Where Do We Go When We Die? 13 y
We blend into the ether: by that, I mean we go back to our nature. If we are made by the five elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Life Force – we become the unmanifest Spiritual form of these.
Connect now with me to each in turn; be conscious of your Earthiness – your Physical Body – and breathe as you become conscious of your subtle breath. Take a moment to be aware of your digestive fire or the warmth of your body and the sun on your face. Be conscious of your Self as you drink a glass of water; and remember your Self as you contemplate your own nature, the Life Force or the quantum vacuum or The Field which underlies physical creation.
So in reality you do not need to go anywhere, you just blend into the Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire and become One with the whole Universe ... read more
Remembrance 11.11.11 14 y
When we cast our minds back to those of our grandparents’ and great grandparents’ generation who transitioned in the two World Wars, we can open our hearts in love, knowing they are still only a thought away.
We are all aware of the immortality of spirit, that invisible essence which dwells in each of our hearts, while we live on the Earth plane.
Spiritualism is an example of a spiritual path where we believe, and have confirmed during church services, that the dweller within the body, the Spirit of the person, moves into the light, but is still very much aware and around us, as we live our lives.
Remembrance is a time to remember that we are all Spirit and All One with the universal life force. Remembrance helps us to connect again to our family history and to those who gave up their physic ... read more
My Healing Client's Son Stated he Could Feel Electrical Sensations, which my Client Attributed to my Healing Work. 15 y
I had given some thought to what I was doing at 7.30 on Tuesday evening. I had decided to go to our local beach at Dinas Dinlle, which faces west. I was sitting on one of the stone and wooden seats that are built into the breakwater for high tides, which also serves as a promenade.
I chose naturally to sit there and watch the early stages of the sunset. It was a magical evening and I was enjoying the play of the five elements with each other. I was playing some awareness games with my Self and each element in turn.
I was taking time to connect in my mind with the Water element of the sea and the Air element – the lovely warm gentle breeze of the August evening, while I grounded my body’s energy to the beach and the Earth element. I was releasing tension within myself, then connecting to the clear sky and the sun radiating the Fire element to the planet. I was e ... read more
Does the Sun Spots Cycle Affect the Abundance of the Earth 15 y
Sunspots are the source of the manifestation of intense magnetic activity. Most solar flares and coronal mass ejections originate in magnetically active regions around visible sunspot groupings. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) creates the solar winds, which show up on Earth as Auroras or the Northern Lights.
A very popular quote from the Bible is “seven years of plenty and seven years of famine”. Does this refer to the Sun Spot Cycle, which varies from an 11 year cycle to some times 14 years?
In the 17th century, during a period called the ’Maunder Minimum,’ the cycle appeared to stop altogether for about 70 years.
We are just emerging from a very deep Solar Minimum, which has lasted two years longer than normal. Is there a connection with this very deep solar minimum and the current recession and drop in the World countries Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Banks have needed Government ... read more
The Spirit of Christmas - Poem 16 y
The Spirit of Christmas is about the Unmanifest Spirit taking Form through our Creativity, Passion and Desire and becoming Physical at Christmas
The Spirit of Christmas
The Spirit of Christmas is a time for Love and Joy
Where we open our heart to the Love that’s there
We bring love forth from our soul to give and share
To family and friends who know we care
The Spirit of Christmas is full of Love
Love for our children whose dreams, we share
With creativity and joy, we manifest the dreams
Into all sorts of forms and toys to share
Christmas is a time to open your heart to Spirit
That essence of being which has no form
Where our dreams are formed from eternal source
Made manifest from light to shine forth bright
R ... read more
Relax, Breathe Consciously and Take the Attention Within to Feel Good and Heal Yourself 16 y
When you are doing something – perhaps you're working on the computer and have to wait for the software to perform its tasks – take a few seconds to do a self-check on how you are feeling.
Take the attention within; perhaps – if it is safe – close the eyes for a few seconds and breathe consciously. By that I mean be conscious of the air; as you breathe in and out, be aware of the warmth, the life force – prana, the temperature, fragrances or smells; be aware of the used air leaving your system as you breathe out.
Notice what parts of your lungs are doing the breathing. Is it the upper lungs, or are you breathing deeply into the diaphragm?
To take a Full Yogic Breath is to breathe into the lower abdomen first: the diaphragm is moving downwards into the abdomen, drawin ... read more
I am Working on Self Acceptance and Self Esteem 16 y
This is all about being true to the energy blueprint for your life which you as a Soul designed before you were born, and about being true to your inner dreams and aspirations.
So many young people these days are looking in magazines for an idol on whom to model themselves – a pop or rock star, or an athlete, for instance. Yet, these very idols have risen to the top of their professions by following their own dreams in order to excel at what they do.
Each of us has been born with unique gifts which we have come to this earth to develop and express through using them in earth-life situations. It is as though, throughout our lives, we were running a programme just like a computer does.
When we follow our life’s purpose – the energy blueprint which we design ... read more
Life Evolves through Change 16 y
The evolution of human consciousness happens through change. We are currently living in an age of unprecedented change, which is affecting all aspects of our life.
All aspects of what it means to be human are evolving and changing to become more integrated and whole, yet at the same time becoming more individual and multi-dimensional.
As we see the technology around us evolving and becoming more refined – for example high definition TV or a hi-fi system with high performance theatre sound – we see our own human consciousness going through the same evolution.
This rapid change is affecting our bodies at a very subtle level, and we may feel for a while as though we have a health issue. This may manifest on a physical, mental or spiritual level; ... read more
Heal the Self through Self-love and Bathing in the Elixir of Life 16 y
It is the spring energy coming from the Earth, like the sap rising and the increasing sun's warmth; when I go to sleep at night and my energies settle, I feel this inner glow of love and life deep in my heart’s core energies.
If I relax into this feeling of Bliss and let it wash over me, I feel the whole of my being start to purr like a cat; I feel very healthy and balanced. I think this is coming about because my attention is within, looking deep into my soul and aligning my energies with the Self.
I can hear my inner voice saying my hearing is crystal clear and I have 20/20 vision. As I continue to relax and release, letting go of any mind control and just being in alignment with myself, I feel this elixir of life flowing into all aspects of my being, healing and balancing all my internal organs and cell ... read more
Request a Spiritual Blessing to Raise your Vibration by Connecting with the Universal Abundance 16 y
For centuries Reiki and Spiritual Healing have been using the power of Energy Healing to bring about changes on the physical human body. Now HealerGeorge has introduced a new concept of raising a person's vibration by connecting consciously to this inner field of Bliss and Joy.
For many decades HealerGeorge has observed the power of positive thinking and of raising one’s vibration by relaxing and releasing through connecting to the Higher-Self.
It is a well-known fact – demonstrated by physicists – that when we channel our positive intention to a person or situation we have a positive effect. This energy is transmitted telepathically by HealerGeorge during his Distant Healing work.
He has received many testimonials from people who have used this Distant Healing service to change their lives in positive ways, to flow in tune with the Universal Life Force an ... read more
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