Blog: "Vaccines as a primary CAUSE of food allergies" by llasidog
Required Vaccinations = Repeat of Nazi Germany in USA
There are too many similarities between the rise of Nazis and the current situation here in the USA regarding vaccines. There is proof that vaccines cause ministrokes, autism, autoimmune disorders, and food allergies. What happened to the Constitution? What happened to Civil Rights? What happened to the idea of the government SERVING the people?
Date: 9/15/2009 9:50:34 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 29559 times
Teachers were forced to join the Nazi Party and attend special
classes on how to properly teach the ideas of Nazism in their
lessons. All textbooks were rewritten to tell the story of the
Nazi Party and the future plans of Hitler. The history of
Germany, and its greatness in the world, was a focus for classes
in the new curriculum, but it was always combined with the goals
of the Nazi Party.
September 6, 2006
(Washington, DC) - Media Matters for America has
found ABC is "generously sponsor[ing]" high school teaching
materials in connection with its "docu-drama" the Path to
9/11 that leave out key information, resulting in a
distorted account of pre-Iraq War WMD claims, and falsely link
the war in Iraq to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
"By pushing material with misleading information to students of
all ages, ABC and Scholastic are engaging in the worst kind of
political propagandizing and misinformation campaign," said
Media Matters President and CEO David Brock. "It
appears they are actively seeking to misinform our children on
recent historical events that have shaped our world. Such
behavior from a major network like ABC is not only
unprecedented; it is highly inappropriate and deeply troubling."
Millions of
Americans are marching, blogging, calling Congress,
E-mailing friends, and writing to newspapers to say that
President Obama and Congress are expanding government too
far, too fast. We need to do more, because it’s clear that
they’re not getting the message. The latest example: the
House of Representatives is preparing to put the Department
of Education into the business of creating educational
curriculum for American students.
...This is unprecedented.
Federal curriculum is contrary to longstanding government
policy - and it’s unnecessary. For decades, Federal law has
prohibited the U.S. Department of Education from exercising
control over the “curriculum, program of instruction . . .
or over the selection or content of library resources, text
books, or other educational materials by any educational
institution or school system.”
In Nazi Germany, people were encouraged to spy on their
neighbors and report them.
2002 - TIPS
- Terrorism Information and
Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will
have a higher percentage of citizen informants
than the former East Germany through the
infamous Stasi secret police. The program would
use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to
report "suspicious activity".
Homeland Security - Peace Fresno, a peace
group, was spied upon by the government's
antiterrorism unit. (was in Michael Moore's
2009 - "If you see
anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s
plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the
health care system, the White House
wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP. "From the
White House website:There is a lot of disinformation
about health insurance reform out there, spanning from
control of
personal finances to
end of life care. These rumors often
travel just below the surface via chain emails or through
casual conversation. Since we can’t keep
track of all of them here at the White
House, we’re asking for your help.
If you get an email or see something on the web
about health insurance reform that
seems fishy, send it to"
Our national debt is huge. If China calls in the loans - we
can't pay them!
"The Number of unemployed
grew; people starved on the streets. In the crisis, people
wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions -
Hitler offered them both, and Nazi success in the elections
grew. Germans turned to Nazism because they were desperate."
Unemployment is growing. Those employed are
making less.
"The number of Nazi seats in the Reichstag
rose from 12 in 1928 to 230 in July 1932. To Hitler, this
depression was like a gift because for every problem the Nazi
Party had come up with an explanation or promise."
We've had the Republicans as a majority in both houses along
with the presidency. Now the Democrats. Both situations result
in bad government.
"Hitler came to power as chancellor and after the death of
Hindenburg he managed to pass the
"Enabling Act
" through bribing other parties or terrorizing them. This
enabling act made himlegal dictator of Germany for the next 4
During the 2004 campaign, Judge Guido Calabresi of the US Court
of Appeals told a lawyers' conference that the Supreme Court
decision deciding the 2000 election for Bush was
``exactly what happened" when Mussolini and Hitler came to power
in the '30s. And ``like Mussolini," Calabresi said,
Bush ``has exercised extraordinary power -- he has exercised
power, claimed power for himself."
A year before, Michael Kinsley wrote in Slate that ``in terms of
the power he now claims, without significant challenge, George
W. Bush is now the closest thing in a long time to dictator of
the world."
Time and again the D-word or its equivalent has been invoked to
describe the Bush presidency. On issues ranging from his
``signing statements" to the treatment of enemy combatants and
his defense of the Patriot Act,
Bush has regularly been accused of harboring totalitarian
impulses. ``We're
seeing clearly now that Bush thought 9/11 gave him license to
act like a dictator," wrote Jonathan Alter in
Newsweek last December. Just the other day, The American
Prospect's Robert Kuttner warned that the Bush administration
has been ``a slow-rolling coup d'etat" but that ``people are
afraid to say so."
"Following his election as Chancellor, Hitler was in a position
where he was the nominal leader of the Weimar republic but he
did not have the majority necessary to implement his political
program. To do as he wanted he required such a majority, indeed
he needed the opposition to be silenced. A fire in the
Reichstag buildings provided him with the ideal
opportunity to take the initiative."
Tube has permanently suspended another major 9/11 truth account
in a continuation of the purge that began following efforts by
the establishment to smear the 9/11 truth movement as
terrorist propaganda.
The fire was publicly blamed upon the Communists.
4000 communist party members were consequently arrested and sent
to concentration camps around Germany. In a stroke Hitler had
annihilated the most potent threat to his leadership. This was
followed, very quickly, by the Enabling Act.
