Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Cardinal Grand Cross--Been Hearing a lot about this

Cardinal Grand Cross--Been Hearing a lot about this

Date:   4/10/2014 8:59:40 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 9608 times


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Life Arts 4/8/2014 at 13:03:39
The Cosmic Story: April 2014's Cosmic Cross and America's Challenge
By Cathy Lynn Pagano

(about the author)

Cathy Pagano is the author of a new book, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. G. Jung Institut-Zurich in dream interpretation, then got her M.A. in Counseling Psychology in Feminine Spirituality, and along the way became a certified Life Coach. As an astrologer and storyteller, she weaves the Cosmic Stories written in the stars and from The Bard's Grove, comments on emerging archetypal themes in movies. Cathy works with the tools of the imagination - dreams, alchemy, myths, astrology, symbolic language, storytelling, ritual - to awaken the Soul's wisdom.

I believe that Americans are called to a higher consciousness at this point in our history. We are called on to live up to our ideals and create the country our forefathers imagined. Inner consciousness needs to be acted upon for social justice.

Cathy believes that our writers and artists must take up our responsibility to create art that inspires, teaches and heals our humanity.

Cathy writes about political, psychological/spiritual, and cultural issues.


There are four mighty Powers taking up their stations in the heavens at each of the four arms of a cosmic cross. As these Powers turn the cosmic wheel, new energies will be available for us to use in our lives and for our world.

So this month stay awake, have faith, be brave and face death. A new birth is upon us.

Cardinal Grand Cross


This sounds like Grow A Healthier Pizza:

Pluto's transit through the sign of our social structures is showing us how unhealthy they are. The American way of life is sustained by junk food, whose only purpose is to feed the greed of imaginary corporate 'people' whose only god is money. Pluto's telling us it's time the world went on a diet! (Cosmic Law 101: Fathers were originally shaped to help protect us from and connect us to a larger world.



Pluto is the archetypal process of evolution that entails death, transformation and rebirth. The glyph for Pluto is the circle of spirit being cooked in the alchemical crucible of love and consciousness. We can't change until we let go of the known and allow the unknown to be our guide. Pluto draws out that which is dead in us or in a culture, stripping us of what no longer serves life or exposing corrupt collective structures. Pluto gets rid of whatever is decaying and outdated to create space for new life.


Uranus symbolizes the archetypal energy of awakening to freedom! Like a surge of electricity, Uranus zaps us and shatters old patterns of behavior that are ready to be overthrown, liberating our consciousness from old paradigms. Uranus' energies celebrate the unique, the innovative, the intuitive and the ideal as well as the community which sustains these qualities.

Uranus advocates revolution when the old forms refuse to go gracefully. But Uranus also inspires us to think outside-the-box; when violence is no longer the answer, Uranus awakens our genius to help us find ways to create a peaceful revolution on all levels. Our society needs to be revitalized from the bottom up. New laws, new economies, new educational models, new communities, new international relationships, new visions for the future.

Uranus' gift to us is illumination and liberation by whatever means necessary. Sudden dramatic events, sudden losses, sudden surprises may give us a freedom we didn't have before. This power is unpredictable. What if the Internet went down? Would we freak out or would we be surprised by how strong our internal psychic innernet actually is?



6:59 pm
April 10, 2014

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