Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

The "Beet" Goes on. Keep the "Beet!" Bernard Jensen Tribute

Three day Centennial Celebration,
The Legacy Lives on, will honor
Dr. Bernard Jensen, Iridology, and
Natural Health Care.
June 6,7,8 at the Town and Country
San Diego, an Exceptional Learning experience.
The "Beet" Goes On. Keep the "Beet!"

Date:   4/4/2008 11:24:04 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 6307 times

"Well, I will see you all
at my 100th Birthday!"
--Dr. Bernard Jensen (1901-2001)

The "Beet" Goes On. Keep the "Beet!" Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908-2001) heard the beet
and he carried it for most of his adult years. He, like many of us today are called to rise from imbalances.
He named imbalance "dis ease" rather than "disease."He knew each person was born with a mission and purpose.This is known as our Dream Job. It was something more than a 9-5 preoccupation.He knew that foods were our medicine and that they helped us keep in beat with our life purpose.

At the existing Hidden Valley Spa, his former Hidden Valley Health Ranch, he created Hippocrites Circle to remind us all that in the silence of a grove of Oak Trees, and in the fabric of whole, pure, and natural foods,we are given a gardening tool to keep all the pieces together.

Dr. Jensen was not into pieces. He was into "the Whole Thing." He intended spiritual, mental, as well as physical meaning in everything he said. He spoke and wrote volumes. 44 of his more than 60 books are still
in print. They are part of the Jensen Museum that will visit the Town and Country Convention Center June 6,7,8, San Diego California. Art Jensen, one of five offspring, and daughter-in-law Ellen Tart-Jensen,
proponent of a science-based Iridology, are inviting each of us to attend this historic meeting,
a Centennial Celebration and exceptional learning experience
in honor of Dr. Bernard Jensen, Iridology, and Natural Health Care.

The Saturday night Birthday Party will feature an open microphone where testimonials will be spoken.

Jensen saw more than 350,000 patients in his day. Some are too old now to travel to San Diego. Many came to him as their last resort, looking for hope. They left in better health, grateful they had crossed paths
with Dr. Bernard Jensen.

Dr. Bernard Jensen was of the generation when people used the word "Man" to mean Mankind, or Humanity.
He upheld the highest potential of each person he met. That was why he was loved by so many people.
People who knew him, could never forget him. He was a man who said "Let's go!" knew that when you fasted on water or juices or did a bowel cleanse, you were not alone. He was going to be with you in spirit 24/7.

As a doctor he was a healer of souls and soil. He knew how to connect soul with mind and body,
and soil. He loved to say, "He got well, and I never touched him!"

He did touch people. He had a bedside manner that could make a cripple walk.
From an early age, his own life represented overcoming. He stuttered.
He came from an abused son-father relationship.
He longed to heal the earth and uplift people.

At his 80th birthday, more than 1400 to this same Town and Country Convention Center from 84 countries to hear him speak for five days. He could speak from early morning to late evening. He kept people on the edge of their seats with laughter, wisdom, tears, practical nature knowledge, and Skill-based training.

He used the word "whole" before the holistic movement was born.
He preferred the spelling "wholistic." Smuts, who coined the word
in "Holism and Evolution," left out soul in his definition. Jensen gifted our generations with a "wholism"
intended to last 1000 years and bring in peace.

This is a man who knew why he was born.
He believed that the divine made tools such as Iridology where the Medicine of tomorrow
would not need invasive ways such as biopsy or extensive x-ray
to see inside the body. He said, "The eyes have it!"

Jensen had x-ray eyes, charismatic eyes. He looked in and saw what the soul
was wanting. He fed his patients with his soul, looking them in the eye.
This was his notorious bedside manner.
Then, using skills he received from generations of nature-minded M.D’s him
and natural healers of every kind,

He would tell a person what lifestyle changes and foods they
needed to balance. Kellogg, Tilden, Rocine, Luther Burbank, masters
of his day and masters from eons before him,
they spoke through the man. He was relentless in his pursuit of life,
knowledge, and uplifting others. He knew he did this out of his own need.

He overworked and sought to live rather than a long life,
a life worth living. He worked all day, and studied into the early morning.
"Most people die in bed," He would say.

He taught that Nature Cures, but she needs an opportunity.
He called his program, Dr Jensen's Balanced Daily Eating Regimen.
Find it in "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll Through Living Plant Life"

He knew his beets. He called them the Greatest Food of All until
he would turn to turnips; then they became the Greatest Food of All!'

He was inspiring and exasperating.He could speak for fifty minutes on virtues of Vegetarianism,
leading everyone to want to become one.Then, would come a question about meat from someone
who he perceived needed meat.

