Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

Democrat Governor of New York indicted- and he has not resigned? of course not, democrats are allowed to break the law.

Transcript of Gov. Eliot Spitzer's remarks after being linked to prostitution ring

Date:   3/10/2008 4:26:51 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 7625 times

Approved :




Assistant United States Attorneys


United States Magistrate Judge

Southern District of New York

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X $MAG 0463 ALED COMPLAINT



a/k/a "Michael, "


a/k/a "Katie, "

a/k/a "Kate, "


a/k/a "Rachelle, " and


a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

Violations of

18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1952,

2421, 2422, 1956





KENNETH HOSEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that

he is a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,

and charges as follows:


1.' From in or about December 2004 to in or about

March 2008, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere,

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate, " TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle, " and TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania HollanderIN the defendants, and others

known and unknown, unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly did

combine, conspire, confederate, and agree together and with each

other to violate Sections 1952 (a) ( 3 ) , 2421, and 2422 (a) of Title

18, United States Code.

2. It was a part and an object of the conspiracy that

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollandert1I the defendants, and others

known and unknown, would and did use and cause to be used

facilities in interstate commerce, to wit, cellular telephones

and e-mail, with intent to promote, manage, establish, and carry

on, and to facilitate the promotion, management, establishment

and carrying on of an unlawful activity, to wit, a business

enterprise involving prostitution offenses in violation of

applicable State law, and thereafter did perform and attempt to

perform an act to promote, manage, establish, and carry on and to

facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, and carrying

on of said unlawful activity, in violation of Title 18, United

States Code, Section 1952 (a) (3).

3. It was a further part and an object of the

conspiracy that MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle,"

and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendants, and

others known and unknown, unlawfully, willfully and knowingly

would and did transport individuals in interstate and foreign

commerce with intent that such individuals engage in

prostitution, and in sexua| activity for which a person can be

charged with a criminal offense, in violation of Title 18, United

States Code, Section 2421.

4. It was a further part and an object of the

conspiracy that MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle,"

and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,I1 the defendants, and

others known and unknown, unlawfully, willfully and knowingly

would and did persuade, induce, entice, and coerce individuals to

travel in interstate and foreign commerce to engage in

prostitution and in sexua| activity for which a person can be

charged with a criminal offense, in violation of Title 18, United

States Code, Section 2422 (a).

Overt Acts

5. In furtherance of said conspiracy and to effect

the illegal objects thereof, the following overt acts, among

others, were committed in the Southern District of New York and


a. From in or about December 2004 through in or

about March 2008, MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'Michael," and CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendants, controlled a website

located at URL
that included photographs

of prostitutesf bodies, with their heads hidden, along with

hourly rates for different categories of prostitutes;

b. From in or about December 2004 through in or

about at least January 2008, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendants,

received applications from women seeking to work as prostitutes

with their prostitution business (hereinafter, the "Emperors

Club") at various e-mail accounts;

c. On or about January 9, 2008, MARK BRENER,

a/k/a "Michael, " CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " and

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendants, spoke

over the telephone about offering the Emperors Club's clients the

opportunity to exercise a "buyout clause," which would permit

clients to purchase direct access to one of the Emperors Club's

prostitutes without having to contact the agency;

d. On or about January 15, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke with a client of

the Emperors Club over the telephone about arranging f0r.a

prostitute to come to his room at a hotel in New York, New York;

e. On or about January 15, 2008, a prostitute

working with the Emperors Club went to a client's hotel in New '

York, New York;

f. On or about January 18, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke over the telephone

with a new prostitute working with the Emperors Club who told

LEWIS that she had never "done anything like this before" and was

a "little bit nervous about it";

g. On or about January 18, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail to a

potential prostitute asking her to send photographs of herself to


h. On or about January 22, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, told an Emperors Club

client that he should not be concerned about sending a wire

transfer to the Emperors Club because the wire would be sent to

"QAT Consulting" so it would show up "like as a business


i . On or about January 24, 2008, a prostitute

working with the Emperors Club went to a hotel in Los Angeles,


j . On or about January 24, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendant, received an e-mail

from a potential prostitute declining to work for the Emperors

Club in part because her friend had to have sex with a client

"twice in an hour";

k. On or about January 24, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a 'Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail to

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, attaching

a list of the aliases used by more than 50 prostitutes working

with the Emperors Club in, among other places, New York, New

York; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; London, England;

and Paris, France;

1. On or about January 24, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail to a

prostitute working with the Emperors Club and asked if she would

be available on February 11, 2008, in Europe for an exbended

prostitution date with a client to cost $25,000 or more.

rn. On or about January 26, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke with a client of

the Emperors Club over the telephone about arranging for a

prostitute to come to his room at a hotel in Los Angeles,


n. On or about January 27, 2008, a prostitute

working with the Emperors Club went to a client's hotel in Los

Angeles, California;

o. On or about January 27, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke with an Emperors

Club client over the telephone who asked LEWIS whether the QAT

consulting company could be traced because he had heard of

agencies like the Emperors Club getting "busted";

p. On or about January 28, 2008, MARK BRENER,

a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania H~llander,t~he defendants, met in

the vicinity of Grand Central Terminal in New York, New York;

q. On or about January 28, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke with an Emperors

Club client over the telephone about arranging for a prostitute

to travel from New York to Washington, D.C., to his hotel;

r. On or about January 30, 2008, MARK BRENER,

a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendants, spoke

over the telephone regarding problems with one of the Emperors

Club's prostitutes who they believed might be abusing drugs;

s. On or about January 30, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent TANYA HOLLANDER,

a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendant, a text message over the

telephone asking HOLLANDER to contact an Emperors Club client to

arrange an appointment with an Emperors Club prostitute in New

York on February 1, 2008;

t. On or about January 30, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent TANYA HOLLANDER,

a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendant, a text message over the

telephone asking HOLLANDER to send two particular prostitutes on

dates with Emperors Club clients in New York if possible, and

. HOLLANDER agreed;

u. On or about January 31, 2008, TANYA HOLLANDER,

a/k/a "Tania H~llander,t~h e defendant, sent CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, a text message over the

telephone informing SUWAL that she had scheduled a date for an

Emperors Club client with an Emperors Club prostitute in Europe;

v. On or about February 7, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a 'Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendants, spoke over the telephone about the

fact that an Emperors Club client had complained that one of

their prostitutes was "more sex than sexy";

w. On or about February 11, 2008, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendants, communicated via text message about

the fact that the three-day rates for two of the Emperors Club

prostitutes were $50,000 and $35,000, respectively;

x. On or about February 12, 2008, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, spoke with an Emperors

Club client'over the telephone about arranging for a prostitute

to travel from New York to Washington, D.C.; and

y. On or about February 13, 2008, an Emperors

Club prostitute traveled from New York, New York, to a hotel in

Washington, D.C.

(Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.)


6. From in or about December 2004, up through and

including in or about March 2008, in the Southern District of New

York and elsewhere, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL

SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendants, and others

known and unknown, unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly combined,

conspired, confederated, and agreed together and with each other

to commit an offense against the United States, to wit, to

violate Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956.

7. It was a part and an object of the conspiracy that

MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendants, and others known and unknown, in an

offense involving and affecting interstate and foreign commerce,

knowing that the property involved in certain financial

transactions represented the proceeds of some form of unlawful

activity, unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly would and did

conduct such financial transactions, which in fact involved the

proceeds of specified unlawful activity, to wit, the uqe of

facilities in interstate commerce with the intent to promote,

manage, establish, and carry on, and to facilitate the promotion,

management, establishment, and carrying on of an unlawful

activity, to wit, a business involving prostitution offenses in

violation of applicable State law, in violation of Title 18,

United States Code, Section 1952(a)(3); interstate transportation

of individuals to engage in prostitution, in violation of Title

18, United States Code, Section 2421; and persuasion of

individuals to travel in interstate and foreign commerce to

engage in prostitution, in violation of Title 18, United States

Code, Section 2422(a), (a) with the intent to promote the

carrying on of specified unlawful activity, and (b) knowing that

the transactions were designed in whole and in part to conceal

and disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership,

and the control of the proceeds of specified unlawful activity,

in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1956 (a) (1) (A) (i) and 1956 (a) (1) (B) (i) .

Overt Acts

8. In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the

illegal objects thereof, the following overt acts, among others,

were committed in the Southern District of New York and


a. In or about December 10, 2004, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, opened a bank account

in the name of "QAT Consulting Group, Inc.";

b. In or about November 30, 2006, CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, opened a bank account

in the name of "QAT International, Inc.";

c. From in or about December 2004 to in or about

January 2008, MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'Michael, " and CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendants, received more than

$1 million in proceeds from the Emperors Club prostitution

business in bank accounts in the names of "QAT Consulting Group,

Inc.," and "QAT International, Inc.";

d. From in or about December 2004 to in or about

January 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, wrote more than $100,000 in checks to cash from bank

accounts in the names of 'QAT Consulting Group, Inc.," and 'QAT

International, Inc.";

e. From in or about December 2004 to in or about

January 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, wrote more than $39,000 in checks to Protech

Consultants, a company whose bank account MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," the defendant, controlled; and

f. From in or about December 2004 to in or about

January 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, wrote checks and sent wire transfers totaling more '

than $400,000 from bank accounts in the name of "QAT Consulting

Group, Inc.," and "QAT International, Inc.," to more than 50

prostitutes working with the Emperors Club in the United States

and Europe.

(Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956(h) . )

9. The bases for my knowledge and for the foregoing

charges are, in part, set forth in the attached Affidavit of

Kenneth Hosey in support of the Application for Arrest Warrants,

Search Warrants, and Seizure Warrants, which is incorporated by

reference herein.

WHEREFORE, deponent prays that warrants be issued for

the arrests of the above-named defendants so that they may be

imprisoned or bailed, as the case may be.



Special Agent

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn to before me this

6 day of March, 2008.



SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK mAcrFl) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X







- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X




KENNETH HOSEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says:


1. I have been a Special Agent with the Federal

Bureau of Investigation ("FBI" ) for approximately twelve years.

During that period, I have participated in investigations

involving surveillance, undercover transactions, the introduction

of undercover agents, debriefings of informants, and reviews of '

recorded conversations and documents. I have also participated

in numerous arrests.

2. I make this Affidavit in support of the following


a. An application for warrants to arrest

MICHAEL BRENER, a/k/a "Mi~hael,.'C~E CIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendants;

b. An application for warrants to search the

following premises:

1 Because this location is in the District of New Jersey,

I will be requesting the search warrant from a United States

Magistrate Judge for the District of New Jersey.

c. An application for seizure warrants for the


b - d(in) iAll funds


3. I have been involved in the investigation of this

case. This Affidavit is based upon, among other things, my

personal participation in this investigation, my conversations

with other law enforcement officers who have participated in this

investigation, my review of court-authorized wire and electronic

communications and e-mails recovered from search warrants, my

review of bank records and other documents, and my participation

in physical surveillance. Because this Affidavit is being

submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause,

it does not include all of the facts that I have learned during

this investigation. Where I report statements made by others,

those statements are reported in substance and in part.

4. As explained in more detail below, there is

probable cause to believe that the defendants are organizers and

managers of a criminal organization engaged in illegal

prostitution and money-laundering activities throughout the

United States and Europe.

2 Because this location is in Brooklyn, New York, I will

be requesting the search warrant from a United States Magistrate

Judge in the Eastern District of New York.


A. Overview

5. In or about October 2007, the FBI and the United

States Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigative Division

("IRS-CID") began an investigation focusing on an organization

suspected of conducting prostitution and money-laundering crimes

in the United States and Europe. Through the investigation, the

FBI and IRS have determined that MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'Michael,"

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELI+E LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

the defendants, organized, managed, and operated the Emperors

Club VIP ("Emperors Club"), an international criminal

organization engaged in illegal prostitution and money-laundering

activities. BRENER, SUWAL, LEWIS, and HOLLANDER used the

Emperors Club to arrange for prostitution activity between

wealthy male clients and more than 50 prostitutes in, among other

places, New York, New York; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles,

California; Miami, F10rida;~ London, England; and Paris, France.

