Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Morning Research to Help

Morning Research to Help..
Research on White Sugar and Aspatame use.
I witnessed this being used heavily at a
religious community that I visited.

Date:   1/30/2010 12:23:12 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1544 times

10:22 AM
January 30, 2010

Spending time with some lovely people
who were eating some foods and drinks
that they may now know how harmful they are.

Putting this here to show them later.

Mountain Dew stylized as Mtn Dew, is a soft drink manufactured and distributed by PepsiCo. Although its formula was invented in Marion, Virginia, it was first marketed in Knoxville and Johnson City, Tenn. through the 1940s. Then by Barney and Ally Hartman, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and finally across the United States by 1964.[1] Mountain Dew is also owned by JoudCo company in Syria. Mountain Dew was originally released in the UK in 1996, then removed in 1998 due to low sales. It is still available in the UK through certain specialist outlets.
As of 2007, behind only Coca-Cola Classic, Pepsi-Cola, and Diet Coke, Mountain Dew was the 4th best selling carbonated soft drink in the United States. Mountain Dew's Diet version ranked 9th in sales.[2]
On October 15, 2008, Mountain Dew's official logo was redesigned to "Mtn Dew", from a PepsiCo rebranding of core products.[3][4] Only three of the alternate flavors of Mountain Dew, "Code Red", "Voltage", and "LiveWire", continue to use the original design. In January 2010 "Baja Blast" received the redesign. "Ultra Violet" and "Game Fuel" (2009) both used the current MTN design.

Two years after Aspartame was released to market, the brain tumor rates in the US started climbing. This is correlation to be sure, not causation. Guess who was in charge of the company that made aspartame at that point? Donald Rumsfeld, Chief Machiavellian of our generation.

So we can't have our young potential engineers sucking down Aspartame for ten years before they even get to college.

The message here is to carefully check your label on that lustrous Mountain Dew bottle. Make sure your Mountain Dew is full of sugar (brain food) NOT Aspartame (brain killer).

As an added side note about Mountain Dew and the brain, some recent studies suggest that caffeine improves memory, especially in women.

Good catch Suttonhoo. Only your keen marketing mind [1] could detect this brand of subtle danger.

146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health
By Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.

1.  Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2.  Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
3.  Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
4.  Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
5.  Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases).
6.  Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you loose.
7.  Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins.
8.  Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9   Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries.
10. Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
11. Sugar causes copper deficiency.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Sugar can weaken eyesight.

Fritz ter Meer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fritz ter Meer

Fritz ter Meer
June 4, 1884
Uerdingen, Germany
October 27, 1967 (aged 83)
Leverkusen, Germany
IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
• Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH. ISBN 978-3527281442.
• Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]


From "Arbeit macht frei" to "Codex Alimentarius"

The entrance of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Just fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst were again the architects of the next major human rights offences. In 1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission. (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)
This dark period of German history is inextricably bound to one man, Fritz ter Meer:
• He was a member of the Managing Board of IG Farben from its inception to its dissolution. As the Wartime Manager, he was responsible for IG Auschwitz.
• In the Nuremberg Tribunal, ter Meer stated: "Forced labor did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death."
• In 1948, ter Meer was sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal to seven years in prison for plundering and slavery.
• In 1952, his sentence was commuted, due to the influence of powerful friends.
• From 1956-1964, he was reinstated as a member of the Managing Board of Bayer AG.
• In 1962, ter Meer was one of the architects of the "Codex Alimentarius - Commission" and one of the main designers of the schemes that would profit from human suffering. (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)

Drinking water contains Flouride

Aspartame, "Rummy", Monsanto, Bayer, IGFarben....
Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 7-Nov-2001 15:17:38
Aspartame: Sweet Poison: Hustler, December 1994 
by Alex Constantine
The FDA is ever mindful to refer to aspartame, widely known 
as NutraSweet, as a "food additive"-- never a "drug." A "drug" on 
the label of a Diet Coke might discourage the consumer. 
And because aspartame is classified a food additive, adverse 
reactions are not reported to a fed. (1) NutraSweet is a 
non-nutritive sweetener. The brand name is misnomer. 
Try Non-NutraSweet.
Food additives seldom cause brain lesions, headaches, 
mood alterations, skin polyps, blindness, brain tumors, insomnia and 
depression, or erode intelligence and short-term memory. 
Aspartame, according to some of the most capable scientists in the 
country, does. In 1991 the National Institutes of Health, 
a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, published 
a bibliography, Adverse Effects of Aspartame, listing not less 
than 167 reasons to avoid it. (2)
Aspartame is an rDNA derivative, a combination of two amino acids 
(long supplied by a pair of Maryland biotechnology firms: 
Genex Corp. of Rockville and Purification Engineering in Baltimore.) (3)