Jensen would speak fifty minutes on the virtues
of eating meat. Facts he used were grounded in principles.
Everything he said uplifted, unless he was intending to tear down institutional practices
that were already dead and needed a kick. He did not believe in pesticides, aspirin, vaccines.

Jensen was writing for these times.

Joe Rodriguez Jr., one of our local organic San Diego farmers
once provided food during his last years.
Dr. Jensen wrote to Joe, Man can't do without food--But there is food & then there is organic grown food
which is best. Feed man the best & he will be your best friend.”

Jensen knew the soil. in his book "Survive This Day" (A Doctor's Program for These Critical Times),
part of his Magic Survival Kit. He speaks of chlorophyll, seeds, berries, and sprouts.

Eating to Dr. Bernard Jensen, included things that were eating you.
In the Chlorophyll book he writes, "Learn to accept whatever decisions are made.
Miss meals if in pain. "No smoking, drinking, spitting or cussing.
Keep away from "spitty" people. He had a certain way.

He spoke out for Mother Nature, and used the word Nature as a living presence long before the generations
that would use the word Gaia, and know "Mother" as a living breathing organism.
He was a spiritual giant, who came from an Essene point of view that recognized,
as others in the Essene School of Thought, that we have inherited more than 8000 years
of nature wisdom as practiced in different traditions. He looked deeply at the Nature Wisdom and Health Wisdom in all traditions. In his DVD called "Dr. Bernard Jensen, His Quest for Health & Happiness,"
He took the footage in more than 50 years of travels.
The DVD is introduced by Dennis Weaver.

The beat that Jensen knew will come together this June 6,7,8
The program is called, "Centennial Celebration--The Legacy Lives On.
For Registration please call 1.888.743.1709/1-760.471.9977 and see

This story was written by Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener. Leslie co-wrote "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll through Living Plant Life" and "Survive This Day" with Dr. Jensen.

For stories about Dr. Bernard Jensen and the Centennial
Celebration, google The Beet goes on. Keep the beet! Your Enchanted Gardener,
or go to



The Beet Goes On. Keep the Beet!

Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908-2001) heard the beet
 and he carried it
for most of his adult years. 

He, like many of us today are called to rise

from imbalances. He named imbalance "dis ease" rather
 than "disease."
He knew each person was born
 with a mission and purpose.
This is known as
 our Dream Job. It was something more than 

a 9-5 preoccupation.

 He knew that foods were our medicine
and that they helped us keep in beat with our life purpose.

At the existing Hidden Valley Spa, his former
 Hidden Valley Health Ranch,
he created Hippocrites Circle to remind us all that in the silence
of a grove of Oak Trees, and in the fabric of whole, pure, and natural foods,
we are given a gardening tool to keep all the pieces together.

Dr. Jensen was not into pieces. He was into 
"the Whole Thing."
He intended
 spiritual, mental, as well as physical meaning
 in everything he said.
He spoke and wrote
 volumes. 44 of his more than 60 books are still
 in print.
They are part of the Jensen Museum 
that will visit the Town and Country
 Center June 6,7,8, San Diego California.

(L) to (R) Debra St Claire, Art Jensen, Ellen Tart-Jensen, and Leslie Goldman, Your EG,
Leslie and Debra are both former co-writers of Jensen books.
Natural Product Expo West 2006


Art Jensen, one of five offspring, and daughter-in-law Ellen Tart-Jensen,
proponent of a science-based Iridology, are inviting each of us to attend this historic meeting,
a Centennial Celebration and exceptional learning experience
in honor of Dr. Bernard Jensen, Iridology, and Natural Health Care.

The Saturday night Birthday Party will feature an
 open mic
where testimonials will be spoken.

 Jensen saw more than 350,000 patients in his day.
Some are too old now to travel to San Diego. Many came to him as their last resort,
looking for hope. They left in better health, grateful they had crossed paths

with Dr. Bernard Jensen. 

Dr. Bernard Jensen was of the generation
 when people used
the word "Man" to mean
 Mankind, or Humanity.

He upheld the highest
 potential of each person he met.
That was why
 he was loved by so many people.

People who knew him, could never forget him.

He was a man who said "Let's go!"

knew that when you fasted on water or juices or did a bowel cleanse,
you were not alone.
He was going to be with you in spirit 

As a doctor he was a healer of souls and soil.
He knew how to connect
soul with mind and body,
and soil. He loved to say, "He got well,
 and I never touched him!"