The defendants charged the Emperors Club's clients fees ranging

from $1,000 to more than $5,500 per hour for prostitution


6. Through the Emperors Club, MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a 'Katie," a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA

RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a

"Tania Hollander; the defendants, received more than $1 million

in illicit proceeds from their international prostitution

business. BRENER, SUWAL, LEWIS, and HOLLANDER accepted payment

3 At all times relevant to this Affidavit, New York State

law made it a crime when a person "engages or agrees or offers to

engage in sexua| conduct with another person in return for a

fee." NY CLS Penal § 230.00. Similarly, District of Colombia

law made it a crime for "any person to engage in prostitution or

to solicit for prostitution," which is defined as "a sexua| act

or contact with another person in return for giving or receiving

a fee," D.C. Code § 22-2701; California law made it a crime for a

person to "pay money or other valuable thing for, any person for

the purpose of prostitution," which is defined to include 'any

lewd act between persons for money or other consideration,"

California Penal Code §§ 266(e), 647; and Florida law made it a

crime to commit or solicit prostitution, which is defined as "the

giving or receiving of the body for sexua| activity for hire,"

Florida Statutes § 796.07.

from their clients in the form of cash, American Express charges,

wire transfers, and money orders. To conceal the nature of the

Emperors Club prostitution business, MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael, " and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the

defendants, received prostitution proceeds in United States bank

accounts in the names of front companies, including QAT

Consulting Group, Inc. and QAT International, Inc.

7. As demonstrated below, the evidence obtained

during this investigation includes, among other things,

statements of a confidential source who worked with the Emperors

Club; statements of an undercover officer; more than 5,000

telephone calls and text messages intercepted pursuant to courtauthorized

wiretaps; more than 6,000 e-mails recovered pursuant

to court-authorized search warrants; bank records; travel and

hotel records; and physical surveillance.

8. The evidence has established that the four

defendants played different roles with respect to the criminal

activities of the Emperors Club:

a. MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant,

was the leader of the Emperors Club. BRENER had the ultimate

decision-making authority over the Emperors Club. BRENER

recruited prospective prostitutes, determined how to market the

Emperors Club's prostitutes to clients, and resolved problems

that arose with the Emperors Club's clients and prostitutes.

b. CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, was the day-to-day organizer of the Emperors Club's

operations. SUWAL controlled the Emperors Club bank accounts,

supervised the Emperors Club's booking agents, and received

applications from the Emperors Club's prospective prostitutes.

c. TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendants, were

booking agents for the Emperors Club. LEWIS and HOLLANDER took

requests over the telephone from the Emperors Club's clients for

prostitution services, coordinated over the telephone with the

Emperors Club's prostitutes to carry out acts of prostitution,

and referred issues relating to payment for prostitution services

to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant.

B. The CS

9. I have spoken with another law enforcement officer

who has been involved in the investigation of a number of

prostitution businesses in the New York City area. The law

enforcement officer informed me that in the end of 2006 he spoke

with a confidential source (the "CS") who had worked as a

prostitute in New York City. The CS was immunized from

prosecution as a result of her cooperation with law enforcement.

In addition, the law enforcement officer with whom I spoke

confirmed that the CS had provided information that was reliable

and corroborated by independent evidence. The CS told the law

enforcement officer that during 2006 she worked for the Emperors

Club as a prostitute.

10. In an effort to further corroborate the

information provided by the CS, I have reviewed bank records for

a b a n kacc ount- in the name of QAT

Consulting Group, Inc. (the "First QAT Account"). According to

the bank records, in 2006, the CS in fact received a check for

more than $1,000 from the First QAT Account. As discussed in

further detail below, the defendants have directed clients of the

Emperors Club to make payments for prostitution services to the

and also to a second bank account a tbank

Facicr -osAQutn t in the name of QAT International, Inc. (the

"Second QAT Account" ) .

C. The Undercover

11. In the course of this investigation, I have worked

with an agent acting in an undercover capacity (the

"Undercover"). The Undercover posed as a potential client of the

Emperors Club prostitution business, and made arrangements over

the telephone with TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle, " the

defendant, for an appointment with an Emperors Club prostitute.

He then coordinated over e-mail with CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a 'Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, to make a deposit of more than

$1,000 towards the appointment in the Second QAT Account.

12. The Undercover initially went on the Internet and

accessed a website located at URL

"Website"). The Website included photographs of Emperors Club

prostitutes' bodies, with their faces hidden, along with hourly

rates for different categories of prostitutes. The Website

ranked the prostitutes using a ranking system from one to seven

diamonds, and charged hourly rates according to the assigned

ranking. For example, according to the Website, the Emperors

Club charged $1,000 per hour for a three-diamond prostitute, and

$3,100 per hour for a seven-diamond prostitute. The Website

offered the Emperors Club's most valued clients 'membership" in

the 'Icon Club," a status which allowed the clients to access

restricted areas of the Website and permitted them to schedule

appointments for illegal prostitution services with the most

highly-ranked prostitutes whose fees started at $5,500 per hour.

According to the Website, in certain circumstances, the Emperors

Club also offered its clients the opportunity to exercise a "buyout

clause," which permitted them to purchase direct access to

one of the Emperors Club's prostitutes without having to contact

the agency. The Website listed (212) 812-2114 (the "2114

Number") as one of the numbers for clients to use to contact the

Emperors Club.

13. On or about October 20, 2007, at approximately

9 :30 p.m., the Undercover placed a call to the 2114 Number, which

I have determined from toll records was forwarded to a cellular

telephone assigned call number 6 5 8 7(th e "6587

Number"). The call was answered by TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant.' During the conversation, the

Undercover and LEWIS discussed an appointment the Undercover

wanted to arrange for October 25, 2007. The Undercover explained

that he was hoping to have a "good night" for himself. LEWIS

asked the Undercover which particular woman he wanted to see, to

which the Undercover responded that all the women on the Website

were 'beautiful." The Undercover requested an appointment with

"Helena" - one of the women depicted on the Website - but LEWIS

told him that "Helena" was "based in London." The Undercover

then asked for an appointment with "Drew," to which LEWIS

4 As discussed below, I have determined that telephone

calls placed to the 2114 Number were typically forwarded to

various cellular telephones used by CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a 'Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander, " the defendants.

5 My belief that the person using the 6587 Number in this

and other calls summarized above was LEWIS is based on the

following: First, an IRS-CID agent working on this case has

reviewed bank records for the First QAT Account for the period

December 10, 2004, through January 2008. The IRS-CID agent has

determined that during this time period approximately $53,473.00

worth of checks were written from the First QAT Account to

"Rachelle Lewis," a portion of which were negotiated through an

account at in According

to records obtained fr current address for the 4

account is 0

On February 28, 2008,

th LEWIS, who identified

herself as "Tameka Lewis," and saw her enter- --- at - . Second, during calls intercepted over the 6587

-consistently identified herself over the telephone

as either "Rachelle" or 'Temeka."

responded that "Drew" was based in New York, but had very limited

availability. The Undercover stated that he was looking for

someone who was "physically very attractive" and had a "fun

per~onality."~L EWIS stated that, based on the women the

Undercover had identified, it sounded like the Undercover was not

necessarily interested in "that model look," but maybe someone "a

little curvier than a model." After the Undercover agreed, LEWIS

said that "Drew" was a 'great choice." If "Drew" was not

available, LEWIS said she would recommend "Raquel," whom she

described as a "brunette" who was "beautiful . . . All-American .

. . very clean, . . . very fresh." She explained that "Raquel"

and "Drew" had "similar body types," though 'Raquel" was

"probably a little bit bustier on top." LEWIS told the

Undercover that for "Drew" there was a "two-hour, introductory

rate" of $2,000, and that "Raquel's" hourly rate was $1,500 for

the first two hours, with a discount to $1,200 for the third

hour. The conversation ended with the Undercover asking LEWIS

for a follow-up call to confirm the arrangements, which LEWIS

promised to do. LEWIS further stated that she could be reached

at either the "212 number" (believed to be a reference to the

2114 Number) or the "347 number" (believed to be a reference to

the 6587 Number), and that the Undercover could always reach her

directly at the "347 number. "

14. On or about October 22, 2007, at approximately

2:33 p.m., the Undercover received a call from TEMEKA RACHELLE '

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant. During the call, LEWIS

and the Undercover confirmed an appointment for the Undercover to

meet "Raquel." LEWIS told the Undercover that he would have to

meet 'Raquel" at a "private location just . . . for the beginning

of the appointment . . . where she would collect the fee," and

suggested that they meet at 'a hotel or a private home." The

Undercover asked if there was another way he could handle the

payment of the fee, and LEWIS responded that he could either "pay

cash," use his American Express card, or pay by wire transfer.

The Undercover expressed a preference for a wire transfer, and

LEWIS told him she would send him the necessary information,

asking if she could send it to him by text message.

15. On or about October 22, 2007, at approximately

3:24 p.m., the Undercover called the 2114 Number, which was

The Undercover also stated that, in the long term, he

wanted to discuss "other things" with LEWIS, such as, hiring a

group of women to entertain his clients. LEWIS said that

"certainly could be arranged," and that 'our models are the types

of women who can handle themselves well in any situation."

forwarded to another cellular telephone, and spoke to TEMEKA

RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant. During the

call, LEWIS stated that she had spoken to "the office," and that

they preferred to send him the wire transfer information by email.

The Undercover provided LEWIS with his e-mail address.

16. The Undercover subsequently received an e-mail

from an e-mail address identified as

"" The e-mail provided the

Undercover with instructions for paying his fee by wire transfer

and was signed by "Katie," which I believe to be an alias used by

CECIL SUWAL, the defendant. In the e-mail, "Katie" identified

the Second QAT Account as the bank account where the Undercover

should send his wire transfer. The Undercover later wire

transferred more than $1,000 to the Second QAT Account .7

17. On or about November 29, 2007, at approximately

3:47 p.m., the Undercover called TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant, on the 6587 Number. During the call,

the Undercover asked to reschedule his appointment with "Raquel."

LEWIS told the Undercover that "Raquel" had moved back to Los

Angeles, California. The Undercover then asked if "Raquel" would

travel back from California to New York to be with him. LEWIS

stated that "Raquel" would travel, but it would have to be a

lengthy appointment. LEWIS told the Undercover that she would

have to check with "Raquel" about her availability. During a

later call on November 29, 2007, over the 6587 Number, LEWIS

confirmed to the Undercover that Raquel would travel to New

Jersey for an appointment with the Undercover.

D. The Interce~ted Communications And Seized E-Mails

18. Based in part on the information provided by the

CS and the Undercover, described above, on or about January 8,

2008, the Honorable Charles S. Haight, United States District

Judge for the Southern District of Nel~ York, authorized the

interception of telephone calls and text messages over the 6587

Number. On or about February 7, 2008, authorization expired, but

was renewed on or about February 11, 2008, by the Honorable

Gerard E. Lynch. On or about January 23, 2008, based in part on

7 The Undercover later told TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant, that he had to reschedule his October

25, 2007, appointment. As discussed above, the FBI relied on the

Undercover's recorded conversations with LEWIS, among other

evidence, to support an application for court authorization to

wiretap the 6587 Number.

communications intercepted over the 6587 Number, the Honorable

Leonard B. Sand, United States District Judge for the Southern

District of New York, authorized the interception of telephone

calls and text messages over the cellular telephone assigned call

number 3 3 9 0(th e "3390 Number") , which was used by

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate," and MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," the defendants, to operate the Emperors Club and to

make strategic decisions regarding its prostitution and moneylaundering

activities. On or about February 21, 2008, the

Honorable Lawrence M. McKenna, United States District Judge for

the Southern District of New York, re-authorized the interception

of telephone calls and text messages over the 3390 Number. To

date, the FBI has intercepted more than 5,000 telephone'calls and

text messages over the 6587 Number and the 3390 Number.

19. On or about January 25, 2008, based on wiretap

interceptions and other evidence developed during the

investigation, the FBI obtained a search warrant from the

Honorable Gabriel W. Gorenstein, United States Magistrate Judge

for the Southern District of New York, for the content of the email

account entitled "" (the

"Emperors Club E-Mail Account"), which was used primarily by MARK

BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," the defendants, to recruit new prostitutes for the

Emperors Club. As a result of the search warrant, the FBI

obtained more than 6,000 e-mails relating to the Emperors Club's


20. The intercepted telephone calls and text messages,

combined with the recovered e-mails, demonstrate that MARK

BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander," the defendants, collectively

managed the prostitution activities of the Emperors Club. These

intercepted wire and electronic communications also confirmed

that the defendants were, among other things: (1) making various

strategic decisions regarding the Emperors Club's criminal

operations; (2) using cellular telephones and e-mail to promote

prostitution in the United States and Europe; and (3) conspiring

with certain clients to transport prostitutes interstate for the

purposes of' prostitution.

