Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

$7 Million raised since Super Tuesday for Obama

$7 Million raised by Obama since Super Tuesday.

Date:   2/7/2008 6:23:19 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1317 times

4:20 PM
February 7, 08

Well, that';s interesting.

The MoveOn people report that
$7 million has been raised by the Obama folks since Super Tuesday.

Wonder how Hillary is doing?


Dear MoveOn member,
Since Super Tuesday, something amazing has happened. People across the country—including thousands of MoveOn members—got together and contributed over $7 million to Barack Obama's campaign. It's one of the biggest shows of momentum in online fundraising history.

Money poured in everywhere from Idaho to Georgia. And it wasn't raised at fancy dinners or back-room meetings. It was raised by a wave of real people—most of us just contributing a modest amount—working together to build this campaign for change.

Hillary Clinton is doubling down. She announced yesterday that she recently put in $5 million of her own money, and today announced raising millions more. We need to double down too—to allow Obama to build the strongest campaign possible in the many places that have yet to vote. So if you haven't given yet, can you do so now? Whether it's $5 or $50—or $500—every bit makes a difference. Let's keep this incredible momentum growing.

Just click here:

And thanks for all you do.

–Adam G., Eli, Ilyse, Justin, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, February 7th, 2008

P.S. Here's our email from yesterday:

Two weeks ago, Barack Obama was down 20 points in national polls. Last night, he won 13 of 21 states, and is leading in elected delegates.

In the next week, the race moves to 7 more contests. Can you help Obama invest in the next states by making a contribution today?

Contribute to Obama
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Dear MoveOn member,
Just two weeks ago, Barack Obama was down 20 points in national polls. One week ago, newspapers had headlines like, "For Obama, it's all uphill to Super Tuesday" and reported Obama was leading in only three states.1 Last night, Obama won 13 of 21 states and a majority of delegates up for grabs.2

This happened because of an amazing grassroots movement—including MoveOn members across the country who voted overwhelmingly to endorse Obama and then made phone calls, sent emails to their friends, and volunteered on the ground this past week. (By the way, if you'd rather not receive emails about MoveOn's work in the Democratic primary, please click here.)
We need to keep that surge of momentum going as the race moves to 7 more contests in the next week. Obama will have to ramp up his campaign in states that haven't had much focus until now. That will take money—fast. MoveOn members can help.

If you support Barack Obama, if you're inspired by this grassroots movement, if you're excited by results this morning that seemed impossible a couple weeks ago—please make a contribution to his campaign. Click here to contribute:

Whether it's $5 or $50—or $500—every bit makes a difference in a race this tight. Why give through MoveOn? So Obama knows that progressives have his back as he pushes to unify the country around a progressive agenda—an agenda we'll push hard to enact when he's in the White House.

Over the past 4 days, it's been amazing to watch MoveOn members swing into action. On Saturday, we launched the Obama Endorse-O-Thon with a goal of 25,000 personal emails to friends and family about Obama. MoveOn members sent nearly half a million! Meanwhile, MoveOn members in Super Tuesday states volunteered on-the-ground in the critical final days. And the rest of us did our part by using MoveOn's Call for Change phone program to get out the vote for Obama.

We will continue our people-powered activism to help elect Obama, because we've seen what a grassroots movement can do. Just consider:

In Alabama, less than two weeks ago, Obama was down by 15 points. Last night, he won.
In Connecticut, on January 20, Obama was down 41-27. He won that state, too.
In Missouri, less than two weeks ago, Obama was down 19 points. But last night, after many of the networks had already called it for Clinton—Obama won.
Obama holds the lead on delegates elected to the National Convention.3
The Washington Post summed it up: "Obama fared better in the 22-state crush than appeared possible a couple weeks ago, when he was...facing the prospect of having to compete in a slew of states against a better-known candidate with widespread establishment backing."4

We need to keep Obama's momentum going. The best thing we can do today is help him bolster his campaign in the next several contests. Can you chip in today? Click here to contribute to Obama:

Thanks for all you do.

–Adam G., Nita, Adam R., Justin, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, February 7th, 2008


1. Gallup Daily: Tracking Election 2008, Gallup, February 2, 2008

"For Obama, it's all uphill to Super Tuesday," Orlando Sentinel, January 30, 2008

"Obama, Clinton trade victories, McCain wins Calif., other big states," Associated Press story at, February 6, 2008

2. "Clinton and Obama Trade Victories," Washington Post, February 6, 2008

Democratic voter-elected delegate count,

3. Alabama Democratic Presidential Primary, Rasmussen Reports, February 2, 2008

"Connecticut Favorites; It's Clinton And McCain By Big Margins, Poll Says," Hartford Courant, January 20, 2008

Missouri Democratic Presidential Primary, Rasmussen Reports, February 2, 2008

Democratic voter-elected delegate count,

4. "On a Mission to Translate Belief Into Reality," Washington Post, February 6, 2007

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:


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