Cold Laser Therapy 19 y
Conditions responding to cold laser
COLD LASER THERAPY is a treatment whereby a cold laser is utilized to treat chronic and acute pain. Cold laser therapy is used for persons suffering from back and neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, joint pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, busiitis, neuropathy, achilles tendon pain, migraine headaces, sprains and strains, carpal tunnel and other associated pains. Cold laser therapy also treats conditions such as TMJ, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and other inflammatory and scarring conditions.
Cold laser therapy increases serotonin levels which allow the body to ... read more
Blood Clots or Trigemninal neuralgia? 19 y
Natural cure for misdiagnosed Trigeminal Neuralgia" or facial pain
I had an interesting case recently: A woman came in with facial pain that was diagnosed as ”Trigeminal Neuralgia” by 2 neurologists. The Trigeminal nerve has 3 distributions in the face...above the eye, middle face and lower face. She had also been to a myriad of MedHeads for back pain (kidney specialists) and assorted other conditions. Needless to say she was on a ton of drugs that would make Big Pharma smile with glee. She also said something interesting....she felt like she had a virus in her face years earlier. Well we lasered her face and neck, gave her a chiropractic adjustment ... read more
Hemmorhoids and Low back pain 19 y
Cold lasers effect on Hemmorhoids and Low back pain
My personal journey started at a seminar in Calgary, Alberta, a few years back. The FDA had just approved Erchonia cold lasers for use in the US but research had been done in Europe for 20 some years. At the time I had Hemmorrhoids so bad I couldnt even sit down. I had gone to MD’s and ND’s to no avail. I was the guy standing in the back of the room due to the pain in the rear and the severe low back pain. Well the doc that was presented the demo asked for a low back volunteer and I RAN to the front of the room. All he did was to reset the myotomes (nerve supply to the muscles) by te ... read more