Blog: Blue Shield member saved by Humaworm
by immunoparasite survivor

Notes from the Front Lines

The battle is fought both on the spiritual front as on the physical plane.

Date:   6/5/2013 5:55:08 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1191 times

A note to previous post, an additional remedy I have been using along with the Humaworm Product is Mimosa Pudica by BioPure, This natural remedy provides neurological, gastro-intestinal, Urological, Skin Health Support, addresses Inflammation provides Parasite/Microbial Defense.

All of my research and experience with this disease is that you must clean your organs and somehow PHYSICALLY remove the eggs and worms from all parts of your body. That is why it takes so long to get well. I am not completely free yet. No more face lesions but a strange cobwebby kind of face hair and on my back. Little white and black specks get caught in the "peach fuzz" and then a lesion develops, itching and all. I have my face waxed and clean my eyebrows, keep my hair away from the face. My face is clear although I have scars on my nose and around my mouth. I use Tea Tree soap, shampoo and conditioner. I still use the Desonide and Flucosine on my face and body respectively when a lesion begins to set up on my face and on my spine when I go to bed at night. I get itchy pain between my shoulder blades. The steroid quiets the whole area down. The dark circles around my eyes have come and gone and returned but much smaller. I believe that I am reducing the worm load in my body with regular professional colonics, wheat free diet, daily ginger tea infused neti pot sinus cleanings, and the most important Humaworm product and Humana tea. The order I have taken the Humaworm product so far is first, Humaworm for adults and the Colon cleanse, second the Anti-Bio, third the Lyme Disease, Fourth the Kidney cleanse and I am currently taking the Liver/Gallbladder cleanse. I am out of Humans Tea, waiting since early May for my order. Apparently there is worldwide demand for their product especially fueled by internet blog posts penned by thankful people like myself. In the interim I have been using Ginger tea to good effect in my Neti Pot and it clears my throat. I am hoping that the last Humaworm Product (the In-between formula and something for Candida & Fungi) I have ordered will be the last nail in the coffin of the worm that has set up shop in my body.
There is one more thing I highly recommend to help you on your healing path. As I felt so very alone in this illness, to keep from feeling shame I began reading "THE WAY OF MASTERY(The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, The Way of Knowing)by the Shanti Christo Foundation. I boughtit on Amazon and it came with a meditation CD that I used every morning for a few months to assert my spirit's seniority in this body for as long as I need to use it to accomplish my purposes in this life. It has been a blessed companion to give me love when I so needed it. We are one with our Father. What can overcome our Father? Nothing. We are loved, loving, and lovable forever. No worries, many blessings.

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