I Can Do It! Get Down to The San Diego Convention Center!!!
I Can Do It! Get Down to The San Diego Convention Center!!!
Date: 5/15/2010 3:36:22 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2396 times
1:24 AM
May 15, 2010
I Can Do It! was a reunion of souls
for me Day One.
The day was profound.
Friday were workshop intensives.
If you live in San Diego, this conference is a lot to be missed
Lots of deeply feelings to process for me.
I sort of retired in 2005 after the International Feng Shui
Conference that we had here in San Diego at the
Hilton Bay Resort. This felt like a homecoming.
Louise hay is to be congratulated for drawing together
a profound group of attendees who came here from around the
I enjoyed interacting with the Hay House Staff.
I felt a deep calling to offer up an Enchanted Garden Installation.
There was a deeply need for healing plant energies. Gratfully,
there were lovely Louise Hay roses from one of San Diego's oldest
nursery's to play with. I helped spread them around to some key areas.
The conference was like walking through a dream for me.
Much more to say when I am rested.
The part that deeply needed to be improved was the food.
I feel like shifting my plans for Sunday, going to the early
morning Hillcrest Farmers' Market, and bringing some local
organic foods to the starving hungry people here.
There simple was very little real food on site.
I would recommend a four day Farmers' Market for next year.
I know it is not unheard of for the San Diego Convention Center
to serve organic food. I met some of the chefs when I was here
for the AAAS 176 Annual meeting a few months ago.
I love this convention center.
There is an amphitheater out back where I did some
Ceremony work the year the center opened. All day
I was encouraging people to go out and stand in that
sacred area that has the feel of an ancient temple.
Denise Lynn and I spent some time after her workshop.
I told her about the ampi theather. She said she would
go early in the morning.
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