Blog: Science vs Pseudoscience


Cryptozoologists are amateurs that pretend to be scientists. they try to impress the public with documentaries before the scientific community.

Date:   9/5/2008 4:56:17 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1911 times

I have ambitions to being a zoologist and am going through the proper channels to do so. I am a recent college graduate and am currently working my way to get experience upon which i plan to return to school and seek further education.
There are some people who wish to take a shortcut. they are cryptozoologists. With a handful of exeptions(*cough*Jeff Meldrum*cough*) who should know better, cryptozoologists are amateur enthusiasts. You can't just watch shark week a few times, chuck fish guts into a lake, and expect to find something.

Apart from the unprofessionalism and their blaspheming of what i aspire to practice, they dont put up or shut up. i cant tell you how many documentaries ive seen of this creature that creature and ten more creatures that nobody seems to be able to find. i dont wanna see another documentary or another episode of MonsterQuest until you give me a body, dead or alive. Real scientists dont complain when nobody believes them when they know the evidence is insufficient or their study is incomplete. If nobody believes them, it means that further study is needed.

there is a point though that it must be conceded that a line of research is fruitless. The best example of this from cryptozoology is lake monsters. lakes are ecologically incapable of supporting breeding populations of animals of the sizes claimed, and if they did they wouldnt be hard to find at all. It would be very obvious if a breeding population (many thousands) of 20-30ft animals were living in ANY lake. aside from the improbability. the whole of loch ness has been scanned and they couldnt definitively find a single unusual creature.

If they really want respect, the path to that is simple but not easy. Give something good to the scientific community. dont cry to the public first, that's unprofessional and is typical of pseudoscience. dont pretend that we are treating you unfairly until you give us a body. once you do let the gloating begin, until then shut up. It's not a conspiracy we arent being harsh we are treating you like anyone else who tries to play the science game before fully understanding what it entails. science is harsh it is critical it can seem mean, but it has to be to ensure that only the highest quality ideas get through.

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