Sodas containing Aspartame
* Coca-Cola C2 (reduced-calorie formulation; corn syrup, aspartame, Ace K, and sucralose)
* Coca-Cola Zero (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet 7 Up (aspartame and Ace K)[7]
* Diet A&W Root Beer (aspartame)
* Diet Barq's Root Beer (aspartame)
* Diet Big Red (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Canada Dry (aspartame)
* Diet Cherry Coke (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper (aspartame)
* Diet Coke (aspartame)
* Diet Coke with Lemon (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Coke with Lime (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Dr Pepper (aspartame)
* Diet Dr Pepper Berries & Cream (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Mountain Dew (aspartame, Ace K, and sucralose)
* Diet Mug Root Beer (aspartame)
* Diet Orange Tropicana Twister Soda (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Pepsi (aspartame)
* Diet Pepsi Jazz (aspartame and Ace K, multiple flavors)
* Diet Pepsi Lime (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Pepsi Vanilla (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Red Bull (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Schweppes Ginger Ale (aspartame)
* Diet Sprite Zero (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Sunkist (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Vanilla Coke (aspartame and Ace K)
* Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi (aspartame and Ace K)
* Fresca (aspartame and Ace K)
* Sierra Mist Free (aspartame and Ace K)
* Sugar Free Mountain Dew MDX (aspartame, Ace K, and sucralose)
* Tab (saccharin and aspartame)
* Vault Zero (aspartame and Ace K)

By Roberta Bellon
National Justice League
06 April 2004
SACRAMENTO-- April 6th, Lawsuits were filed in three separate California courts against twelve companies who either produce or use the artificial sweetener aspartame as a sugar substitute in their products. The suits were filed in Shasta, Sonoma and Butte County, California.

View Full Version : Pepsi and Coca cola Poison Us reseachers prove
12-29-2007, 03:00 AM
Aspartame Neurotoxic: Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nutra Sweet Sued in

The artificial sweetener aspartame, originally made and forced on the market by Monsanto Corp., is a neurotoxin and is damaging people's health, allege three separate lawsuits filed in different counties in California. Defendants in the lawsuits include Coca-cola, PepsiCo, Bayer Corp., the Dannon Company, William Wrigley Jr. Company, ConAgra Foods, Wyeth, Inc., The NutraSweet Company, and Altria Corp. (parent company of Kraft Foods and Philip Morris) and WalMart.

An unexplained epidemic of sudden cardiac death in the US may be due to the widespread use of the sweetener in "light" soft drinks, yogurts, chewing gums and bakery wares for diabetics. The FDA has blamed ephedra, a herb, for the deaths of several sports celebrities, that may in fact be aspartame related.

The National Justice League made the announcement on 6 April 2004.


By Roberta Bellon
National Justice League

06 April 2004

SACRAMENTO-- April 6th, Lawsuits were filed in three separate California courts against twelve companies who either produce or use the artificial sweetener aspartame as a sugar substitute in their products. The suits were filed in Shasta, Sonoma and Butte County, California.

The suits allege that the food companies committed fraud and breach of warranty by marketing products to the public such as diet Coke, diet Pepsi, sugar free gum, Flintstone's vitamins, yogurt and children's aspirin with the full knowledge that aspartame, the sweetener in them, is neurotoxic.

Aspartame is a drug masquerading as an additive. It interacts with other drugs, has a synergistic and additive effect with MSG, and is a chemical hyper-sensitization agent. As far back as 1970, Dr. John Olney founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity when he did studies on aspartic acid, which makes up 40% of aspartame, and found it caused lesions in the brains of mice. He made world news on the aspartame/brain tumor connection in 1996. Dr. Ralph Walton, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine has written of the behavioral and psychiatric problems triggered by aspartame-caused depletion of serotonin.

Aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression.

Aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol. The resulting chronic methanol poisoning affects the dopamine system of the brain causing addiction. Methanol, or wood alcohol, constitutes one-third of the aspartame molecule and is classified as a severe metabolic poison and narcotic.

Recent news is full of reports of world-class athletes and other healthy consumers of aspartame suddenly dropping dead. Sudden death can occur from aspartame use because it damages the cardiac conduction system.

Dr. Woodrow Monte in the peer reviewed Journal of Applied Nutrition, Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health, wrote: "When diet sodas and soft drinks, sweetened with aspartame, are used to replace fluid loss during exercise and physical exertion in hot climates, the intake of methanol can exceed 250 mg/day or 32 times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit of consumption for this cumulative poison."