1. The Emperors Club' s Operational Issues

21. During a number of intercepted telephone calls the

text messages, and recovered e-mails, the defendants discussed

various strategic issues relating to the Emperors Club. These

issues included relationships with the Emperors Club's clients,

the recruitment, marketing, and advertising of Emperors Club's

prostitutes, hourly rates and other payment issues, and problems

that arose with the Emperors Club's prostitutes and clients. A

number of these intercepted telephone calls and text messages and

recovered e-mails are summarized below.

The 'Buy-Out" Option

22. On January 10, 2008, at approximately 8:44 p.m.,'

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendantlg using the 3390

Number, called TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a. "Rachelle," the

defendant, at the 6587 Number. During the call, BRENER and LEWIS

discussed a business arrangement, which they referred to as a

'buy-out," by which a client of the Emperors Club could "buy out"

a prostitute, and thereby arrange appointments with her without

having to go through the Emperors Club. At one p.oint in the

conversation, BRENER handed the telephone to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

8 All times are Eastern Standard Time unless otherwise


9 My belief that the person using the 3390 Number in this

and other calls summarized above, and using the telephone

assigned call number -0937 (the '0937 Number") in other

calls summarized above, was BRENER is based on, among other

things, the following: First, the 3390 Number and the 0937

Number are both subscribed to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," the defendant, at

that the account of MARK HKENER also is reaistered to BRENER at

intercepted calls over the 3390 Number and the 0937 Number, an

individLa1 referred to as "Michael" discussed traveling with

SUWAL to meet with other co-conspirators. Other FBI agents then

observed BRENER with SUWAL on.surveillance meeting with other coconspirators.

Moreover, after a series of intercepted calls

involving "Michael" and SUWAL, on January 28, 2008, I observed

individuals resembling BRENER and SUWAL inside their-

-minivan near the vicinity of Grand Central Terminal in

Manhattan. Also, a New York City Police Department Officer, at

the FBI's request, identified the man driving the Honda Odyssey

as BRENER. As a result, I believe that the "Michael" speaking

over the 3390 Number and the 0937 Number during the course of the

wiretaps was BRENER.

"Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendant, lo who continued discussing

the same subject with LEWIS; in particular, SUWAL and LEWIS

discussed a specific client who had expressed interest in such an

arrangement, and the fact that they needed to find out how much

such an arrangement was worth for that client. SUWAL indicated

that during a conversation the day before they had disregarded

this client's potential for the "buy out." SUWAL then stated:

"[Oln second thought . . . why would we completely disregard him.

[I] f . . . maybe a good deal could come of it , . . . maybe it

would come more [money] than . . . what we're currently seeing

and receiving from him. So . . . when he calls asking for

'Raquel' [believed to be the alias of a prostitute], he wants to

see her again, again, again, . . . you can always say, 'YOU know,

you may be interested in privately dating her which is when . . .

you contact her directly . . . and not necessarily going through

the agency.'" (Call 865C).

b. Advertisinq

23. On January 12, 2008, at approximately 8:59 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, called MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'MichaellN the defendant,

at the 0937 Number. During the call, BRENER and LEWIS discussed

the Emperors Club's prostitution operations in Los Angeles,

California. LEWIS told BRENER: "I don't know if, if you're gonna

lo My belief that the person using the 3390 Number in this

and other calls summarized above, and using the 0937 Number in

other calls summarized above, was SUWAL is based on, among other

things, the following: First, the 3390 Number and the 0937

Number are subscribed in the name "Cecil Suwal." Second, on

January 17, 2008, there were calls between the 3390 Number and

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, on the

6587 Number, regarding meeting in New Jersey. Around the time of

these calls, other FBI agents and I were following the-

-inivan and observed both MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

the defendant. and a female I believed to be SUWAL inside.

Another FBI agent then observed LEWIS enter the

with SUWAL and BRENER. Another FBI agent

license photograph of SUWAL with the person who was inside the

a n dbelieve d that the person was SUWAL. Third,

during February 2008, the FBI intercepted calls over the 3390

Number during which the speaker said that she and "Michael,"

believed to be a reference to BRENER, were traveling to London.

From law enforcement records, I have determined that during

February 2008 SUWAL and BRENER in fact traveled to London under

their true names.

be advertising but . . . it's just been really, really slow in LA

. . . We have a lot of girls there now . . . we need calls."

BRENER said that he understood, and thanked LEWIS. (Call 1507R).

Recruitment Of Prostitutes

24. On January 18, 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail from the Emperors

Club E-Mail Account to a potential prostitute. In the e-mail,

SUWAL stated: 'It was a pleasure meeting you last night. If you

are having trouble emailing the pictures perhaps we can just meet

up, take them and then return them to you the next day after we

scan them into the computer. You can also feel free to email any

that are 'email-ablet now. . . ."

25. On January 24, 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, received an e-mail at the Emperors

Club E-Mail Account from a potential prostitute. In the e-mail,

the potential prostitute wrote:

Hi, I have just spoke to a friend of mine who done

[sic] her first job for you . . . Unfortunately I

wasn't very happy to find out that its only 500 ph +

over 50% commission fees . . . I was aware of 50% but

didn't know the price was 500 . . . This is a kind of

money I make very easily in photoshoots and the reason

I wanted to join your site to make an extra money . . .

The other think [sic] I was little bit shock and

confuse that she had a sex with him twice in an hour

and without her [sic] taking her out for dinner before.

. So I am very sorry I don't think this is my kind of

thing. I was told by your assistant in London this is

more like a dating agency than an escort. But to

provide sex for £500 an hour, I just thing [sic] this

is not a price I would ever consider of doing it for. .

d. Marketinq

26. On January 19, 2008, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

the defendant, using the 0937 Number, called TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, at the 6587 Number.

During the call, BRENER asked LEWIS if his "intervention" was

needed regarding the unavailability of a girl for an Emperors

Club client in Miami, Florida. LEWIS told BRENER no, and listed

three prostitutes who were working in Miami. BRENER commented

that one of the prostitutes "looks like [a] butcher in my

opinion," and told LEWIS that he was not sure if LEWIS could

"market this girl." BRENER and LEWIS then discussed the other

two Miami-based prostitutes. BRENER asked LEWIS if the Miami

client sounded like a rich person, and BRENER indicated that he

was thinking of offering the client "membership." BRENER

commented : " [I] f he' s rich guy . . . we send or fly somebody .to

them, right?'' BRENER and LEWIS then discussed coaching another

prostitute, and LEWIS suggested that "Katie," a reference to

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " ,the defendant, should

call her. LEWIS stated that she doubted that the prostitute they

were discussing would ever be an "Icon" model. (Call 2344R) .

27. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 12,:53 p.m.,

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendant, using

the 3390 Number, sent a text message to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, at the 6587 Number, stating:

" [Cl hrissy is at $2100/hr." (Call 3582C) . LEWIS responded: "New

pix or same ones?" (Call 3585C). SUWAL stated: "Same ones . . .

she'll have new ones soon but so far the ones she 1st gave are

the best. " (Call 3588C) . LEWIS responded: ’Ok." (Call 3598C) .

SUWAL, using the 3390 Number, sent another text message to LEWIS

at the 6587 Number, stating: " [S] omeone asked what her 3 day rate

was. I told him about 50,000 & that emilys was about 35,000 in

case he calls." (Call 3594C) . LEWIS replied: "Ok. " (Call


e. Availability Of Prostitutes

28. On January 18, 2008, at approximately 5:41 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, received a call from a new pro~ti~utweo rking with

the Emperors Club. LEWIS and the new prostitute discussed an

upcoming date that LEWIS had scheduled for her in Los Angeles,

California. The new prostitute told LEWIS that she had talked to

'Katie,,, a reference to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate,"

the defendant, but she had never done anything like this before

and was a little bit nervous about it. LEWIS said that she would

let the client know that this was her first appointment, and

indicated that "Katie" could best answer how to handle oneself on

an appointment. The new prostitute was concerned because she

wanted to be more anonymous, and did not want to be pictured on

the Website in part because of her family background. LEWIS told

the new prostitute that it was in her interest to have pictures

on the Website, and commented: "There are some pictures where I

think that even if you knew who the person was, you couldn't

really identify [them]." LEWIS suggested that when "Katie"

cropped the pictures, she should tell "Katie" that she did not

want anything above the chin. The new prostitute and LEWIS

discussed the possibility of the new prostitute becoming an

"Icon" model with Emperors Club. (Call 2207R).

29. At approximately 5 : 5 1 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, using t h e 0937 Number. During the call, LEWIS

referred to the conversation she had earlier with the new

prostitute. LEWIS stated that she did not know why the new

prostitute was even considered because she was "clueless" and

"looking . . . to be on Icon portfolio. SWAL stated: " [W] e

don' t even know if we can charge 1200 [let alone] 5000 ." SWAL

suggested that LEWIS emphasize to the client that it was the new

prostitute's first date. (Call 2212R) .

30. At approximately 7:05 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from an Emperors Club client based in Los Angeles,

California. LEWIS and the client discussed an appointment

between the client and the new prostitute, whom LEWIS referred to

as "Felana.,, LEWIS claimed that she was waiting to hear back

from "Felana," but cautioned the client that this would be her

first appointment. The client responded: "Sounds great to me."

LEWIS stated: "What your expectations are might not be fulfilled

just because it's just her very first appointment ever." The

client said that he would "take [his] chances." LEWIS described

another prostitute whom the Emperors Club marketed as "Samantha"

to the client, stating that she was a professional model, 5 feet

9 inches tall, 115 pounds, and in her early 20s. The client

stated that if "Felana" was unavailable, he would see "Samantha"

later in the week. (Call 2226R).

31. On or about January 24, 2008, CECIL SWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail from the

Emperors Club E-Mail Account to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

u~achelle", the defendant, at the e-mail address

I N 1The subjec t line for this e-mail was

"Most Updated Version!", and SUWAL attached a list of the aliases

used by- more than 50 prostitutes, including those designated as

vIcons," working with the Emperors Club in, among other places,

New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida;

11 MY belief that LEWIS was us

inf ormatTon another Taw enf orcement o

bank. when LEWIS o~ened her account a

ing the e-ma

fact that,

ff icer obtai

t -bank,

il address

according to

ned from HSBC

she provided

s as part of her contact

London, England; and Paris, France.

32. On or about January 30, 2008, at approximately

9:55 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the

defendant, using the 6587 Number, called MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael, " and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the

defendants, at the 0937 Number, to discuss problems with one of

the Emperors Club's prostitutes in Los Angeles. During the call,

LEWIS explained to BRENER that the prostitute missed an

appointment, and had left a "crazy text" for her last night.

LEWIS told BRENER that he might not want to send the prostitute

out any more. BRENER and LEWIS discussed the possibility that

the prostitute was on drugs. SUWAL, speaking in the background,

commented that there was an "elephant standing in the living

room" with respect to the prostitute's actions. BRENER agreed

that LEWIS could not do business with the prostitute the way she

was acting. LEWIS commented that it seemed that 'a lot of these

girls deteriorate to this point." (Call 4554R).

33. On January 30, 2008, at approximately 1:46 p.m.,

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, using

the 3390 Number, sent a text message to TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a

"Tania Hollander", l2 the defendant, at the cellular telephone

assigned call number -1627 (the "1627 Numbert1). In the

text message, SWAL told HOLLANDER: "[Client] would like to meet

someone in nyc feb lEt O 6pm. Pls call him O [Client's number] .&

(Call 849C) . Later that day, at approximately 7 :24 p.m., SWAL,

using the 3390 Number, sent HOLLANDER another text message at the

1627 Number. In the text message, SUWAL told HOLLANDER: "Pls

send madison & trina in ny if possible. They're new & in order

to absorb them we have to give them some work." (Call 885C).

Approximately five minutes later, at approximately 7:29 p.m.,

HOLLANDER responded by sending a text message from the 1627

Number to SUWAL at the 3390 Number, stating: 'Of course." (Call

l2 My belief that HOLLANDER was the person using the 1627

Number in this and other intercepted calls and text messages

summarized above is based on the following: First, during

intercepted* calls over the 1627 Number, HOLLANDER consistently is

referred to as 'Tanya." Second, on January 28, 2008, after a

series of intercepted calls over the 1627 Number where the

"Tanya" on the telephone agreed to meet with CECIL SWAL, a/k/a

'Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and MARC BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the

defendants, another asent and I observed a woman we believed to

be HOLLANDER in the vicinity of the -minivan with

SUWAL and BRENER inside. Finally, c ecks SWAL has written from

the First QAT Account have been made out to "Tanya Hollander."

