Rife Frequencies via Dowsing
by Newport
Page 7 of 12

Retro.BK_v_(cancer.cystitis)_10   14 y  
BK virus - Cancer - prostate and brain/kidney/urinary, Cystitis - hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic
dwell 600 program c pulse 0 0  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: BK virus # Description: Cancer - prostate and brain/kidney/urinary, Cystitis - hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic #################################################################################### label 0 6868756.5554   # Nucleic Acid, dowsing, all mutations RifeFrqViaDowsing    visit the page

Retro.HERV-K(adr.brain.melan)_10   14 y  
Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) - Adrenal/Brain Cancer, melanoma, stress on pituitary-adrenal axis
dwell 600 program c pulse 0 0  backfreq b 0 0  duty 50 #################################################################################### # Title: Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) # Description: Adrenal/Brain Cancer, melanoma, stress on pituitary-adrenal axis #################################################################################### label 0   6787787.6665 # Nucleic Acid, dowsing, all mutations   RifeFrqViaDowsing   visit the page

Retro.HTLV_(T-cell leukemia)_10   14 y  
HTLV.1-4 - Human T-cell lymphotropic virus
Cell death due to Retro.HTLV causes HSV-7 which must be treated. dwell 600 program c pulse 0 0  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: HTLV.1-4 - Human T-cell lymphotropic virus  # HTLV.1: Leukemia, T-cell leukemia, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome #   associated myelopathy (aka tropical spastic paraparesis) # HTLV.2: T-cell lymphoproliferative disease described as having characteristics similar to the B cell disorder, hairy cell leukemia. # HTLV.3+4: Race or ...   read more

RVF-Rift_Valley_Fever_(BioW)_10   14 y  
Rift Valley fever virus (RVF) - fever, edema, hypotension, vasculitis, myalgias, and encephalitis, including headache, coma, and seizures, backpain, dizziness
dwell 600 program c  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Rift Valley fever virus (RVF) - Used as a biological weapon # Description:  fever, edema, hypotension, vasculitis, myalgias, and encephalitis, including headache, coma, and seizures, backpain, dizziness, and extreme weight loss # Severe cases of RVF fall into three categories:  1) Liver necrosis with hemorrhaging 2) Retinitis with visual impairment 3) Meningoencephalitis #  Effect like Ergot in clos ...   read more

Liver_Flush_36   14 y  
Liver flush - Pushes stones through hepatic ducts and destroys them
program c  pulse 0 0  backfreq b 0 0 #################################################################################### # Title: Liver_flush - Pushes stones through hepatic ducts # Description: Both Stone Breaker frqs should be run immediately after, #       better if one knows the type of stone and can only run the one required #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Title: Stone Breaker - Cholesterol gallstones # Description: Must be run with 50% square wave no bac ...   read more

Chikungunya_(CHIKV)_28 - Updated:2010-03-13   14 y  
Chikungunya Fever Virus (CHIKV) - fever, headache, conjunctival, photophobia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain
2010-03-13: New weaponized version for Mar10, non biofilm forming but carrier of Spanish Flu program c  backfreq b 0 0 #################################################################################### # Title: Chikungunya Fever Virus (CHIKV) - weaponized # Description: fever, headache, conjunctival, photophobia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain #    Petechial or maculopapular rash of the trunk and occasionally the limbs, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints #    Certain rare manif ...   read more

Taenia_H.nana_(Dwarf)_15 - Updated:2010-02-08   14 y  
Hymenolepsis nana aka Vampirolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm) - loves Lead and lives off Bile, causes symptoms of Biliousness (CAFL) Lack of Bile
  2010-02-08: Increased vpulse range to cover Oncosphere to Cysticeroid program a backfreq c 28004531.0055 50 #################################################################################### # Title: Hymenolepsis nana aka Vampirolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm) # Description: loves Lead and lives off Bile, causes symptoms of Biliousness (CAFL) Lack of Bile, #       pertaining to bad digestion, stomach pains, constipation, and excessive flatulence # Image: http://www.gate.net/~mcorriss/PV1b.JPG #   &nbs ...   read more

Brucellosis_24   14 y  
Brucellosis - Brucella abortus + canis + melitensis + ovis + suis - Bang's disease, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant fever
program c  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Brucellosis - Brucella abortus + canis + melitensis + ovis + suis # Description:  Bang’s disease, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant fever # NOTE: Slow metabolic rate, allow at least 3 hrs before running again or testing for existance of Brucella #################################################################################### label 0 label Natural    # Brucella abortus, melitensis, canis ...   read more

Giardia_11 - Updated:2010-02-28   14 y  
Giardia - diarrhea, malaise, excessive gas, pale, foul smelling, greasy stools, epigastric pain
2010-02-25: The scriipt was updated with a sweep, tissue density is a big issue with Giardia. This also allows lower treatment times. program c pulse 0 0 backfreq b 0 0 duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Giardia - protozoa parasite # Description:  diarrhea, malaise, excessive gas, pale, foul smelling, greasy stools, epigastric #        pain, bloating, nausea, cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency #################################################################################### label 0 repeat 12   # ch ...   read more

Ehrlichiosis_1h20   14 y  
Ehrlichiosis - Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Neorickettsia sennetsu
program c  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Ehrlichiosis -  Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Neorickettsia sennetsu # Description: headache, muscle aches, and fatigue opportunistic infections such as candidiasis # The cause of lymph node swelling may be attributed to internal tumors # Boron: Very effective against Tumors, mostly restricting\blocking the vascular system # Neem/BE: Improved circulation after a treatment can stirr up toxins, Neem or a Beck’s Blood Purifier w ...   read more

