Day 2 18 y
Beginning of day 2
Well, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night so im tired :(. But i still feel strong, I know the next couple of days are going to be the worsed so i’m trying to prepare for that mentally and finding more things that i can keep my mind focused on other than breaking. I will post again later as i am going to try to go back to bed. visit the page
Day 1 18 y
This is about day 1. How its going, what has happened.
Well, i am about 14.5 hours into my first day of fasting, and so far, so good. I still dont feel like im fasting yet, so i guess thats a good thing. I have only had water and one cup of unsweetened tea so far. i have a lot of things to keep me busy over this fast which i am very grateful for. I have two big exams to prepare for when i get off of spring break, i have to walk/run my dog for atleast an hour a day, movies to watch, books to read, and the beach!! I am very excited to start seeing and feeling results of this fast. Day 1 is always really easy for me, it’s day 2, 3, and 4 that kil ... read more
Fasting Blog 18 y
What my fast is all about. This is the beginning
Well, I started fasting at 10:30 last night and am planning on going for 11 days. Thats 10:30 pm on the 12 till 10:30 pm on the 23rd. During this fast i am only allowed to have water and tea. I decided to do my fast during Spring Break because i have more time to focus on fasting and myself, rather than on school and the stresses that it brings. I am fasting to try and get my life back on track. I used to do fasts every once in awhile and have done a couple short ones recently. But think that its time to go for a longer one.
I started this blog because i am hoping that it will help me out ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I'm going on a fast for spring break. Planning on going 11 days, but we'll see if i can go longer. I'm allowed to have only water and tea. more...
Last Activity: 18 y ago 3 Messages Last message 18 y ago 2 Comments Last comment 18 y ago
viewed 28,081 times Created: 18 y Mar 13 2006
Comments (2 of 2): Day 2 147 18 y we're here for ya annacon… 18 y All Comments (2)
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