3 4 . On February 1 0 , 2008, at approximately 6 : 2 6 p.m.,

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendant, using

the 3390 Number, called TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

the defendant, at the 1627 Number. During the c a l l , SUWAL asked

HOLLANDER i f she was ever able to reach the Emperors Club c l i e n t

who "Madison" saw. HOLLANDER said that she called two times, but

he never called back. SUWAL stated that he was a new c l i e n t , and

she stayed for just 40 minutes. SUWAL continued: "We're

thinking that t h e r e ' s a chance that the reason she stayed 40

minutes 'cause we just found out the other day that she has

children and she went t o pick them up from school immediately

afterwards . . . I don't know i f . . . she i n t e n t i o n a l l y cut it

short . . . to pick up her children . . . but, as a general rule,

the g i r l s who have children tend t o have . . . a l i t t l e more

baggage going on." HOLLANDER stated that she did not know who

"Madison" checked i n with, but HOLLANDER told h e r several t i m e s

t o c a l l HOLLANDER once a t the room and then that HOLLANDER would

c a l l her a t the end of the hour. HOLLANDER s a i d t h a t she was

f i n a l l y about to reach her, and found out l a t e r t h a t she had

l e f t . SUWAL indicated t h a t it was a problem i f she was "cutting

it short." (Call 3537C).

f . Hourly Rates

35. On January 25, 2008, a t approximately 12:49 p.m.,

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendants, using the 3390 Number, called a

p r o s t i t u t e using the name "Sophie" a t a number i n London,

England. During the c a l l , SUWAL told "Sophie" that she had

received "Sophie's" e-mail i n which "Sophie" s t a t e d t h a t she was

not comfortable with the 2ayment she had received. SUWAL t o l d

'Sophie" that they would t r y to r a i s e "Sophief sf, 'rate.

"Sophie" stated t h a t she could not speak openly because she was

i n a 'public area," but asked what kind of "charges do the other

g i r l s charge?" SUWAL indicated that the r a t e s ranged from 500

[British pounds] t o "very high rates." SWAL t o l d "Sophie" that

someone named "Michael," a reference to BRENER was there t o speak

with her. SUWAL put BRENER on the telephone with "Sophie."

BRENER told "SophieN that t h e i r goal in r e c r u i t i n g people was t o

bring them to the point where they could join "Icon models."

BRENER continued t h a t it was "much more pleasant for us t o s p l i t

$5,000 than $1,200 o r whatever." SUWAL got back on the

telephone. "Sophie" told SUWAL that she thought t h a t i n t i m e she

could join "Icon," and SUWAL told "Sophieff that they would r a i s e

her r a t e . (Call 329C) .

36. On or about February 4, 2008, at approximately

11:05 a.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the

defendant, using the 6587 Number, received a call from CECIL

SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, using the 3390

Number. During the call, SUWAL and LEWIS discussed the fact that

some of the Emperors Club prostitutes were not properly taking

imprints of the clients' American Express cards. SUWAL told

LEWIS to ask the prostitutes to fax the imprints, or if that did

not work to scan them and e-mail the imprints, and then send the

originals in the event of a dispute with the clients about the

charge, or if American Express inquired. MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," the defendant, commented in the background that he

thought one of the prostitutes ignored him when he told her how

to fill out the credit card slips. SUWAL complained about a fax

of a credit card slip she received from a prostitute, and stated:

'[Ilf American Express were to ask to see that, as a legitimate

business, you can't even deliver something like that." (Call


2. The Emperors Club's Domestic Prostitution


37. During a number of intercepted telephone calls and

text messages, the defendants made arrangements for acts of

prostitution in the United States, including in, among other

cities, New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; and Miami,

Florida. A number of these telephone calls and text messages are

summarized below.

a. New York, New York

i. January 12 and 13, 2008

38. On January 12, 2008, at approximately 4:59 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, spoke over the telephone with an Emperors Club

client ('Client-1") . During the call, LEWIS told Client-1 that a

prostitute the Emperors Club marketed using the alias "Kristen"

was available at 9:00 p.m. the following day. Client-1 said

fine. LEWIS stated that "Kristen" was new so she did not have

images up, and that her hourly rate was $1,000. Client-1 told

LEWIS that he would be staying at a hotel downtown. LEWIS told

Client-1 to let her know his room number after he checked in.

(Call 1467R) .

39. On January 13, 2008, at approximately 3:29 p.m.,

Client-1 called TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the

defendant, at the 6587 Number. Client-1 told LEWIS that he had

checked in at the hotel, and that his room number was 2006.

LEWIS confirmed the location of the hotel, and told Client-1 that

everything was set for 9 p.m. (Call 1556R).

40. On January 13, 2008, at approximately 8:59 p.m.,

"Kristen" sent a text message to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant, at the 6587 Number. In the text

message, "Kristen" stated: "I am going to be late. It is pouring

rain, and I couldn't find my little pocket book with all my

slips! This is a cash appt, so I hope this is not a problem. .

." (Call 1593R). Approximately two minutes later, LEWIS, using

the 6587 Number, sent "Kristen" a text message, stating: "Ok.

It's a cash appt. Will let client know ur running late. R."

(Call 1597R). Immediately thereafter, LEWIS, using the 6587

Number, called the hotel, and was connected to room 2006. LEWIS

then spoke with Client-1, and told him that "Kristen" was running

a little late due to rain and traffic. LEWIS stated that

"Kristen" would be there by 9:15 p.m. (Call 1598).

41. At approximately 9:15 p.m., "Kristen" called

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, at the

6587 Number. "Kristen" told LEWIS that she was there, and that

everything was okay. LEWIS told "Kristen1' that she would called

her in an hour. (Call 1608R). At approximately 10:17 p.m.,

LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, sent "Kristent1 a text message,

stating: "It's been an hr. Pls call." (Call 1612R).

Approximately one minute later, at approximately 10:18 p.m.,

"Kristen" sent a text message to LEWIS at the 6587 Number,

stating: "I am walking out now. Xo." (Call 1613R) .

ii. January 15, 2008

42. On January 15, 2008, at approximately 7:38 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, received a call from an Emperors Club client

("Client-2"). During the call, Client-2 said that he was looking

for a girl tonight at 11 p.m. at a hotel in New York, New York.

Client-2 told LEWIS that he has used the service before. LEWIS

told client12 that she believed that a prostitute who the

Emperors Club marketed using the name "Emily" was available, and

also discussed two other Emperors Club prostitutes with Client-2.

LEWIS told Client-2 that she would make some calls and get back

to him. (Call 1809R) .

43. At approximately 8:04 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, spoke

with "Emily." During the call, LEWIS offered "Emily" two

appointments: the first for one hour with a client who had used

the service before, liked model types, and was easy; the second

for multiple hours with a client who was a "partier." "Emily1'

said she had a casting this week, so the one-hour appointment

would be best. (Call 1840R) .

44. Approximately two minutes later, at 8:08 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, received a call from Client-2. LEWIS confirmed that

"Emily" would be available at 11 p.m. LEWIS described "Emily" as

a professional model, 23 years old, with strawberry blonde hair

and fair skin, 5 feet 9 inches tall, and 116 pounds, with an

hourly rate of $1,500. Client-2 said he was in room number 1916.


45. At approximately 8:42 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, sent a

text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text message, LEWIS listed

the three appointments she was working on, including the 11 p.m.

appointment between Client -2 and "Emily. " (1876R) .

46. At approximately 10:53 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number,

received a call from "Emily." During the call, "Emily" stated

that she was "there" (believed to be a reference to the fact that

she had arrived at the appointment with Client-2). (Call 1918R).

b. Los Anqeles, California

i. Januarv 22-24, 2008

47. On January 22, 2008, at approximately 11:28 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, received a call from an Bmperors Club client

("Client-3") . During the call, LEWIS told Client-3 that a

prostitute that the Emperors Club marketed using the name

"Samantha" would be available on Thursday [January 24, 20081 at

3:30 p.m. Client-3 said that he would make hotel arrangements.

Client-3 indicated that he would pick a hotel on the west side of

Los Angeles so that it was convenient for him. LEWIS told

Client-3 that because of a "new policy," the Emperors Club would

require a 55% deposit for his date with "Samantha." Based on

other calls intercepted in this case, I believe that the reason

LEWIS asked Client-3 for a 55% deposit was because the Emperors

Club was having problems collecting money from "Samantha," who

they believed might be abusing drugs. Client-3 stated: "What?"

LEWIS explained that " [t] he office would just e-mail you the

financial details so that you could either do a wire transter or

. . . a direct deposit." Client-3 responded: "A wire transfer

from my bank?,, LEWIS said yes, or a direct deposit intobank.

Client-3 asked whether direct deposit meant going to the

bank himself, and LEWIS confirmed that it did. LEWIS said that

most clients did wire transfers, and Client-3 stated: "I don't

really like either one . . . ah . . . and,to whom does it get

paid?" LEWIS stated: 'It's to QAT Consulting, so it's a

consulting firm . . . I mean it shows up like as a business

transaction." Client-3 told LEWIS that it was getting harder and

harder to do business with 'them' [a reference to the Emperor's

Club]." (Call 2690R).

48. On January 22, 2008, at approximately 12:04 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, sent a text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Kat?e,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text

message, LEWIS told SUWAL: "Pls send [Client-31 the info needed

to make 55% deposit. His e-mail is [Client-3's e-mail address]."

(Call 2698R) . Later that day, at approximately 4 :30 p.m., LEWIS,

using the 6587 Number, received a call from Client-3. During the

call, Client-3 stated that he did the wire transfer for "$1500."

Client-3 told LEWIS that the appointment would be at a particular

hotel in Santa Monica, [California] , at 3 :30 p.m. (Pacific

StandardTirne ("P.S.T.")). L E W I S t o l d C l i e n t - 3 t h a t s h e h a d '

confirmed everything with "SamanthaI1'a nd told Client-3 to

provide his room number when he checked in. Client-3 asked

whether he could pay the difference to "Samantha" if he wanted to

extend, and LEWIS said he could. (Call 2761R).

49. On January 24, 2008, at approximately 6:06 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, received a call from Client-3. During the call,

Client-3 told LEWIS that he was in room 506, and described where

the elevators were. Client-3 said that he should be ready at

3:30 p.m. P.S.T. (Call 3426R).

50. At approximately 6:38 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called

"Samantha."' LEWIS told "Samantha" that she had a problem with

her telephone earlier, "Samanthal1 said she was driving there now.

(Call 3485R). One minute later, at approximately 6:39 p.m.,

LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, called Client-3, and told him that

"Samantha" would be there in five to ten minutes. (Call 3486R).

51. At approximately 6:56 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from "Samantha," who told LEWIS that she was there. LEWIS

said it was room 506, and told her where the elevators were.

(Call 3489R). Approximately three minutes later, at

approximately 6:59 p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, called

"Samantha." LEWIS told her: "I forgot to tell you, you're

'Samantha.'" "Samantha" said okay, and that she had just walked

in and "everything's great." (Call 3497R).

52. Approximately two hours later, at approximately

8:59 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the

defendant, using the 6587 Number, called Client-3. LEWIS asked

Client-3 how his meeting was, and Client-3 said it was great.

Client-3 and LEWIS then discussed a new prostitute on the

Website. (3527R) .

ii. January 26-27, 2008

53. On January 26, 2008, at approximately 8:05 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant,, using the

6587 Number, received a call from an Emperors Club client

("Client-4") in Los Angeles, California. During the call,

Client-4 said that he was staying in Los Angeles, and wanted to

know if there was anyone available on short notice for 9:30 p.m.

(P.S.T.) that evening. LEWIS and Client-4 discussed various

Emperors Club prostitutes as possibilities. (Call 3915R).

54. At approximately 9:41 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called

Client-4. LEWIS told Client-4 that "Raquel" was not available,

but that "Chrissy" would be. LEWIS said that "Chrissy" was new

to the agency, had four stars, and a rate of $1,200 per hour.

Client-4 said perfect. LEWIS told Client-4 she would try to make

the appointment for 9:00 or 9:30 p.m. (Call 3931R). At

approximately 9 : 5 2 p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, sent a

text message to "Chrissy" on her cellular telephone. In the text

message, she stated: ' [Client-4's name] , [Hotel] Beverly Hills .