Rickettsia_Typhus+QFever+RMSF_28   14 y  
Typhus Fever - Rickettsia prowazekii + Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever aka Rickettsia rickettsii + Coxiella burnetti - Q.Fever
program c  pulse 0 0  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Typhus Fever - Rickettsia prowazekii  -  Used as a biological weapon # Description: fever, cough, rash, severe muscle pain, chills, falling blood pressure, stupor, sensitivity to light, and delirium. #       In Lyme patients: may show as Brill-Zinsser disease, a mild form of epidemic typhus which recurs #     in someone after a long period of latency (similar to the relationship between chickenpox and shingles). ##----------------------- ...   read more

Malaria_cerebral_20 - Updated:2010-09-01   14 y  
Plasmodium falciparum is a protozoan parasite aka Cerebral Malaria (CM)
2010-09-01: Added a shadow frq at a lower octave dwell 1200 program c   backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Plasmodium falciparum is a protozoan parasite aka Cerebral Malaria (CM) # Description: Cerebral malaria is a dangerous form of malaria which affects the brain which causes mutations in mental status and sometimes, coma. # Other treatment: A simple enzyme will stop (CM) reproduction, this enzyme is not available in Lead toxic individuals. # Supplement: Good Noni and Real Vervaine (V.o ...   read more

Legionella_(BioW)_14   14 y  
Legionella pneumophila aka Legionnaires' - Biological Agent - actually a parasite (protozoa)
2010-02-01: The Toxin is a cause of B1 deficiency (thiamine) and a cause of Beriberi. program c  backfreq b 0 0  #################################################################################### # Title: Legionella pneumophila aka Legionnaires’ - Biological Agent - actually a parasite (protozoa) # Description: muscle pain, loss of appetite, headache, high fever, dry cough, chills, confusion, disorientation, #       nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, later: chest pain, difficulty breathing, lowers white blood cell (WBC) count  #       In addition to the lungs, Legionella may i ...   read more

Syphilis+Pinta_28 - Updated:2010-07-04   14 y  
Treponema pallidum\carateum + miasmatic toxin - syphilis can damage the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones
2010-02-01: Added Pinta to the script, this is a logical spot since so many times Pinta and Syph are misdiagnosed... 2010-01-31: Good idea to run Syphillinum (CAFL) one hour or more after this to help with symptoms using this header: dwell 120 vpulse 1 .3 66.6  # Shadow. program c  backfreq b 0 0  duty 82.4 #################################################################################### # Title: Treponema pallidum + miasmatic toxin # Description: Syphilis can damage the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones. # General: Protest ...   read more

Fluke_Liver_(Opisthorchis)_19   14 y  
Opisthorchis felineus (cat) + Opisthorchis viverrini - Liver fluke, attacks the area of the bile duct - Cholangiocarcinoma
program c  backfreq b 0 0 #################################################################################### # Title: Opisthorchis felineus (cat) + Opisthorchis viverrini # Description: Liver fluke, attacks the area of the bile duct - Cholangiocarcinoma # WARNING: Another neurological fluke, keep Mannitol handy #################################################################################### label 0 label Adults dwell 300 duty 50 vpulse 1 .01 50  # Opisthorchis felineus 667755.5544  # Opisthorchis viverrini - Cholangiocarcinoma label 1 label Metacercariae ...   read more

H1N1 - Flying Pig Flu - FAQ   14 y  
Flying Pig Flu (H1N1) strain from Oct 09, contains broken Spanish Flu segment
  H1N1 has several delivery mechanisms and several incarnation, primary treatment frequency in Red:: Mar 10, Spanish Flu - chemtrailed inside Chikungunya Fever Virus (CHIKV) as the carrier: code: label CHIKV dwell 600 duty 50 vpulse 1 .333 50 77666.5556 label Spanish_Flu   # first seen in Ukraine Oct 09 dwell 1200 duty 82.4 vpulse 1 .033 82.4 659877.5455    Feb 10, Flying Pig Flu - food borne inside Salmonella typhi-murium as the carrier (mostly inst ...   read more

Fluke_Liver_(North American)_14   14 y  
Metorchiasis - North American liver fluke (Metorchis conjunctus)
program c  backfreq b 0 0 duty 50 #################################################################################### # Title: Metorchiasis - North American liver fluke (Metorchis conjunctus) via dowsing # Description: found in dogs, cats, fox, gray seal; also in birds and humans #       found in bile duct, cysts can move to brain, #       Neurological: killing may require Mannitol #       Life Cycle: Adult->Embryonated egg->Cercariae->Metacercariae->Adult ...   read more

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A collection of Rife frequencies found via dowsing. For older files: http://curezone.com/ig/f.asp?f=2526 more...

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20 Comments   Last comment 11 mon ago

viewed 1,150,752 times
Created: 15 y   Nov 11 2009

Comments (10 of 20):
Re: Miasm - Psoric… Newpo… 10 y
Re: Miasm - Psoric… NotTw… 10 y
Re: Miasm - Psoric… elan1… 10 y
Re: Miasm - Psoric… Newpo… 10 y
Re: Miasm - Psoric… pago 10 y
Re: Miasms - Sycot… johng 10 y
Re: Retro.Lethargi… Newpo… 10 y
Re: Marburg(Ebola)… Newpo… 10 y
Re: Marburg(Ebola)… elan1… 10 y
Re: SARS+cofactors elan16… 10 y
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Tapeworm (shielded) Disease  14 y  (11)
Newport’s Extended Favorites  11 y  (7)
The456 - Fasciolopsis Buski  14 y  (1)

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