food log 6/10/05 19 y
a delicious raw day
It is very strange. I am eating a lot but losing weight. It is good though. I’m now at the weight I’ve always wanted to be at.
Yesterday’s Food Log:
Cherimoya (a whole one)
If you haven’t had a cherimoya you are in for a treat!!! They are available at farmer’s markets in southern california. Not sure if they grow elsewhere or are available elsewhere. Sweet creamy fruit unlike any other.
almond butter and honey on slices of banana. Delectable.
sprouted humus, avocado, tomatoes, and mango salsa. Mouthwatering.
tahini chocolate milk. Drank ... read more
I am the center of my universe 19 y
something that makes me happy, thinking "I am...whatever" helps me to be centered.
”I am....”
It is so much fun to think ”I am...”
Like it can be a drag when I think ”My kids need me now”
But it is fun to think: ”I am a Mother to four kids. I am playing with my children”
You can put anything in terms of ”I am...”
I think it puts us in the center of the universe, a place where humans are happy!
I am sure that this also is a way to connect with the Great Spirit.
visit the page
what I ate today 19 y
introduction to me, link to my before and afters on the raw diet, and then what I ate today.
I’ve been a raw-vegan for 10 years and still going strong feeling and looking better all the time despite everyone telling me I was going to die, my hair was going to fall out, I’d become B-12 deficient, and that I would start looking really old and sick. You can see my before and after pictures Here.
Why does this diet work for me and not for some other people? I don’t know. But I’m going to blog here about what I eat on some days when I’m inspired to come here and do so.
Our two retreat guests arrived today and one of them a medical doctor is doing a 30 day diet of just whole fru ... read more