. . Room 467 9:30pm lhr. 1380 credit Client may extend." (Call

3934R) .

55. On January 27, 2008, at approximately 12:05 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant, using the 1

6587 Number, received a call from Client-4. Client-4 said that

he just got back to the hotel room and pulled up the Website.

Client-4 asked: "Who are we looking at?" LEWIS said it was

'Chrissy," and explained that she had misquoted "Chrissyls" rate

at $1,200 per hour because she was actually five diamonds which

meant a rate of $1,500 per hour. Client-4 and LEWIS negotiated

the rate for "Chrissy," and ultimately agreed that Client-4 would

pay $305 in cash and charge $1,300 on his credit card. (Call

3947R). At approximately 12:14 a.m., LEWIS, using the 6587

Number, sent a text message to "Chrissy," stating: "305 cash 1300

credit." (Call 3954R).

56. On January 27, 2008, at approximately 1:40 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, called Client-4. LEWIS asked Client-4 how the

appointment was. Client-4 said "two A+s in a row. . . I don1 t know

where you get these young ladies . . ." Client-4 asked if there

was any "traceability," and added that he could "get it 'past my

accountant and auditor as a business expense but you sometimes

hear of these agencies getting busted, you know, that's my really

only concern, that's why I don't call more often." LEWIS

responded: 'I would say no . . . the tax ID for the business is

QAT Consulting." Client-4 asked if that was a real company, and

LEWIS replied: 'It is . . . it exists . . . there are real

offices in New York City." Client-4 stated: "That' s how they

usually come after you . . . fake company." LEWIS replied:

"Exactly, just as long as you pay your taxes, you're fine."

(Call 3969R) .

c. Miami, Florida

57. On February 2, 2008, at approximately 11:45 a.m.,

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollandert1,t he defendant, using

the 1627 Number, called TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle,"

the defendant, at the 6587 Number. During the call, LEWIS asked

HOLLANRER if she had problems booking in New York and Miami

because there were no people to send out. HOLLANDER said that in

Miami, yes, they do not have enough variety down there. LEWIS

complained about the fact that there were not enough people

available in Mlami, and commented that it did not make sense to

advertise in Miami if there were not enough people to come out.

HOLLANDER said that she totally agreed with LEWIS. (Call 6125R).

58. A few minutes later, at approximately 11:48 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number; called MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant,

at the 0937 Number. During the call, LEWIS told BRENER that she

had a client who used the service in New York who wanted to see

multiple girls for multiple hours in Miami. LEWIS suggested

tonight, and that the client wanted three girls, possibly four,

for four hours each. LEWIS indicated that she only had two

girls, and might lose the entire appointment. BRENER agreed that

it was frustrating, and suggested sending someone from New York.

LEWIS said that it was too late - she had checked the flights and

they were either sold out or the one way fare was too expensive.

(Call 6127R) .

59. At approximately 1:48 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, sent a

text message to a prostitute who the Emperors Club marketed using

the name "Dorine. " In the text message, LEWIS told "Dorine" :

"Waiting 4 client 2 confirm. Client has used service in NY

before & booked 4 multiple hrs. Appt may start after 6pm. Will

let u know when I speak 2 client. R." (Call 6157R) . One minute

later, at approximately 1:49 p.m., 'Dorine" sent LEWIS a text

message at the 6587 Number, stating "Thx." (Call 6161R) .

60. At approximately 4:37 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle,'" the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called an

Emperors Club client ("Client-5") in Miami, Florida. During the

call, Client-5 said that he wanted "both of them" (believed to be

a reference to two Emperors Club prostitutes) for 6:00,p.m.

Client-5 said that one would pay cash, and the other would use a

credit card. Client-5 confirmed with LEWIS that the cost would

be "1000" per hour and four hours for "36" (believed to be a

reference to $3,600). Client-5 confirmed with LEWIS that the

girls Itlike to have fun," and then provided the address for the

appointment to LEWIS. (Call 6197R).

61. At approximately 4:58 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called

"Dorine." LEWIS told "Dorine" that she would be meeting with two

clients, and that another model would be joining her. LEWIS said

that the "client" (believed to be a reference to Client-5) had

used the service in New York, and that the last time he saw

someone for many, many hours. LEWIS and "Dorine" then discussed

the amount of money and credit card charges "Dorine" should

receive from Client-5. (Call 6212R). At approximately 5:12

p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, sent a text message to

'Dorine," stating: "The other model's name is Michelle. Pls go

inside house together. If client pays cash its 1000/hr OR 3600/4

hrs. If client pays credit its 1150/hr OR 4140/4hrs." (Call

6218R). Approximately one minute later, at approximately 5:13

p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, sent a text message to

"Michelle," stating: "The other model's name is Dorine. Pls go

inside house together. If client pays cash its 1000/hr OR 3600/4

hrs. If client pays credit its 1150/hr OR 4140/4 hrs." (Call

6221) .

62. At approximately 6:16 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from "Dorlne." During the call, "Dorine" stated that

"they" (believed to be a reference to "Dorine" and "Michelle")

were there, and were going in. LEWIS told "Dorine" to call back

after they collected. (Call 6250R). At approximately 6 : 3 8 p.m.,

LEWIS, using the 6587 Number, called Client-5. During the call,

Client-5 complimented the girls, and confirmed the cost for four

hours would be $3,600. LEWIS confirmed that the cost would be

$3,600 if paying in cash and $4,140 if paying by credit card.

Client-5 passed the telephone to "Dorine." LEWIS told 'Dorine"

that they had to collect $3,600 in cash and $4,140 on credit.

(Call 6258R) . At approximately 7: 05 p.m., LEWIS, using 'the 6587

Number, received a call from "Dorine," who told LEWIS that

"they're very nice ... just ... sitting by the pool ... not doing

anything, just talking so far." (Call 6279R) . Approximately two

hours later, at approximately 9: 13 p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587

Number, called "Michelle," who told LEWIS that the clients were

asleep, and discussed the amount of money that "Michelle" and

"Dorine" had been paid. (Call 6325R) .

3. The Emperors Club's International Prostitution

Operat ions

63. During a number of intercepted telephone calls and

text messages, and recovered e-mails, the defendants made ,

arrangements for acts of prostitution in various locations in

Europe. Several of these intercepted telephone calls and text

messages and recovered e-mails are summarized below.

a. London, Enqland

i. January 12, 2008

64. On January 12, 2008, at approximately 9:00 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a 'Rachells," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, called a prostitute based in London, England, who

the Emperors Club marketed under the name "A~trid.~'D uring the

call, "Astrid" told LEWIS that she was there with the client

("Client-6"). LEWIS asked to speak with Client-6. LEWIS told

Client-6 that they had not yet received his deposit. Client-6

said that he would give everything to "Astrid." LEWIS told

Client-6 that when the deposit arrived, he could use it for his

next appointment. "Astrid" got back on the telephone, and LEWIS

told her that Client-6 was going to give her 500 pounds, and that

LEWIS would call her in an hour. (Call 1301R) .

65. At approximately 10:04 a.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number,

retrieved a message from [Astrid], who stated that she was

leaving Client-6 and everything was fine. LEWIS then received an

incoming call from Client-6. LEWIS asked Client-6 how it went,

and he said that she was very nice. Client-6 stated, however,

that next time he wanted to see someone else. Client-6 told

LEWIS that he would give her a call next week. (Call 1342R).

ii. January 24, 2008

66. On or about January 24, 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

''Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, sent an e-mail to an

Emperors Club prostitute. In the e-mail, SUWAL asked the

prostitute if she would be available on February 11, 2008, for a

prostitution appointment in Europe with a client to cost $25,000

or more.

b. Vienna, Austria

67. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 12:22 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, received

an incoming call from an Emperors Club client ("Client-7") based

in Europe. Client-7 told LEWIS that he just landed in Vienna,

and was on his way to the hotel. Client-7 indicated that he

would call back with his room number. (Call 3578C). At

approximately 12:53 p.m., Client-7 called LEWIS and told her that

he was in room 511. (Call 3580C) .

68. At approximately 1:02 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, sent a

text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text message, LEWIS

stated: "How long is 'Aveline's' appt?l1 (Call 3602C). In

response, SUWAL sent a text message to LEWIS, stating: "[Client-

71 has enough credit that they can take their time this evening

and tomorrow morning. She . . . doesn't necessarily have to race

out @ 9am." (Call 3605C) .

4. The Emperors Club's Interstate Transportation Of


69. During a number of intercepted telephone calls and

text messages, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendants, made arrangements with clients to

transport Emperors Club prostitutes interstate for purposes of

prostitution. A number of the intercepted telephone calls and

text messages relating to the interstate transportation are

summarized below.

a. February 15, 2008, Interstate Transportation

From California To Las Veqas, Nevada

70. On February 7, 2008, at approximately 12:13 a.m.,

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander," 'the defendant, using

the 1627 Number, sent a text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, from the 3390 Number. In

the text message, HOLLANDER wrote: '[An Emperors Club client

("Client-an)] would like to fly falana out to las vegas ,on fri.

do you thnk that is an ok first appt for her?" (Call 2081C).

71. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 9:28 p.m.,

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a 'Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, using

the 3390 Number, received a call from a representative of Client-

8. During the call, the representative, who said he was calling

on behalf of Client-8, asked if "Felana" would be available for

Friday night. .SUWAL informed the representative that Client-8

would have to pay a deposit to the Emperors Club to secure

"Falana's" transportation to Las Vegas. SUWAL and the

representative discussed Client-8 sending a wire transfer to pay

for the deposit. (Call 3692C) .

72. Notwithstanding the foregoing calls, on February

12, 2008, at 9:58 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle,"

the defendant, using the 6587 Number, spoke with Client-8's

representative. LEWIS told the representative that "Falana"

would not be available for the appointment with Client-8. (Call


b. February 13, 2008, Interstate Transportation

From New York To Washinqton, D.C.

73. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 10:53 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, sent a text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text

message, LEWIS wrote: 'Pls let me know if [Client-9's] 'package'

(believed to be a reference to a deposit of money sent by mail)

arrives 2mrw. Appt wd b on Wed." (Call 3728C). SUWAL sent a

text message back to LEWIS, stating: 'K." (Call 3731C).

74. On February 12, 2008, at approximately 2:37 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, called a prostitute who the Emperors Club marketed

using the name "Kristen." During the call, LEWIS left a message

for "Kristen" that the "deposit" had not arrived today, but that

they should be able to do the trip if the deposit arrived

tomorrow. (Call 9324R) . At approximately 4 : 03 p.m. , LEWIS

received a call from "Kristen." During the call, "Kristen" said

that she had heard the message, and that was fine. LEWIS and

"Kristen" then discussed the time that "Kristen" would take the

train from New York to Washington, D.C. LEWIS told "Kristen"

that there was a 5:39 p.m. train that arrived at 9:00 p.m., and

that "Kristen" would be taking the train out of Penn Station.

LEWIS confirmed that Client-9 would be paying for everything -

train tickets, cab fare from the hotel and back, mini bar or room

service, travel time, and hotel. LEWIS said that they would ..

probably not know until 3 p.m. if the deposit arrived because

Client-9 would not do traditional wire transferring. (Call

9362) .

75. At approximately 8:12 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that

the "package" did not arrive today. LEWIS asked Client-9 if

there was a return address on the envelope, and Client-9 said no.

LEWIS asked: "You had QAT . . .," and Client-9 said: "Yup, same

as in the past, no question about it." LEWIS asked Client-9 what

time he was interested in having the appointment tomorrow.

Client-9 told her 9:00 p.m. or 10:OO p.m. LEWIS told Client-9 to

call her back in five minutes. (Call 9460R) .

76. At approximately 8:14 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant, at the 0937 Number.

During the call, LEWIS told BRENER that Client-9 had just called

about an appointment for tomorrow, and that he had around $400 or

$500 credit. SUWAL said that she did not feel comfortable saying

that Client-9 had a $400 credit when she did not know that for a

fact. SUWAL and BRENER talked in the background about whether

Client-9 could proceed with the appointment without his deposit

having arrived. (Call 9462R). At approximately 8:23 p.m., LEWIS

called Client-9, and told him that the 'office" said he could not

proceed with the appointment with his available credit. After

discussing ways to resolve the situation, LEWIS and Client-9 I

agreed to speak the following day. (Call 9467R) .

