Finished Two (2) Weeks on the Program 19 y
I starting to have my doubts
I just finished two weeks on Stanley Weinberger’s C.M.T., 60 Day Candida Elimination Plan. Not only have I not noticed any improvement, my vitiligo has gotten slightly worst. I listen to my body as best I can, and my body is telling me that the herbal medicines do not appear to be working (at least at the prescribed dosages). I truly feel like nothing is being accomplished. I feel that if I continue doing what I am doing, I will only be wasting my time (and my health).
I understand that everybody’s body is different and requires different dosages to ... read more
6th Day on the Program 19 y
Too early to tell on my progress.
Well it has been six days on the program so far, and I have been very diligent in taking my pills on time and on schedule. I’ve also stayed true to my diet.
Some people who have Candida, you can’t tell it by physically looking at them. On the outside they appear normal. Because of my vitiligo and foliculitis, which are physical manifestations on the Candida, I am in a unique position to judge how well this program really works or not. Having physical symptoms of Candida that everyone can see is terrible for my social life, however I don’t need to just ’fee ... read more
Plan of Attack 19 y
If I fail to plan, I plan to fail
I am going to start the Candida Elimination Program outlined by Stanley Weinberger. I choose this program because it combines many anti-candida products together. Here is a list of the products in the program.
Arizona Natural Garlic: Antifungal and blood purifier
Caprystatin : Antifungal for lower bowel, time-released
Intestinal Cleanser: Bulking agent to help clean out candida overgrowth
Coenzyme Q10 : For strengthening the immune system
DDS Acidophilus: Restores friendly bacteria
Kaprycidin-A: ... read more
Rule #1. Stop Killing Myself 19 y
We kill ourselves with what we eat.
Candida is attracted to sugars and carbohydrates. Now that I look back on my life, I believe I may have contracted Candida when I started becoming a vegetarian. I mistakenly believed that as long as I didn’t eat meat that would make me healthy. I made up for the lack of meat by eating more starchy foods, breads, and sweets. Well they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Maybe that statement is also true of our diets .
After reading it became clear to me that I had to change my diet somewhat to at least stop the Candida from accelerat ... read more
How I discovered what has been killing me 19 y
If you know what is attacking you, then you can begin to fight back.
First thing I decided to do was to give myself an education. I noticed that my stomach was progressively bloating more and more. I remember my mother telling me when I was very young that the doctor gave me medicine to help my bowels move. And the local iridologist told me that I have trouble in my colon. With this much information I got a CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis) done. The test showed I had a microscopic parasite called Blastocystis hominis and a very high count of Candida.
I also made an appointment with a state certif ... read more
I've been sick a long, long, time 19 y
Been sick a long time, and doctors aren't able to help.
I knew something was wrong with me, but nobody else did. I am 36 years old now; when I was younger I was in seemingly perfect health. When I was 18 years old, I had to get perscription eyeglasses. I became near sighted . Even though all the eye doctors I saw said this is just a natural part of aging; I knew something was wrong.
Four years later I noticed small bumps on my scalp. People mistook this for the beginning stages of balding, however the hair no longer exsisted only where the small bumps were. The doctors I saw ran fungal and b ... read more