Oh dear, dear, Leslie
find a way to go verical with one simple seed
again...Keep The beet.
You ca do it.
12:55 am
August 26 2010
Leslie: Pull together you materials
for Keep The Beet.
This needs to go in the Pacific Symposims
This needs to go on the Beet Keepers new website.
What should that web site say?
Find the Iphoto library of Keep the Beet materials.
Sparrow campaign...
What is sustainable living?
it is to keep the beet with nature.
it is 9:48 am
August 25, 2010
Last night was the full moon
in the month of Alul in the
Jewish Calendar.
In two weeks we have the new moon,
and God Wiling I will be back on the
mountain top with the other children
of freedom community.
This is a little video that we made two years
There was a continuation of this project
at last year's new year's event.
There will be a continuation of the
beet project at this year's event.
I am looking over the BioSmart containers now
and wondering what what plants, aside from
Boot seeds and beet roots are appropriate for
growing in the BioSmart containers?
I have a few weeks to get started.
I have truly lost the beat with nature
in my own life these past few months.
I am starting to come to my senses tonight
as I piece together my experience of the
last few months.
We are in the Summer of Shift 2010.
This is what happened.
I live with others on a piece of land
that has been enbuded with the Vision of
grounding the Enchanted Garden.
The community has been stable
for numbers of years.
I anticipated residents moving out
for months.
Then suddenly the Shift hit the Fan,
so to speak.
This Shift has been global as well as local,
right here in my backyard.
The experience, in various ways, is the same.
We have lost the beat with nature.
Our dreams have come home to roost.
Most of our dreams planted now--
the ones we eat and drink everyday
and trade dollars are based on a false
They are are of sync with Nature's Original Technology.
We have attempted to fit a design for our future
based on a technology that does not suit us.
The Shift is about coming back to what works,
time tested and age old principles.
All this juncture in my own experience,
I realize I have taken on too much.
The Shift at the house here, the need for new
housemates, caused a tremendous usurping
of my time and energy. When there is a housemate
opening, filling this becomes a full time job.
In the middle of the Summer Shift here,
the strongest female influence at the house
moved out unexpectedly.
This created a deep need for new housemates.
Humpt Dumpty sat on a wall,
humtpy Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings Horses...could not
put Humpy dumpty back together again...
Only the reclaiming the Soul can do that.
Soul and Body are meant to go together.
Through gardening, we can tie our lives
together, and turn the beet around.
So sow them together, by rooting your dreams.
plant in pots.
Use Natan's help.
Get new plants growing.
Get out in the natural elements agan
caring for our vegetative nature
that connects us with the organo-vegetative side of life.
These are concepts from Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
as expressed in Man, Cosmos, and Society.
Find that book and review what he was saying
or...go with the basic story
rewritten of the queen who lost her beat with nature.
She keep it in a box.
There was once a queen who lost her crown.
What was the issue?
She lost her beat with nature,
how could she possibly get it back?