77. On February 12, 2008, at approximately 9:22 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, sent a text message to ''Kristen." In the text

message, LEWIS wrote: 'If D.C. appt. happens u will need 2 leave

NYC @ 4:45pm. Is that possible?" (Call 9515R). "Kristen" wrote

back: "Yes." (Call 9516R) .

78. At approximately 3 : 2 0 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that

they were still trying to determine if his deposit had arrived.

Client-9 told LEWIS that he had made a re'servation at the hotel,

and had paid for it in his name. Client-9 said that there would

be a key waiting for her, and told LEWIS that what he had on

account with her covered the "transportation" (believed to be a

reference to the cost of the trainfare for "Kristen" from New

York to Washington, D.C.). LEWIS said that she would try to make

it work. (Call 9636R). At approximately 3:24 p.m., LEWIS, using

the 6587 Number, called CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate,"

the defendant, at the 3390 Number. LEWIS explained to SUWAL what

Client-9 had proposed. SUWAL told LEWIS she would call her back.

(Call 9642R) . At approximately 3 : 53 p.m., MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," the defendant, using the 0937 Number, called LEWIS at

the 6587 Number. BRENER and LEWIS discussed the problem about

Client-9's deposit. (Call 9654R). At approximately 4:18 p.m.,

SUWAL, using the 3390 Number, sent a text message to LEWIS at the

6587 Number, stating: "[Plackage arrived. Pls be sure he rsvp

hotel." (Call 9659R) .

79. At approximately 4:21 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, using the 6587 Number, called

"Kri~ten.~Du ring the call, LEWIS told "Kristen" that the

package had arrived, and that "theyu (believed to be a reference

to MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendants) just got the mail. LEWIS told

"Kristen" to get to Penn Station and call her when she picked up

her tickets. (Call 9661R) . At approximately 4 :48 p.m., LEWIS

sent a text message to "Kristen," stating: "TRAIN INFO Departing

from Penn St. Arriving 8 Union St. Washington, DC NYC to DC Train

129 Dep. 5:39pm Arr. 9pm." (Call 9G79R). At approximately

4:54 p.m., LEWIS sent another text message to "KristenItts tating:

"TRAIN INFO Return trip DC to NYC Train 84 Dep. 2/14 8:35pm Arr.

ll:57am." (Call 9683R).

80. At approximately 4:58 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

an incoming call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told

Client-9 that his package arrived today, and Client-9 said good.

LEWIS asked Client-9 what time he was expecting to have the

appointment. Client-9 told LEWIS maybe 10:OO p.m. or so, and

asked who it was. LEWIS said it was "Kristen," and Client-9 said

"great, okay, wonderful ." LEWIS told Client-9 that she would

give him a final price later, and asked Client-9 whether he could

give "Kristen" "extra funds" at this appointment in order to

avoid payment issues in the future. Client-9 said maybe, and

that he would see if he could do that. LEWIS explained that the

agency did not want a model accepting funds for a future

appointment, but that she was going to make an exception that way

a deposit could be made so that he would have a credit, and they

would not have to "go through this" next time. Client-9 said

perfect, and that he would call her regarding the room number.

(Call 9686R) .

81. At approximately 7:51 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from Client-9. During the call, LEWIS told Client-9 that

the balance was around ,"2611 (believed to be a reference to

$2,600), but she would give him an exact number later. LEWIS

asked if when "Kristen" went to pick up the key she would have to

give a name or would she be able to say that she was one of

Client-9's guests for whom he left an envelope. ~EW1~'and

Client-9 discussed how to arrange for "Kristen" to get the key to

her hotel room. LEWIS said that she would prefer if "Kristen"

did not have to give a name. Client-9 said that he was trying to

'think this through." Client-9 repeated that his balance was

'2600," and stated that maybe he would give "her," a reference to

"Kristen," '3600" and have a thousand on balance. LEWIS

suggested making it "1500fl more. Client-9 said that would make

it "4100," and said that he would look for a bank and see about

it. Client-9 told LEWIS to let him go down and take care of

this, and suggested that maybe he could put it [the hotel key] in

an envelope with the concierge. (Call 9725R).

82. At approximately 8:47 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from Client-9. During the call, Client-9 told LEWIS to

tell "Kristen" to go to the hotel and go to room 871. Client-9

told LEWIS that the door would be open. Client-9 told LEWIS that

there would be a key in the room, but the door would be ajar.

LEWIS asked if the hotel staff might pass by the door and close

it, and Client-9 said no it was okay. Client-9 explained that

the door would not be visibly open, but if someone pushed it, the 4

door would open. LEWIS told Client-9 that his balance was

$2,721.41, and that if he wanted to do an additional "150OU or

even "2000" it would be better. Client-9 said that he did not

know if he could get to a machine to do that, but he would see.

LEWIS said that 'Kristen" would go directly to room ,871. Client-

9 asked LEWIS to remind- him what 'Kristen" looked like, and LEWIS

said that she was an American, petite, very pretty brunette, 5

feet 5 inches, and 105 pounds. Client-9 said that she should go

straight to 871, and if for any reason it did not work out, she

should call LEWIS. (Call 9731) .

83. At approximately 9 : 3 2 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from "Kristen." During the call, '"Kristen" said that she

was in the room. LEWIS told "Kristen" that she would call her

back when she knew when Client-9 would be there. (Call 9734R).

84. At approximately 9:36 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a 'Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587 Number, received

a call from "Kristen." During the call, LEWIS told "Kristen"

that "he," a reference to Client-9, was at the hotel. "Kristen"

told LEWIS that she just talked to him. 'Kristen" said that

Client-9 was coming'to her. LEWIS told "Kristen" that Client-9

should be giving her "extra," and that the extra should be

deposited into- LEWIS told "Kristen" to text her when he

arrived and LEWIS would start the four hours then, and also to

let her know if he left early. (Call 9741R).

85. On February 14, 2008, at approximately 12:02 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, received

a call from "Kristen." During the call, "Kristen" told LEWIS ,

that "he," a reference to Client-9, had left. LEWIS asked

"Kristen" what time he got there, and "Kristen" said "15 after .

. . maybe 10." LEWIS asked "Kristen" how she thought the

appointment went, and "Kristen" said that she thought it went

very well. LEWIS asked "Kristen" how much she collected, and

'Kristen" said $4,300. "Kristen" said that she liked him, and

that she did not think he was difficult. "Kristen" stated: 'I

don't think he's difficult. I mean it's just kind of like . . .

whatever. . . I'm here for a purpose. I know what my purpose is.

I am not a . . . m*o*o*n, you know what I mean. So maybe that's

why girls maybe think they're difficult . . . . " "Kristen"

continued: "That's what it is, because you're here for a

[purpose]. Let's not get it twisted - I know what I do, you

know." LEWIS responded: "You look at it very uniquely, because .

. . no one .ever says it that way." LEWIS continued that from

what she had been told "he" (believed to be a reference to

Client-9) "would ask you to do things that, like, you might not

think were safe - you know - I mean that . . . very basic things.

. . . "Kristen" responded: "I have a way of dealing with that .

. . I'd be like listen dude, you really want the sex? . . . You

know what I mean." Near the end of the call, LEWIS and "Kristen"

discussed "Kristen's" departure via Amtrak, the room that Client9

had provided for "Kristen," and "Kristen's" share of the cash

that Client-9 had provided to her. (Call 9750R).

c. March 4, 2008, Interstate Transportation From

California to Chicaqo, Illinois

86. During February 2008, the FBI intercepted a series

of telephone calls and text messages over the 6587 Number

regarding an Emperors Club client ("Client-10") who requested a

date in Chicago, Illinois, on March 4, 2008. As discussed below,

in order to accommodate Client-10's request, TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, informed Client-10 that

he would have to pay the costs of transportation for the

prostitute from California to Chicago.

87. On February 22, 2008, at approximately 7:48 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, using the

6587 Number, spoke with Client-10. During the call, LEWIS and

Client-10 discussed the possibility of a prostitute the Emperors

Club marketed under the name "Chrissy" traveling to ch=cago for a

date with Client-10 on March 4, 2008. LEWIS informed Client-10

that he would be responsible for the airfare for "Chrissy" to

Chicago, and discussed additional expenses he would owe related

to the travel. (Call 11503R) .

88. On February 29, 2009, at approximately 1:41 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, sent a text message to CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, at the 3390 Number. In the text

message, LEWIS stated: "CHRISSY'S FLIGHT INFO LAX to

OIHare United 110 Dep. 3/4 10:05 a.m. Arr. 4:05pm OtHare to

LaGuardia. United 692 Dep. 3/5 8:45pm Arr. ll:45pm $482.98."

(Call 13817R) .


89. As discussed above, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie, " a/k/a "Kate, " the defendants,

have laundered the proceeds of the Emperors Club prostitution

business primarily through two bank accounts in the names of "QAT

Consulting Group, Inc. " (the "First QAT Account") and "QAT

International, Inc . " (the "Second QAT Ac~ount) ~(~c ollectively,

the "QAT Accounts"). As discussed below, from in or about

December 2004 through at -least in or about January 2008, I

believe that BRENER and SUWAL have used the QAT Accounts to

launder more than $1 million in proceeds from the Emperors Club

prostitution business.

90. Based on my review of bank records and my review

of documents prepared by the IRS-CID agents involved in this

investigation, I have determined that CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, opened the First QAT Account on or

about December 10, 2004. In the account opening documents, SUWAL

claimed that QAT Consulting Group, Inc., was an active company

with an address of

and a mailing address of

4 'According to the N ew York Department of

State website, however, QAT was an inactive corporation, and its

current entity name was "Protech Consultants, Inc . Protech

Consultants, however, was also listed as an inactive company by

the New York Department of State. Moreover, other agents

involved in this investigation have determined that the 0

faddress was merely the address for a mail -

receiving and forwarding service.

91. Based on my review of bank records and my review

of documents prepared by IRS-CID agents, I have also determined

that CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie.," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant,

opened the Second QAT Account on or about November 30, 2006. In

the account opening documents, SUWAL claimed that she was the

President of "QAT International, Inc.," and provided 1040 Avenue

of the Americas as the address for the business.

92. I have reviewed account activity for the QAT

Accounts. Based on my review, I have determined that from in or

about December 2004 to at least in or about January 2008 Emperors

Club clients have sent more than $1 million in payments for

prostitution services to the QAT Accounts. Emperors Club clients

have sent these payments primarily in the form of American

Express credits and wire transfers from both inside and outside

the United States.

93. From my review of bank records and my review of

documents prepared by IRS-CID agents, I have also determined that

from in or about December 2004 to in or about January 2008, CECIL

SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, wrote more

than $lOO,OtOO in checks to cash from the QAT Accounts. During

the same time period, SUWAL wrote more than $39,000 in checks

from the QAT Accounts to Protech Consultants. I have spoken with

an IRS-CID agent who determined from his review of bank records

that from in or about September 2003 through in or about October

2006, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant, controlled an

account in the name of Protech Consultants at -

94. I have also determined from my discussions with

IRS-CID agents who have analyzed the bank records in this case

that from in or about November 2005 to in or about January 2008,

CECIL SWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, wrote

approximately $53,473.00 in checks from the QAT Accounts to

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant. From in

or about July 2007 to in or about January 2008, SUWAL wrote

approximately $4,870 in checks from the QAT Accounts to TANYA

HOLLANDER, a/k/a ItTania Hollander," the defendant. SUWAL also

wrote approximately $22,616.00 in checks from the QAT Accounts to

herself. In addition, from in or about December 2004 to in or

about January 2008, SUWAL sent more than $400,000 in checks and

wire transfers from the QAT Accounts to more than 50 Emperors

Club prostitutes in the United States and Europe.

95. Based on the foregoing, I believe that MARK

BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," the defendants, have used and are using the QAT Accounts

to commit money-laundering crimes. Specifically, I believe that

BRENER and SUWAL have used and are using the QAT ~ccounts to

promote the Emperors Club's prostitution business and to conceal

the illicit nature of the proceeds of its illegal activities.


