Blog: My greatest discovery ever - quick recovery
by Kadima

How To Heal Yourself Fast

One of the major reasons why we get sick is because of the way we react to reality, either consciously or subconsciously. It is really easy to reverse the process of getting sick.

Date:   5/21/2013 12:45:41 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 11275 times


I have made the greatest discovery this morning - even finding the source belief and negating it in your head, helps release the memory stored in the body, and therefore starts the healing immediately.

Let me elaborate.

I went to my mother-in-law's house on Sunday to pack and cleanup the house to get it ready for sale. My mother-in-law passed away about one and half years ago on Christmas, so my wound is still fresh. I took care of her when she had cancer - every single day for about a month.

So, silly me, forgot to bring my oils with me, which I always bring there to help me deal with sadness. I realized it when I was at her house, when all of a sudden, the old-learnt response of my stomach, very similar to hiatal hernia, let me know. I turned the radio on, trying to destruct myself. However, in one day, I still felt the pain, burping, and all that good stuff.

I applied Peace and Calming to my stomach and spine, and smelled it. As I took my dog Pepper for a walk, I started analyzing my problem. I quickly realized the root cause - my belief of being unable to ever get over my parents' death.

I loved my parents so much, and being a kid, could never handle anyone's death. When my grandpa died, I could not even go back to his place, from which the funeral procession was going to start. I thought my heart was going to burst, if I saw him lifeless. I took care of him after school, though I never hugged him (that still hurts!), because my parents never hugged me. My mother was taught by some insane doctor, that she was supposed to hug us when we were asleep!

It is still very hard for me, re-living this memory, and I am crying now - which is good. I am letting the memory go. (I just smelled Trauma Life and Release. Trauma Life always helps me. I just put a tiny bit on my 3rd eye (I felt like it), and put Trauma Life on my stomach and spine, my heart, and smelled it.

I took a break from this post, so the oils could be more effective. Came back smiling, and free of pain!). I will slap Valor, just to make sure.

Guys! This is IT!!!!!!!!!!

Love, always,

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