Blog: Water Fasting (second attempt)
by amenra

Day 0

day 0 of my water fast

Date:   7/14/2013 4:42:12 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 726 times

16/7/2013 - Start of the Pain

I will start my water fast the 16th of july 2013.
My goal is 40 days. I don't know if I am being too ambitious.

If I can make it to 30 days that will also be a good result.

I want to feel good in my skin. I want mental clarity.

I want my body and mind to heal.

I am living with my father and he thinks everything I do is "bull****" and this is one of them. So I will be criticized everyday constantly about how stupid my journey is. I have to be strong. My father has a path and I have another one. I believe in one thing and he believes in another.

I tried it before and lasted 3 days.
THe first 2 days were difficult but the third day I felt like a zombie. No energy and thinking constantly about food.
Apparently the second phase of the fast starts on the 4th day and you stop feeling hungry. So I have to persever in my effort.

Why am I doing this?
I need to find a job. My last job was hell on earth especially since I was eating garbage all the time and smoking. Now I stopped smoking and eat a lot of fruits but I still think I can improve. I still feel shitty inside my head.

I like Jesus and since he fasted 40 days I want to be like Jesus.

I met a girl a few weeks ago, I was drunk and we had fun. I can not talk to her while sober because I am not who I want to be. I am ashamed of who I am. I need to change. So for this girl I also want to change.

I want to clean up my pineal gland, I want to know how it feels to have a healthy pineal gland.

I weigh 73 kg and my height is 177 cm.

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