He did touch people. He had a bedside manner that
 could make a cripple walk.
From an early age, his own
life represented overcoming. He stuttered.
He came
 from an abused son-father relationship.
He longed 
to heal the earth and uplift people.
At his 80th birthday,
more than 1400 to this same Town and Country

Convention Center from 84 countries to hear him speak
 for five days.
He could speak from early morning to 
late evening.
He kept people on the edge of their 
seats with laughter,
wisdom, tears, practical nature knowledge,
and Skill-based training.

He used the word "whole" before the holistic movement was born.

He preferred the spelling "wholistic." Smuts, who coined the word
 in "Holism and Evolution,"
left out soul in his definition.
 Jensen gifted our generations with a "wholism"
 intended to last 1000 years
and bring in peace.

This is a man who knew why he was born.
He believed that the divine made tools such as Iridology where the Medicine
 of tomorrow
would not need invasive ways such as biopsy or extensive x-ray

to see inside the body. He said, "The eyes have it!"

Jensen had x-ray eyes, charismatic eyes.
He looked in and saw what the soul
was wanting.
He fed his patients with his soul, looking them in the eye.
This was his notorious bedside manner.

 Then, using skills he received 
from generations
of nature-minded M.D’s him
 and natural healers of every kind,

He would tell a person what lifestyle changes and foods they
 needed to balance.
Kellogg, Tilden, Rocine, Luther Burbank, masters 
of his day and masters from eons before him,
they spoke through
 the man. He was relentless in his pursuit of life,
and uplifting others. He knew he did this out of his own need.

He overworked and sought to live rather than a long life,
a life
 worth living. He worked all day, and studied into the early morning.

"Most people die in bed," He would say.

He taught that Nature Cures, but she needs an opportunity.

He called his program, Dr Jensen's Balanced Daily Eating Regimen.

Find it in "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll."

He knew his beets. He called them the Greatest Food of All until

he would turn to turnips; then they became the Greatest Food of All!'

He was inspiring and exasperating.

He could speak for fifty minutes on virtues of Vegetarianism,

leading everyone to want to become one.
Then, would come a
 question about meat from someone
who he perceived needed meat.

 would speak fifty minutes on the virtues
of eating meat.
 Facts he used were grounded in principles.
Everything he said uplifted, unless he
 was intending to tear down institutional practices
that were already dead
and needed a kick.

He did not believe in pesticides, aspirin, vaccines.

Jensen was writing for these times.

 Joe Rodriguez Jr.,
one of our local organic San Diego farmers

once provided food during his last years.

Dr. Jensen wrote to Joe,
Man can't do without food--But there is food & then there is organic grown food
which is best. Feed man the best & he will be your best friend.”

Jensen knew the soil. in his book "Survive...This Day"

(A Doctor's Program for These Critical Times),
part of his
 Magic Survival Kit.
 He speaks of chlorophyll,
seeds, berries,
 and Sprouts.

 Eating to Dr. Bernard Jensen,
included things that were eating you.
 In the Chlorophyll book
he writes, "Learn to accept
 whatever decisions are made.
Miss meals if in pain.

No smoking, drinking, spitting or cussing.
Keep away from
 "spitty" people. He had a certain way.

He was not afraid to speak out for Mother Nature,
and used the word Nature, as if it were an identity,

a living presence in our life before the generations
that would
 use the word Gaia, and know "Mother" as a living breathing organism.

He was a spiritual giant, who came from an Essene point of view
 that recognized,
as others in the Essene School of Thought, that
 we have inherited more than 8000 years
of nature wisdom as practiced 
in different traditions. He looked deeply at the Nature Wisdom and Health Wisdom 
in all traditions. In his DVD called "DR. BERNARD JENSEN,
 His Quest for Health & Happiness,"
he shows footage he took over more 
than 50 years of travels.

The DVD is introduced by Dennis Weaver,
 who came to know and admire "Doc"
as he was called by many.

The beat that Jensen knew will come together this June 6,7,8

The program is called, "Centennial Celebration--The Legacy Lives On.

For Registration please call 1.888.743.1709/1-760.471.9977 and see

For stories about Dr. Bernard Jensen and the Centennial
google The Beet goes on. Keep the beet! Your Enchanted Gardener,
or go to


The Beet Goes on. Keep the Beet!
Press Release:

For more about A Nation of Gardeners
go here:

A Nation of Gardeners,
A shift in Consciousness:
With enough of us entering Plant Parenthood,
we have a chance to shift the consciousness
that one day, the value of locally grown organic food
and the necessity to keep it local will be seen,
felt, and heard.


Chiwah, edit please.
Call Steve at The Light Connection
Whole Foods co-sponsorship,
Permission has been given to show
books I wrote, Whole Foods carries
a few of them.

