Blog: humanocide
by abcseeker

2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explains AIDS and cancer)

2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explains AIDS and cancer)

Date:   12/22/2008 7:46:33 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1626 times

2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explaining AIDS and cancer)

This is the newest released Universe model, starting to include the Cure model (intended to explain every disease and disorder as a energy transfer problem between the body and mind. Not on this paper is my new translation describing body and mind, internal and external, also as generator (airways and waste system=body in), cable (blood system and nerve system=energy distribution=mind in/out, body in/out) and consumer (where the main energy transfer is conducted, the muscles: body or brain=mind out, body out. Notice that i may be the first to describe AIDS and cancer as the same disease. Both being to high combustion (compared to energy intake), AIDS with low energy intake, cancer with high energy intake. Both being triggered by brain activity due to fear or worry. The brain activating the nerves which triggers the body 1/10 ratio 24 hour a day. Exhausting your body and mind. Almost all diseases AND disorders are wasting related and part of a terrible experiment to reduce the world population and controlling the rest by the Jewish banking elite. Most of these disorders can be treated by stabilizing your weight at a OK level (fat 25-35%?) sleeping well and socializing (be happy and don’t worry!) Read more at my blogs: and humanocide at

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