This measure allowed Hitler the right to rule without
consultation of the Reichstag or the president. It was in effect
a decree of a state of emergency. The result
was the banning of all opposition parties, censorship of
broadcasts and publications and a rapid replacement of
Government officials who were deemed to be unsympathetic towards
Nazi policy.
Blamed on the Terrorists. The USA is
continually under a state of emergency. Under Bush it was
terrorism. Under Osama it is a possible epidemic.
If the epidemic is declared and Osama can do this without
consulting anyone, the USA is put astate of emergency
and control is given to the WHO to inoculate each of us at
Our news is already censored. Have you heard
much of the negative effects of vaccines? How about discussion
about what really happened on 9/11?
"Below is a copy of a blog I posted at on March 28,
2008; it was entitled: “Media Blitz Supports Big Pharma
Vaccination “Big Lie” Propaganda.”
Within a day of posting,
my blog (which, along with Dr. Rima’s blog on
this site, are the top two “health freedom blogs” on Google)
was marked as
“spam” and blocked by Blogger. You can see my
previous blog entries, but the blog entry below is no longer on
the site and I cannot post new blogs there. They threaten to
remove the entire blog. The blog has been marked as “spam”
though, when you read Blogger’s spam rule, there is no spam
violation; I only posted a couple times in March and had only a
couple links in the postings. Why, do you suppose, Blogger and
Google, its owner, thinks my little blog is “spam” — must be
doing something right!"
In 2006, former President George Bush signed into law the Public
Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP). It gives power
to the Secretary of the U.S. government’s Health and Human
Services department (HHS) to declare any infectious disease a
“national emergency” and therefore require mandatory vaccination
of the entire population. Because of the existence of this PREP
Act, the entire population of the USA is now but one pen stroke
away from being subjected to mandatory swine flu vaccinations at
Those who
resist such vaccines will be arrested and taken away for
“isolation” in domestic prison camps. They can’t
just leave vaccine refusers free to live among the population,
of course, because that would send the message that anyone can
refuse the vaccines without consequence. So they’ll arrest those
who refuse the vaccine, labeling them “a threat to national
security” (enemies of the state) and imprison them without
trial, without charges and without any legal representation
1933 Jews are prohibited from working as civil servants, doctors
in the National Health Service, and teachers in public high
schools. All but few Jewish students are banned from public high
schools and the nation's universities.
am a college student and will not be allowed to do my
clinicals in the nursing program unless
I receive a rubella vaccination.
However, the
hospital system requires several other vaccinations for workers
upon hire. That includes measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox,
tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria.
A New York State law that takes effect this month
requireshospitals to
provide records showing all their workers have seasonal flu
vaccinations or face fines, and the impending
Virginia Mason MedicalCenter
in Seattle, the first U.S. hospital to
require flu vaccination for staffers,
employees who object must wear a face mask during
flu season or ...
This coming year may
well see an end to my long period of employment as a
nurse. In 2009, the Victorian Department of Health
Services will release their mandatoryvaccination
New York State Hospital Review and Planning Council and the
Commissioner of Health passed a law stating that EVERY health
care worker (defined as anyone coming into contact with patients
– including volunteers and hospital workers) are REQUIRED to
have the influenza vaccination by
November 30, 2009 or
they will lose their jobs. I already know one person whom this
will affect. She objected to the mandatory vaccine and has been
told that she
WILL lose her job if she doesn’t have submit.
It states that this will be the same process in future years and
ALL health care workers in New York must receive an influenza
vaccine every year by Nov. 30 – it’s not just this year. If you
want to read the text of the law yourself, it’s here:
1935 The Nazis intensify the persecution of political dissidents
and others considered "racially inferior" including "Gypsies,"
Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals. Many are sent to
concentration />
This is what you and I have to look forward to if we decide we
do not want to be vaccinated. (They LIE when then call it
immunization! If it really immunized people then the ones who
got their shots would be totally safe from the disease!)
A A tracking chip... protect us from people using our SS# can be
implanted. It might be done without your consent through
vaccinations...? Health records on the Internet...
The aim of censorship under the Nazi regime was simple: to
reinforce Nazi power and to suppress opposing viewpoints and
information. Punishments ranged from banning of presentation and
publishing of works to
deportation, imprisonment, or even execution in a
concentration camp.
"The chief function of propaganda is to convince the
masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given
time so they may absorb information; and only constant
repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on
their mind."
Censored 2009: The Top 25
Censored Stories of 2007-08 (Paperback)
Project Censored (Editor),
Peter Philips (Editor),
Andrew Roth (Editor) In times of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes an act of rebellion (G. Orwell)
The most important themes in the 2009 edition of Project
Censored are again
the erosion of civil liberties (under the veil of the `War on
Terror') [now the possible swine flu epidemic]
- legislation attacking Habeas Corpus (the protection of
individual citizens against unlawful exercises of State power),
free speech and free association
- the
criminalization of free speech and social protest [We can be
ARRESTED for refusing a vaccination! You can have your children
taken away if you refuse to have them vaccinated. If Obama or
the WHO says we should be vaccinated, we have no choice!]
internet censorship
- mass spying on private communications
- attacks on those who question the official 9/11 version
- and even the
possibility of confiscation of the assets of US citizens and
organizations who oppose US operations in Iraq [and now
- more, the term `terrorism' can include
even thoughts that run contrary to the US agenda of total world
domination. [or vaccination!]
war (`Aggressive war is the supreme international crime')
- dirty wars in Latin America
- war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan (1 million Iraqi deaths)
media monopolies
and corporatocracy (E. Goldman: `The most
unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought')
- the Truth Emergency Movement (`Journalism's job is to tell the
people what is really going on'),
- human rights and slavery (the exploitation of guest workers in
the US),
- environmental corporate corruption