96. Based on the foregoing, the Government requests

that arrest warrants be issued for MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

the defendants, so.that they may be arrested and detained or

bailed, as the case may be.-


A. Th I-ef Premises

97. For the reasons discussed below, I submit there

is probable cause to believe that there is presently located at

f a one-bedroom apartment with affixed to the

door and located o nB- tfhe atJ 4-

apartment building at - m (the 1, evidence, fruits, and

instrumentalities of violations of the federal prostitution and

money-laundering offenses alleged herein. More specifically, as

set forth below, based on (1) records for the First QAT Account,

(2) surveillance at m ,( 3 ) e-mail records

and Internet service provider records, and (4) intercepted wire

communications, I submit that there is probable cause to believe

that CECIL SUIdAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate, " and MARK BRENER,

a/k/a "Michael," the defendan tsb, l-ive at the

that SUWAL and BRENER operate the Emperors cluTis prostitution

business out of 4 and that records

(electronic and otherwise) and other evidence pertaininq- to that

prostitution busin esus- a4re a t

1. Payments From The F i r s t QAT Account For The

98. A s set forth above, I have reviewed bank records

for the F i r s t QAT Account, for which CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, is a signatory. For the years 2005,

2006, 2007, and 2008, there were numerous checks written from

that account t --o-- - totaling more than $30,000. The checks were written on almost a monthly basis to

Notations on these checks include

l1Brenerl1 and, account

-- heck I have reviewed

from b -thI e( QAT Account to -I!

was dated January 1, 2008, and it also contains the notation

- -- .-- I have not seen any apartment number other than

-d on the checks from the First QAT Account to

99. On February 26, 2008, an FBI agent called

which is a number l i s t e d for

e agent spoke to an individual, -- -. -

who conf i r i e d that


is a property

management company,

property man

2008, a law


100. Within the past three weeks, another law

enforcement officer has reviewed the Internet websi t e for - at internet address The

E t a i n s sa mple floor ploartments on the

line in that building. The floor plans show that -apartments

are one-bedroom apartments that consist of a kitchen, living room

and dining area, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a terrace.

2 . January 17, 2008, Surveillance Of BRENER And SUWAL

101. On January 17, 2008, based on intercepted

cornrnunications over the 6587 Number, law enforcement agents

learned that MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," and TEMEKA RACHELLE

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendants, planned to meet that

day. Specifically, on January 16, 2008, at approximately 8:31

p.m., BRENER called LEWIS at the 6587 Number. During the call,

BRENER and LEWIS discussed meeting the next day, January 17,

2008. BRENER suggested meeting LEWIS in Fort Lee, New Jersey,

after BRENER finished a morning meeting in Manhattan. (Call

1956R). On January 17, 2008, at approximately 11:12 a.m., BRENER

called LEWIS at the 6587 Number and left a voice mail message

asking LEWIS when they should meet, and BRENER told LEWIS to call

him or send a message to "Katie," a reference to CECIL SUWAL,

a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, because BRENER1s

telephone was having difficulty taking messages. (Call 1976R).

102. That same day, at approximately 11:34 a.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant, using the

6587 Number, sent a text message to the CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, stating that the "cashn was

"$2320 ." (Call 1978R) . Based on my participation in this

investigation, I believe that these text messages referred to

payments for illegal prostitution activities, and that MARK

BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant, SUWAL and LEWIS were ,

planning to meet that day to discuss the financial activities of

the Emperors Club and payments related to work for that illegal


103. Based on these intercepted communications on

January 16 and 17, 2008, I and other agents conducted

surveillance in the vicinity of m. At

approximately 12:45 p.m. on JanuFry 17, 2008, another FBI agent

observed individuals who I believe to be MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendants, enter a with V - '

, which was parked in

the parking lot at the- Premises. BRENER got into the

driver's seat and SUWAL got into the front passenger seat, and

they drove away. I have reviewed New York State Department of

Motor Vehicle records for the . These records

reflect that the

- andmi to QAT Consulting

Group, 1 n c . a -

104. Other FBI agents and I followed the 0

into the parking lot of a strip mall located in Fort Lee,

New Jersey. At approximately 12:57 p.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, using the 3390 Number, sent

a text message to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle," the

defendant, stating : "We are here. " Approximately one minute

later, LEWIS sent a text message to SUWAL, stating: "B there 2


105. At approximately 1:00 p.m., another FBI agent

observed a woman, whom I believe to be TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," the defendant,') approach and then enter the

and t h ethe lef t the mall parking

lot and parked on a street corner ne a-ar branch

location. At approxims-tely 1 : 23 p.m. , after parking the 0 in front of a --branch, an FBI agent

observed SUWAL get out of the Honda Odyssey and enter thet-

branch location. At approximately 1: 35 p.m., an FBI

agent observed SUWAL speak with a bank teller inside the branch

and conduct a transaction. At approximately 1:55 p.m., theleft

the area. At approximately 2:15 p.m., FBI agents

parked back in the parking lot for the

106. I have reviewed bank records for the First QAT

Account, which reflect that on January 17, 2008, at approximately

1:33 p.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant, cashed a $1,400 check .drawn on the First QAT Account

at ad-bbranch. The time of this banking

transaction coincides with the timing of when an FBI agent

observed SUWAL inside of thee-branch in Fort Lee

on January 17, 2008. Moreover, SUWAL wrote a $790 check on the

First QAT Account to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a -"~achelle,"th e

defendant, that same day - January 17, 2008 - and LEWIS

negotiated that check on January 17, 2008, at anlocation

in Brooklyn, New York. Based on the foregoing, I

believe that the meeting between SUWAL, BRENER, and LEWIS in the

&-bin Fort Lee on January 17, 2008, was to discuss

activities related to their illegal prostitution businesses, and

to engage in financial transactions with proceeds from that

prostitution business.

3. The Computer At b

l3 I believe the woman I saw was LEWIS based on, among

other things, her similarity to a driver's license photograph for

LEWIS issued out of the State of Virginia.

107. As set forth above and below, the Emperors Club

utilizes the e-mail address ""

(previously defined as the "Emperors Club E-Mail Account") . For

example, on January 24, 2008, at approximately 1:46 p.m., TEMEKA

RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a ..'Rachelle," the defendant, using the 6587

Number, left a voice mail message for a woman using the name

"Sophia," whom I believe to have been a London-based prostitute

working with the Emperors Club. In the message, LEWIS asked

'Sophia" to "send and e-mail as soon as possible to," and, after repeating this e-mail

address, LEWIS explained that 'it may just be easier if we speak

over the phone. But if you can't call . . . please try,to send

an e-mail, to let me know your availability for tonight."

108. On or about January 25, 2008, I obtained login

records for the Emperors Club E-Mail Account. These records

reflect that, between December 10, 2007, and January 24, 2008,

the Emperors Club E-Mail Account was accessed more than 100 times

from a computer with the Internet protocol ('IP") Address14

( hAccording to records obtained from Time Warner

Cable, this IP adres(-b was used more than a dozen

times - including numerous of the dates and times when this IP

address accessed the Emperors Club E-Mail - during January of

2008 by an account subscribed to b y 4 ! ! b at

(the address for the

109. Moreover, pursuant to a court-authorized search

warrant for the Emperors Club E-Mail Account, I have reviewed

numerous e-mails for that account which were sent from a

computer with IP address-nd which relate to the

illegal prostitution business run by CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie,"

a/k/a "Kate," and MARK BRENER, a/k/a 'Michael," the defendants.

Accordingly, I believe that SUWAL and BRENER have used and are

l4 An internet protocol, or IP, address is a unique

numerical address assigned to a particular computer that is

connected to the Internet during a given session. An IP Address

is a series,of four numbers each in the range 0-255, separated

by periods e . . , . Every computer attached to the

Internet must be assigned an IP address so that Internet traffic

sent from and directed to that computer may be directed properly

from its source to its destination. An IP address acts much like

a home or business street address: it enables computers

connected to the Internet to properly route traffic to each


using a computer located inside t h e ' - ?to

conduct the criminal activities of the Emperors Club.

4. Intercepred Communications ~nda-

110. Interceptions of wire and electronic

communications over the 3390 Number used by CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a

"Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant, provide further evidence

that SUWAL conducts her illegal activities bo-u1t of

-and maintains records related to those illegal

activities at -- - - . . For example:

a. On February 11, 2008, at approximately 1:57

p.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant,

called a prostitute known as "Chrissy" and told her that her

appointment with a customer in San Francisco had been confirmed.

During this call, "Chrissy" told SUWAL that she had emailed SUWAL

some pictures last night, and SUWAL confirmed that she had

received those pictures but that SUWAL preferred the cbrrent

pictures of 'Chrissy" on the Website. SUWAL also noted that they

had changed her rate to $2100 per hour. (Call 3620C). Given

that law enforcement agents began conducting surveillance at-

--- - -- - - that day, and that these agents saw SUWAL

-RENER, a/k/a "Michael, the defendant, leave the


parking garage at that location at 3:40 p.m., I believe that

during this telephon e' c-al(lt SaUWAL was

I further believe that SUWAL received the'e-mail referenced

during this call at a computer located a t j r - b. On February 13, 2008, at approximately 10:54

a.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant,

sent a text message to a prostitute, possibly known as "Alyssa,"

and asked her to "Pls fax cc slip from last night." (3936C). At

approximately 11:59 a.m., SUWAL sent another text message to the

same prostitute stating: "[Jlust received fax. Perfect thanks."

(3945C). Based on my knowledge of this investigation, I believe

that during this text message exchange, SWAL wanted "Alyssa" to

fax her a client's credit card slip from a recent appointment.

Moreover, given that FBI agents began conducting surveillance at

on that day at approximately 1:55 p.m.,

and saw SUWAL leave the-with BRENER at approximately

2:00 p.m., I believe that SUWAL received that fi_-a=tax

- ..- - -prior to surveillance that day.

B. sesimerpT.-fhe

111. I submlt there is probable cause to believe that

there is presently located at at b

-- - -- I w h i c e d i n ! n s t o n e

apartment building, on the

the only apartment that oc Ievid)ence, fruits, and in,strumkntalities o f violations

of the federal prostitution and money-laundering offenses alleged

herein. More specifically, as set forth below, based on (1) bank

account records, (2) surveillance of the

and (3) intercepted wire communications, t that there is

~robable cause to believe that TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS. a/k/a

:~achelle, " the defen dLan-tf,e hltives at

that LEWIS conducts illegal activities relating to the Emperors

Club out of the , and that records

(electronic and A i d e n c eper taining to those

i llegbal a-ctivIities are at the

112. Another law enforcement official has reviewed

records from-which reflect that TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, maintains an account withand

that, as of February 2008, LEWIS'S bank mailing address

was changed to the a .As a result, LEWIS

current1 receives her- stateme nbts- aft the

Moreover, records from the First QAT Account show

that, since January 1, 2008, LEWIS has received at least three

checks drawn on that account. and that those checks were

negotiated at a nibcation i .n'1-

2. Surveillanceo f- fLtE~WIS -


113. On January 31, 2008, at approximately 8:30 a.m.,

another law enforcement officer observed TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a 'Rachelle, " the defendant, exit the building at I-

The officer identified LEWIS based

on her driver's license photograph issued out of the 0

I-This was .the same p hotograph used to identify LEWIS

when she met with CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," and

MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendants, on January 17,

2008, in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

114. On February 28, 2008, at approximately 2:50 p.m.,

another law enforcement officer went to conduct surveillance at

At approximately 2 : 5 5

p.m., the officer spoke with TAMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant. She confirmed that she lived in the

building, pointed at the window of the f

and indicated that she lived there. At approximately 3 : 0 0 p.m.,

the officer saw LEWIS , B-eaenhtter and

noticed that this was the only apartment on that floor There

was no markin g 1on1 t1he- d1oor to the other

than an ADT security sticker.

115. On February 28, 2008, at approximately 3:12 p.m.,

TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a uRachelle," the defendant, used the

6587 Number to call CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendant. During the call, SUWAL told LEWIS that the "phones

are transferred to you." SUWAL also provided LEWIS with

prostitution booking updates, including the date and time of at

least two prostitution appointments with different customers.

(Call 13581R). Based on the timing of this call, and the timing

of the officer's observation of LEWIS ent

I believe that LEWIS was at the

when she took this call to receive specific information about

prostitution booking appointments.

