Testicular atrophy aka Gonad shrinking (male fertility)
by ojsimpson
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hgh and hcg both cause atrophy as well as hair loss drugs   13 y  
hcg is a female hormone.....
They make hcg from pregnate Horse urine.....stay away from any man made hormones ....man made hormones are terrible for your nuts...many hair loss drugs also cause atrophy as well as the flu shot do too....do a search testicle atrophy flu shot.   visit the page

organic sweet almond oil great testicle massage oil   13 y  
good oils
organic doesnt have the toxic pestisides in it which are bad for your nuts. avacados and its oil are good for your nuts to this food is also called the fertility fruit in some countrys its called testicle yes avacados are called testicle fruit. olives and olive oil are great ”t” boosters they are really good for your nuts.   visit the page

quality sleep increase testosterone.   13 y  
good sleep
herbs for a good nite sleep red poppy california poppy organic lavender oil ising low heat extraction.listening to soft rock music.having the right temperture in the room 65 degrees. your body make ”t” while you are sleeping your ”t” level is highest right when you wake up in the morning.   visit the page

the best testicle massage you need a partner   13 y  
best stuff on earth
massaging testicles increases testosterone and testicle size and increases blood circulation to gonads if you have a partner who doesnt were lip stick who will gently suck on both of them do it.   visit the page

orgy oil and mustard oil increase penus size for penal atrophy   13 y  
penal atrophy
these two products are from india and work great.   visit the page

lousing weight increases testosterone and testicle size.   13 y  
louse weight
dr schulze has a product called super slim its great for lousing weight. avoid all foods with sugar.it is an appitite stimulant and a addictive drug just like cocaine the food industry knows this and trys to but in in every thing bread pasta sause salid dressind even hot sause. organic gymnema tea is a great herb to treat sugar addiction. make your oun foods at home.   visit the page

cell phone in pants pocket cooks wour nuts with radiation.   13 y  
cell phone
keep you cell phone if battery is in it away from your nuts they put of radiation not good.   visit the page

raw nuts are good for your nuts.   13 y  
good nuts
i eat organic raw nuts they increase gonad size.except for brazil nuts they do the oppisite.do not buy any nuts coted with cotton seed oil on them many nuts have that on them. i dont like the taste of nuts so i pour choclate over them.i melt organic cholate mix in organic honey chinese cinniomon bark power and organic soy milk or almond milk or any non dary milk and pour it on them. i like to freeze banana that has been dipped in this chololae then roll it in brocken up nuts.   visit the page

mountain dew i beleive causes testicle shrinking   13 y  
mountain dew bad stuff
i bekeive all saod pops cause atrophy excepy zevia but dew is the worst one.   visit the page

boric acid in you bed causes atrophy   13 y  
good bed
get rid of your toxic mattress if it was made with boric acid fire retardent this toxic man made chemical goes through the skin and shrinks the testicles and does many other bad things. buy a cheap portable hammoc you can great a great one at amazon.com these dont have any of mans castration chemicals in it.   visit the page

testicle massage is good for testicles if done right.   13 y  
toxic chemicals destroy testicles
warning if you massage your balls with your had they will quickly get sore unless you use some kind of oil. make sure the oil you use does not have any manmade chemicals in it whatsoever if its man made dont buy it. the skin around the testicles called scrotum is very thin and what you put on it will go through use a oil like passion seed oil made from passion fruit it smell great. try to only use organic oils that arent greesy like sunflower oil coconut oil or apercot seed oil safflower oil. only use organic sops to yash your private parts with like nubian hearitage olive oil bar ...   read more

Avoid Synthetic Estrogen found in Meats called Bovine Groth Hormone   13 y  
man made estrogen
50 countrys have banned synthetic estrogen feed including canada. but not the usa only eat free range organic meat with no groth hermones move to canada or stop eating meat all togeather.   visit the page

Zdravetz Essential Oil Great Stuff.   13 y  
great stuff
Zdravetz oil is good for testicle health.   visit the page

Phthalates & Parabens Mimic Estrogen castration chemicals.   13 y  
bad chemicals
Both of these man made toxic chemicals lower sperm count and lower Testosterone and cause Testicular atrophy and cause Male infertility and testicular cancer.they should be called castration chemicals. many things contain them try to avoid them.   visit the page

Parabens aka Xeno-Estrogens bad estrogen aka Chemical man made Estrogens   13 y  
bad estrogen
Avoid any Parabens this is because they lower sperm count and quality shrink the Testicles cause testicular atrophy and cause testicle Cancer and Prostate Cancer they are in skin creams and gels and mank make up brands.   visit the page

organic wild yam root increases testicle size   14 y  
wild yam great herb
only use the highest quality organic herbs you can find.   visit the page

Organic Ashwaganda Roots or indian ginseng   14 y  
herbs to treat shrinking private parts
this is a great herb to treat atrophy with as well as all organic or wild crafted ginsengs from all over the world.Shilajil is also good its from india too raw orchic caps which is raw bull testicle in capsules are good too as well as saw palmetto and Fadogia Agrestis a shrub from nigera africa and increasing circulation to private parts helps too. to do this getting a good nites sleep and sleeping completely naked on a chemical free matress helps organic red poppy and california poppy are great sleep aids testicle massage relly helps and stop eating all junk food and sodas and no white ...   read more

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phalates and parabenss/chem estrogen testicle shrink and get softer the shrinkage reduces sperm count and lowers labido and male hormones. more...

Last Activity: 11 y ago
127 Messages   Last message 11 y ago
3 Comments   Last comment 13 y ago

viewed 1,048,634 times
Created: 14 y   Sep 25 2010


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Comments (2 of 3):
Re: niaouli essent… ecoge… 13 y
Re: what im doing kermina… 14 y
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