Blog: Easy Immune Health Blog
by KerriKnoxRN

A Controversial New Idea in Health Reform...

Please help me to protect our health freedoms from those who are actively trying to take away our choices!

Date:   2/24/2009 9:02:25 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 46160 times

What is the controversy???

Health and Choice...

If you aren't mad about the new stimulus bill- you aren't paying attention!

The health bill that was hidden deep within the "Stimuus Bill" passed by our legislators and our president will DRASTICALLY limit our Freedom of Choice about our own health care.


* Your health records to be put in an electronic format

* The ability of those records to be accessed by government officials

* Health policies to be designed from the results of the data

* Medical doctors to follow the health policies.

What this means to you is that legislators will be determining what health treatments are 'best' for you from a cost perspective.

Are you ready to allow your elected officials to make your health decisions for you??

I know I'm not. I'm ready for a Health Revolution!!

That's why I signed this petition that is being sent to President Obama outlining a BETTER system of health reform that will:

* Encourage health and prevention- not just medical treatments

* Encourage PEOPLE to take responsibility for their health

* Actually REWARD people for GOOD health

* Offer Freedom of Choice in health care decisions

* Be a WAY BETTER long term solution for the health care crisis!!

Please join me in signing the Health Revolution Petition for REAL health reform that promotes REAL HEALTH and REAL FREEDOM of CHOICE!!

Thank you for helping me make our country a better place to live.


Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen

Functional Medicine Practitioner

PS. Please help me to make this country a better place and to help protect our health freedoms from those who would take it away from us.

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