3 . Intercepted Wire Communications And The - Premises

:$qr?, -* 3)

116. Based upon intercepted wire communications over

the 6587 Number, I believe TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle , " the defendant, worked from her home when she handled

prostitution bookings for the Emperors Club. I therefore believe

that records and evidence concernin-g these illegal activities are

at the a ! .For exam ple, on February 5, 2008,

at approximately 10 :21 p.m., LEWIS, using the 6587 d umber, spoke

with MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael," the defendant, about their

concerns as to whether the telephone number on the Website was

working. LEWIS told BRENER that she did not get any calls

yesterday, and, if she had any calls early in the day, those

calls related to "prebookings." LEWIS noted that one client had

called and was able to '..get through," but LEWIS did not know what

number he called. BRENER said that the telephone company was

attempting to fix the problem, and that his purpose in calling 1

LEWIS was to say that only the '917" number was working and not

to wait to call regarding prebookings. BRENER asked LEWIS during

this call if she had an Internet computer at home or if she went

to an Internet cafe. LEWIS responded that she had a computer at

home, but that she sometimes had to go to a cafe because of

difficulties in accessing attachments. (Call 6873R). Given

LEWIS'S comment about havinq a computer at her home, I believe

that LEWIS work

in conducting t he illegal business of th<~mperors Club.

117. Furthermore, in communications intercepted over

the 6587 Number and the 3390 Number, TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant, has indicated that some of the records

she maintains regarding the Emperors Club!s activities include

notes on the prostitutes1 physical appearances, credit card

information from prostitution clients, hourly rates for the

prostitutes, booking sheets relating to prostitution

appointments, and contact information for clients.

118. For example, on February 7, 2008, at

approximately 6:30 p.m., TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle,"

the defendant, spoke with CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a 'Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," the defendant, about how much money a prostitute the

Emperors 'Club marketed using the name "Alyssa" had collected from

a client. SUWAL indicated that she was unsure if LEWIS would

still have the "bookers sheet" for that appointment, and LEWIS

responded that she had "the piece of paper I wrote it on," and

that the amount "was 1200 cash and 2070 credit card." (Call

3175C). Given SUWAL1s comment about a "bookers sheet" and

LEWIS'S comment about still having the document on which she

wrote the amount, I believe that LEWIS maintains prostitution

booking records at the Clinton Road Premises.

C. The & Premises

119. I submit there is probable cause to believe that

there is presently located at the home a t l f l

(the b) , evidence,

fruits, -and instr-urnentaliti& of violations of the federal

prostitution and money-laundering offenses alleged herein. More

specifically, based on (1) bank records and (2) wire

communications, I believe that TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania

Hollander," the defendant ,b -lIiehvtes at

that HOLLANDER conducts activities related to the Emperor's Club

illegal prostitution business out of the f ,

and that records (electronic and otherwise) and other evidence

pertaining to that illegal prostitution business are at the


1. Bank Records And he- - . Premises

120. Law enforcement agents have reviewed bank records

for an account TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a I1Tania Hollander," the

defendant, maintains at t h e m &

a m .Those records, which cover* the period from

2007 and to February 2008, reflect that HOLLANDER receives her

banking mail at the l . Moreover, in

connection with this bank account, HOLLANDER submitted a copy of

her New York State Driver's License, which contained a photograph

that I used to identify HOLLANDER on January 28, 2008.

121. Law enforcement agents have reviewed records

showing that TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander, the

defendant, received numerous checks drawn on the First QAT

Account during 2007, and at least three of those checks were

deposited into the ~ 0 ~ L A N ~ ~ ~ ' s ~ a cbectwoeeun Oncto ber and

December of 2007. Furthermore, HOLLANDER received at least two

checks in 2008 drawn on the First QAT Account that were

negotiated at a b a n klo cation inm-b

- -

2. Wire Communications And The Premises

122. Based on intercepted wire communications, as well

as cell site information obtained from the 1627 Number used by

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a I1Tania Hollander," the defendant, to

conduct the illegal activities of the Emperors Club, I believe

that HOLLANDER conducts those illegal activities out of the

that she maintains records relating to

such activities at t h e f For e xample:

a. On February 7, 2008, at approximately 8:55

p.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant,

sent a text message to TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

the defendant, at the 1627 Number, stating: "Hi tania. If

possible, pls do not send pamela on a travel date w/ a new

client. Pls refer to the sheet in the bookers manual that

addresses Itravel date models." (Call 3236C). Given this

reference to a "sheet" in a "bookers manual," I believe that

HOLLANDER maintains a record with procedures for booking

prostitutes at the q f b .

b. On February 10, 2008, at approximately 6:26

p.m., CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendant,

called TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a I1Tania Hollander," the defendant,

at the 1627 Number. During the call, SUWAL provided HOLLANDER

with numerous prostitution booking updates. SUWAL also gave

HOLLANDER specific information about at least six separate

prostitution bookings in various cities - New York, Washington,

D.C., Los Angeles, and Miami, - with different clients, on

different dates, and with different prostitutes. (Call 3537R).

Given the specificity and quantity of the information HOLLANDER

received during this call - which included client names, city

information, various times and dates for prostitution

appointments, hotel information, telephone numbers, prostitute

availability for the appointments, and prostitute rate

information - I believe that HOLLANDER must have recorded this

information onto paper or electronic media in order to handle

calls concerning this prostitution meetings over the next several

days. Furthermore, during this call, SUWAL and HOLLANDER

discussed how to market a specific prostitute known as "Dorine,"

and HOLLANDER told SUWAL: "I have the write up on Dorine."

Based on this call, I believe that HOLLANDER maintains records

about 'Dorine" and other Emperors Club prostitutes at the - VI. APPLICATION FOR SEIZURE WARRANTS

A. The OAT Accounts

123. As discussed above, MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendants,

have used the QAT Accounts to received more than $1 million in

proceeds from the Emperors Club illegal prostitution business.

BRENER and SUWAL also have used the QAT Accounts to make payments

of illicit proceeds to themselves, to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS,

a/k/a "Rachelle," and TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander,"

the defendants, and to Emperors Club prostitutes. As a result, I

submit that there is probable cause to believe that the QAT

Accounts contain the proceeds of illegal activity and have been

used and are being used by BRENER and SUWAL to conduct their

money-laundering crimes.

B. The LEWIS Account and The HOLLANDER Account

124. As discussed above, based on my discussions with

IRS-CID agents, I have determined that between in or about

November 2005 and January 2008, CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a

"Kate," the defendant, wrote approximately $53,473.00 worth of

checks from the First QAT Account to TEMEKA RACHELLE LEWIS, a/k/a

"Rachelle," the defendant, a portion of which were ultimately

deposited into account number in the name of

Temeka R. Lewis (the "LEWIS Account") . oreover, during past

twelve months most of the money deposited into the LEWIS Account,

besides cash, appears to have come from the First QAT Account.

Based on my reviewed of intercepted wire communications, I have

determined that individuals working with the Emperors Club often

receive payments in cash. Also, during that same period there is

.. no indication that the LEWIS Account received money from any

employment activity other than LEWIS'S work for Emperors Club.

From in or about July 2007 through July 2008, SUWAL wrote

approximately $4,870.00 in checks from the First QAT Atcount to

TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania Hollander, the defendant,

0$4,700.00 o,fi nw htihce h nwaemree ofd eTpoasniitae Rd .i Hnotlol aancdecr o(tuhe n"HtOLnL uAmNbDeErR


125. I submit that there is probable cause to believe

that the -has been used by MARK BRENER, a/k/a

"Michael," and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the

defendants, to conduct their federal prostitution and moneylaundering

crimes. As set forth above, on January 17, 2008, law

enforcement agents observed SUWAL and BRENER use the

to both conduct banking activity and meet w i t h m

LEWIS, a/k/a "Rachelle, " the defendant, in connection

with the illegal prostitution business.

126. In addition to this meeting, on January 28, 2008,

law enforcement agents surveiled MARK BRENER, a/k/a "Michael,"

and CECIL SUWAL, a/k/a "Katie," a/k/a "Kate," the defendants, use

the to meet with TANYA HOLLANDER, a/k/a "Tania

Hol efendant, in connection with the illegal

prostitution activities. Specifically, on January 28, 2008, after

series of intercepted communications relating in part to the

amount of money HOLLANDER was to receive from BRENER and SUWAL,

the three defendants met in person in the vicinity of Grand

Central Terminal in New York, New York. I personally observed

individuals who matched the descri~tion of BRENER and SWAL A.

i n-si-dfe the during

this surveillance.

Statutory Authoritv For Seizure Warrants

127. The statutory provisions pursuant to which the

QAT Bank Accounts, the LEWIS Account, the HOLLANDER Account, and

the - are subject to seizure and forfeiture are as

follows :

a. Title 18, United States Code, Section

981 (a) (1) (A) subjects to forfeiture I' [a] ny property, real or

personal, involved in a transaction cr attempted transaction in

violation of . . . section 1956 . . . of this title [relating to

money laundering], or any property traceable to such property."

b. Title 18, United States Code, Section

981 (a) (1) (C) subjects to forfeiture: "Any property, real or

personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable

to . . . any offense constituting 'specific unlawful activity'

(as defined in section 1956(c) (7) of this title), or a conspiracy

to commit such offense."

c. Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956

provides, in pertinent part, that

(a)(l) Whoever, knowing that the property

involved in a financial transaction

represents the proceeds of some form of

unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to '

conduct such a financial transaction which in

fact involves the proceeds of specified

unlawful activity--

(A)(i) with the intent to promote the

carrying on of specified unlawful activity;


(B) knowing that the transaction is

designed in whole or in part--

(i) to conceal or disguise the nature, the

location, the source, the ownership, or the

control of the proceeds of specified unlawful


shall be guilty of a crime.

d. "Specified unlawful activitynt is defined in

18 U.S.C. § 1956(c)(7), and includes any offense listed under 18

U.S.C. 5 1961(1). Section 1961(1), in turn, lists as offenses 18

U.S.C. §§ 1952, 2421, and 2422.

e. Title 18 U.S.C. § 984 provides ina

forfeiture action in which the property is funds deposited in an

account in a financial institution, that

(A) it s h a l l not be necessary for the Government

to identify the specific property involved in the

offense that is the basis for t h e f o r f e i t u r e ; and

(B) it shall not be a defense that the property

involved in such an offense has been removed and

replaced by identical property.

f . In addition, "any identical property found i n

the same place or account as the property involved in the offense

that is the basis for the forfeiture shall be subject to

forfeiture" except that [n] o action . . . to f o r f e i t property

not traceable directly to the offense that is the basis for the

forfeiture may be commenced more than 1 year from the date of the

offense .

g. Title 18, United States Code, Section

981 (b) (2) provides that the Secretary of Treasury may seize

property subject t o forfeiture under 18 U.S.C. § 981(a) (1) when

the Secretary "has obtained a warrant for such seizure pursuant

to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure."

128. 'Based on the foregoing, there is probable cause

to believe that the QAT Accounts, the LEWIS Account, the

HOLLANDER Account, and thed-constitute property tha,t

was involved in transactions in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1956, or

property traceable to such property, in that the defendant funds

represent the proceeds of the use of f a c i l i t i e s in i n t e r s t a t e

commerce with the intent to promote unlawful prostitution

activity, the i n t e r s t a t e tr.ansportation of individuals for

purposes of prostitution, and the persuasion of individuals to

travel in i n t e r s t a t e commerce to engage in prostitution, in

violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952, 2421, and 2422, which were

attempted to be transferred and were transferred with the intent

to promote the carrying on of the i l l e g a l prostitution business

and in order to conceal the nature, location, source and

ownership of the proceeds of such business. In addition, there

is probable cause t o believe that the QAT Accounts, the SUWAL

Account, the LEWIS Account, and the HOLLANDER Account are subject

to forfeiture to the United States of America pursuant to 18

U.S.C. 5 981 (a) (1) (C) as these accounts contain proceeds

constituting and derived from violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952,

2421, and 2422, and proceeds traceable to such violations.


129. Based on the foregoing, I respectfully request

that the arrest warrants and seizure warrants specified above be

issued, and that a search w a!r-rdaenhtt for

be issued, and that the individuals arrested be imprisoned or

bailed as the case may be.


Special Agent

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn to before me this



United States hn~nistrateJ udge

Southern District of New York

Transcript of Gov. Eliot Spitzer's remarks after being linked to prostitution ring
Monday, March 10th 2008, 3:14 PM

"Good afternoon.

"For the past nine years, eight years as attorney general, and one as governor, I have tried to uphold a vision of progressive politics that would rebuild New York and create opportunity for all. We sought to bring real change to New York and that will continue.

"Today I want to briefly address a private matter. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my, or any, sense of right and wrong. I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public, whom I promised better.

"I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good, and doing what is best for the state of New York. But I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.

"I will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order. Thank you very much."

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