scholarship a student!

Claim victory now! Plant our grassroots movement with the winning back our sacred seed starter kit!

I want to see Erin Schrode introduce Bernie at a CA RALLY!

I want to invite Bernie Sanders to speak at the national Heirloom Expo September 6-8, 2016 in Santa Rosa and help us transform the California Seed Law.

Make every day Earth Day!!!

Start a Jews for the bern grassroots movement and raise funds for Israeli-Palestinian peace dialogue with only kids under 18 guiding the process!

Teach NVC to bern and hillary.

Declare an end to voter suppression in all 50 states now and insist every election board follow these rules! This is a national emergency!!!


It would make me happy to hear 50,000 people at a feel the berm rally sing the song together! I was once given the United Nations peace medal for the work I would do in my life by Robert Muller, then assistant Secretary secretary general for the UN, it's time for all of us to be united nations peace conference medal winners for the songs of life we are intended to be and sing together.


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