The effects of aspartame are documented by the FDA's own data. In 1995 the agency was forced, under the Freedom Of Information Act, to release a list of ninety-two aspartame symptoms reported by thousands of victims. This is only the tip of the iceberg. H. J. Roberts, MD, published the medical text "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic" -- 1,000 pages of symptoms and diseases triggered by this neurotoxin including the sordid history of its approval.

Since its discovery in 1965, controversy has raged over the health risks associated with the sugar substitute. From laboratory testing of the chemical on rats, researchers have discovered that the drug induces brain tumors. On Sept 30, l980 the Board of Inquiry of the FDA concurred and denied the petition for approval. In 1981, the newly appointed FDA Commissioner, Arthur Hull Hayes, ignored the negative ruling and approved aspartame for dry goods. As recorded in the Congressional Record of 1985, then CEO of Searle Laboratories Donald Rumsfeld said that he would call in his markers to get aspartame approved. Rumsfeld was on President Reagan's transition team and a day after taking office appointed Hayes. No FDA Commissioner in the previous sixteen years had allowed Aspartame on the market.

In 1983, aspartame was approved for use in carbonated beverages. Today it is found in over 5000 foods, drinks and medicines.

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills" ( wrote about the relationship between aspartame and macular degeneration, diabetic blindness and glaucoma (all known to result from excitotoxin accumulation in the retina).

All of these neurodegenerative diseases are worsened by aspartame. In addition, we now have evidence that excitotoxins play a major role in exacerbation of MS and other demyelinating disorders including trigeminal neuraliga. Blaylock says that new studies show excitotoxins trigger significant elevation of free radicals in the lining (endothelial cells) of arteries, which means that aspartame will increase the incidence of heart attacks and strokes (atherosclerosis).

In original studies, aspartame has triggered brain, mammary, uterine, ovarian, testicular, thyroid and pancreatic tumors.

Defendants in the lawsuits include Coca-cola, PepsiCo, Bayer Corp., the Dannon Company, William Wrigley Jr. Company, ConAgra Foods, Wyeth, Inc., The NutraSweet Company, and Altria Corp. (parent company of Kraft Foods and Philip Morris).

Plaintiffs have asked for an injunction to stop companies from producing, manufacturing, processing, selling or using aspartame.

Plaintiffs in all three cases are seeking a jury trial.

By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
Telephone: 770-242-2599
Web Site:

Posted: 06 December 2009

It's obvious aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/E951 and dangerous drugs are depopulating the world for the New World Order. Aspartame interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines due to damage to the mitochondria. There were 106,000 deaths due to drug interaction and you can be sure aspartame was responsible for the majority in my opinion.
I would never use Bayer products. See the video below. Neither should anyone use Pfizer's products as an informant said they were putting aspartame in Dilantin which is used to treat seizures and aspartame is a seizure triggering drug. You remember that Monsanto sold to Pharmacia Upjohn who sold to Pfizer. So they know aspartame is a killer.
Merck likewise uses aspartame in Maxalt for headaches when headache is #1 on the FDA list of 92 symptoms from four types of seizures to coma and death. They also push aspartame on pregnant women knowing full well its an abortifacient and teratogen causing birth defects and mental retardation. It's in their Merck for home use. I have written them several letters - they just don't care. Furthermore, there are several articles on Merck and depopulation on the net. Here's one for starters:

You can no longer trust any medications. I was prescribed Ambien CR and it not only swelled my face but gave me optic neuritis which you usually get from the free methyl alcohol in aspartame. A comment by the FDA on the net said it only takes one Ambien CR to causing swelling. It made me wonder if there was aspartame in it and why the FDA since it had full knowledge allowed it on the market. But to ask the question I guess is to answer it because they allow all dangerous drugs to be marketed and the killer aspartame. FDA stands for Faster Dying Americans.
So for those who use any kinds of drugs take this as a warning. If a pharmaceutical company uses aspartame in their product you can be assured they have been told and are using it anyway with full knowledge that it can cause disability and death. Don't use that company.
Never use a pharmaceutical without asking the pharmacist if aspartame is in it.
List to this video and be warned:

Also be alerted to deadly vaccinations. I know a friend of mine was given a letter from the VA by her son who picked it up there while waiting at a physician's desk. It seemed a physician went to Africa to vaccinate children in an honest effort he thought to help. When the children died he had the vaccine analyzed and it had AIDS in it. When he wrote the VA he was told, "well they were going to die anyway of starvation". For information on vaccinations contact Ingri at
Send this note to your congressman and Senator.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
Aspartame Toxicity Center:

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