Blog: water fasting is as easy as one, two, ten
by angel pie

Another day bites the dust

day 2

Date:   11/4/2008 4:07:41 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2513 times

Im happy….sooooo happy. I woke up this morning and stepped on the scale (my nightmare)….drum roll please. I lost 2.5 kgs. When converted, that is 5.5 lbs. I’m so proud of myself.

This morning I woke up early and stepped on the scale, ever since then, I have been smiling non-stop. On my way to university, a DJ on the radio had mentioned something about the smell of freshly baked croissants. At the mention of that, my mind want all whack. But I never gave into temptation because should I give in once, I’ll always give into temptation and I’m trying to be a strong girl here!

Have you noticed that you always want what you cannot have? I have noticed the importance and value of food in my life. At luch time I craved the simplest thing….take a guess what it was. I was craving a scrambled egg with some ham and mushrooms. On a normal day I would be craving crème brulee, but yet, crème brulee is the last thing on my mind. Oh, and I have been craving toast with hot, melted butter.

I have decided to go to the gym at 6pm so that I may go on the treadmill for 40 minutes and on the cycle for 20 minutes. I want to keep my metabolism up so that the fast doesn’t affect it that much.

I’m truly grateful to my three supporters. I’m going to sound like a nut, but I read you messages whenever my head gets the better of me. So thanks, you make this nut think twice about giving up. I’m hoping to reach 70 kgs by the Thursday. Now that will really motivate me.

Exercise tip: I know the fast tires you out, but try walking for 5 minutes thrice a day (preferably when the sun is not out). This means that you have walked for 15 minutes all together with straining yourself.

Happy fasting my fellow fasters.

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