If anyone can please help or relate 11 y
Adrenal insufficiency, Adrenal gland problems, Changes
22 years old.
I went from being a healthy girl to a girl with a ton of scary unexplained problems. I started to notice changes a few years ago, and have been getting worse. It started with my skin changes, and how dark it would get within a few hours after taking adderall. It really bothered me because it wasn’t a normal tan. It was dark brown and muddy/ bronze. I would get super yellow/orange on top the tan. It was like a perfect stain on my fingers, and knuckles. Then my feet started to become like that and my entire body was tan. I don’t go tanning, or outside. I stayed inside ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! Unknown endocrine problems, unexplained physical changes, and i just feel like a completely different person. Depressed and pretty much disabled for the last three years and i’m only 22.… more...
Last Activity: 11 y ago 1 Messages Last message 11 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 11 y ago
viewed 31,609 times Created: 11 y Mar 19 2013
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