The Beet Goes on.
It is time now to
Become A Nation of Gardeners
living on a nenewed Earth,
he would tell us now.

Co-inspiration for
The Beet Goes On,
the Enchanted Garden
Plant Parenthood Program.
One Person+One Pot+Plant Your Dream Job=
More Enchanted Garden.


if I cannot live for my dream,
I will die for it....11:30 AM

and beet...

He inspired what became the Enchanted Garden Teaching
that the Soul and the Earth are Soilmates.

Others simple acknowledged that they loved this man.
Who could not? He electrified his audiences with his charasmatic
and home grown folk wisdom. He could turn a spiritual phrase,
or tell a story in a way that anyone could understand.

he had a bedside manner that was enough to raise the dead.
I was one that he raised up. he saw more than 350,000 patients.
He traveled around the world many times over, in search of his quest.

He is known as the American Father of Iridology. He would say,
"The Eyes Have it." He did not invent Iridology. The Divine invented
Iridology. The divine created ways, some of them known today,
some little known, where we could see inside the body and tell what
was going on. Jensen, as many ancients knew, the eye is a window
to the soul, or more accurately, what the soul is crying for in terms
of foods to restore balance.


writer The Reader...
can it get in....???

Mainsteam Press....
Not to be dismissed...
arrested for practicing medicine without a license....

Hidden Valley Spa Tie In...

mainstream press....????

Volunteer writers...

Rancho La

Held a space in consciousness....

the loss of the lower ranch...

a son to fulfill a spiritual need...

He understood the kitchen....
as a sacred space...
to have that calling and respond to it
Those that can hear...

A kitchen as a holy place, where soul and heart,
where the beet can go on....

IF Sara Snow could take it on....
or the organic Center....

The Healing Quest...
On PBS...

using my highest talents...

Whole Foods Market...
support for Jensen work....

The Beet goes on...

Survival Law #14:

"We can't live JUST on milk, tomatoes, or watermelon, but we can survive on seeds,
sprouts, berries, and chlorophyll-rich greens. These are the survival foods in case
of sickness or disaster. Always know how you can get these four food groupings--
either, fresh, or if need be, dehydrated, preserved or dried--at all times of the year."
--From "Survive... This Day"
By Dr. Bernard Jensen
A Doctor's Program For These Critical Times


Jensen on Beets:

BEET GREENS--containing potassium, magnesium, iodine and iron are an excellent body
mineralizer. Clean and wash thoroughly. Use stems if they are tender. Cut up fine and
steam like spinach. Beet green juice is wonderful for the liver and gall bladder. A half glass
per day will also help bowel movements.

P. 127
From "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll"

"Don't call your doctor.
Call your Vegetable."
--Chef Jem and Your Enchanted Gardener
12:25 PM
in the History of Peace on Earth
inspired by Dr. Jensen's
paragraph and hearing this story
in my bedroom.

To live our Life:
IF I can't live for it,
die for it.

"Resurrection will come through."
Chef Jem

Jensen had an an endless mountain of heroes
who all carried the beet.

He knew them. He thirsted after them.
He carried on their work, and it is for us
to carry on his work.

12;37 PM

Drum Circle at earth Day.

The beet goes on in Earth Day...

20th anniversary of earth day...
the beet goes on...

Call Carolyn...

another event that I was invited to speak...
Earth Day...

A simple prop...
the Beet growing in the container...


"Green greens contain oxalic acid, but not so much as spinach as swiss chard.
Use them raw in salads or steamed. The stems contain more iron than the leaves.
They are also good for cooking: to prevent burning of food cooked in stainless steal
pans place some raw beet leaves in the pan."

P. 148
Nature Has a Remedy"

"Beets are good for the gall bladder and the liver. They are good for building blood.
Shredded beets are one of the best things served. Use an amount the size of a golf ball
once a day. If fresh beets are not available, use beet tablets."
--From "Nature Has a Remedy"
Magic Survival Kit, Book Four
P. 73

to Joe Rodriguez Jr, AKA Joe the Farmer as a blessing
to all San Diego local organic+ farmers

Dr. Bernard Jensen, Locally Grown....

If your headache is caused by a disturbance in the liver,
use beets in the diet: Shredded beats, shreaded raw beets,
cooked beets, beet juice. Have beets in the diet everyday."
--From "Nature Has a Remedy."

Beet grown by Phil and Juany Noble...

Feet grown by Joe Rodriguez Jr. AKA Joe the Farmer

Beet seeds...

books to special order...
from nutribooks...

Whole Foods permission...
to promote the conference...


printing...get some printing...
E.G. Memberships...
Call them...

First Draft
8:55 AM
April 4, 2008

8:55 AM

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