Does Feeling Good Feel Wrong?
some wonderful things on the Law of Attraction Forum!
Date: 1/9/2008 6:04:07 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 959 times Great insights here:
Does Feeling Good Feel Wrong?
You have come to believe that struggle and suffering is virtuous and therefore good. (And on many levels you set yourself up to some of that suffering.) On the other hand, you've come to believe that joy, or following one's own bliss, is a sort of decadent thing. If you are joyful and doing what feels good to you, somehow you will be punished for it later, because, "after all, not feeling good must surely be the order of the Universe."
We don't know how you get that stuff. You are focused in the most joyful of environments. You are Universal focusers of Energy, and the Energy, itself, that you have to focus toward your individual and collective creative endeavor, is joy itself. It is love itself. The Creative Energy is joy.
Source Energy is the only Energy that flows. There's not a Source of dark, there is a Source of light, which you may be allowing or you may not. Well-being flows.
There is going to be a Major Gathering of
THE SECRET Folks in San Diego January 19.
I will be involved.
I was amazed by this link
I received from Chef Jem
the other day.
This trailer stirs up a lot of feelings in me,
some not pretty:
Once planted some Job's Tears with James
before he became well known. He was in the booth
with my friend James Wanless at INATS years ago.
James Wanless introduced James to me.
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