Our Lady Of The Roses
by Baysides
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Angels   19 y  
Heavenly Guardians
| Home - Latest News | Introduction | Bayside Prophecies | Directives from Heaven | Order Form | Testimonies | Veronica Lueken | Miraculous Photos | Bible | Radio Program | #46 - ANGELS ”They are the guardians of the divisions of the earth; they are set over nations and regions allotted to them by their Creator. They govern all our affairs and bring us help. And the reason surely is because they are set over us by the divine will and command and are ever in the vicinity of God.” - St. John of Damascus, Exposition of the Orthodox Faith ---------------------------------------- ...   read more

ufo's   19 y  
| Home - Latest News | Introduction | Bayside Prophecies | Directives from Heaven | Order Form | Testimonies | Veronica Lueken | Miraculous Photos | Bible | Radio Program | #45 - UFOs ”For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.... [Satan] will have great power over nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests....” - FROM THE APPROVED TEXT OF THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE ------------------------------------------------- ...   read more

The Occult   19 y  
#44 - THE OCCULT ”Neither let there be found among you any one ... that consulteth soothsayers, or observeth dreams and omens, neither let there be any wizard, nor charmer, nor any one that consulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeketh the truth from the dead. For the Lord abhorreth all these things, and for these abominations he will destroy them at thy coming.” - Deuteronomy 18:10-12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATANIC CULTS ”There has been much publicity afoot in your country and the world about the ...   read more

Warning/Miracle   19 y  
Read This
#43 - THE WARNING / MIRACLE ”There is a secret of Heaven and another one of earth, and the latter is terrifying. It will seem as though it were already the end of the world. And in this cataclysm everything will be separated from the sky, which will turn white as snow. ” - Jacinta Marto (child-seer of Fatima, Portugal) on her deathbed to Mother Godinho, February, 1920 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SECRET Veronica - Jacinta’s prophecy before she passed on--she’s one of the children of Fatima--and that is the secret of Heaven ...   read more

Mass Media   19 y  
| Home - Latest News | Introduction | Bayside Prophecies | Directives from Heaven | Order Form | Testimonies | Veronica Lueken | Miraculous Photos | Bible | Radio Program | #42 - MASS MEDIA ”Parents should be mindful of their duty to guard against shows, publications, and the like which would jeopardize faith or good morals. Let them see that such things never cross the thresholds of their homes and that their children do not encounter them elsewhere. ” - Decree on the Instruments of Social Communication, Vatican II ----------------------------------------------------------- ...   read more

St.Michael   19 y  
#41 - St. MICHAEL ”And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels: And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.” - Apocalypse 12:7-8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN Veronica - I know now it’s Saint Peter’s--the large church. And standing over it is Michael. He’s holding a banner, and he says: ”Enter me into the House of God, or I will indeed return forcibly into the House of God.” - St. Michael, February 1, 1973 ...   read more

infiltrators    19 y  
False Apostles
#40 - INFILTRATORS ”For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.” - 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE WORLDERS ”Many priests, bishops, cardinals in My Son’s House need prayers from the laity that they may be strong enough not to fall into the plan of the third worlders, who are also known, My child, as the one worlders. They seek to destroy My Son’s Church and build one ...   read more

Prayer Request   19 y  
Prayer Request Name: Address1: Address2: City: State/Province: Zip or Postal Code: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: Prayer request: Your prayer request will be taken to the prayer vigils where Jesus and Mary come. We will also keep you in our prayers at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Hours each day. Fill in Details and copy and sent to E-mail : Tldm@tldm.org   visit the page

ascension & assumption   19 y  
The Lords Ascension Today!
#121 ASCENSION & ASSUMPTION “But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ. Wherefore he saith: Ascending on high, He led captivity captive; He gave gifts to men.” — Ephesians 4:7-8 TRUE LOVE ”When you leave your body, My children, your spirit will live on forever. However, there is no guarantee without merit of the Eternal Kingdom of the Father. You must want to go there, My children. You must work to go there. You must pray, you must make sacrifices, and really know the true meaning of ’love’ that is being exagger ...   read more

What’s wrong with the Masons?    19 y  
What’s wrong with the Masons? ”My children, and I ask My pastors to listen to Me as your Mother, as I tell you that you must take yourselves from all secret societies. They do not openly plot against My Son’s Church, but they do this in secret! The Masons, My children - the Hierarchy must remove themselves from this abominable organization. You cannot deny that many in the Masons are practicing witchcraft and sorcery.” - Our Lady of the Roses, June 1, 1978 (The following is taken from the booklet, ”Why the Catholic Church says ’Investigate’”, + Imprimatur Joseph E. Ritter, Archbi ...   read more

ten commandments   19 y  
His Commandments
#84 - TEN COMMANDMENTS ”And this is charity, that we walk according to His commandments.” - 2 John 1:6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUE PEACE ”My child, you perceive rightly it is only in following the rules set down by the Eternal Father that man can find a true peace of heart. There will be no peace upon your earth without My Son. Reject Him, and you will reject life. You will follow the rules given by the Eternal Father--your Commandments--for if you break these rules, you will break your spirit.” - Our Lady of the ...   read more

John Paul II spoke out against laity distributing Holy Communion…    19 y  
John Paul II
John Paul II spoke out against laity distributing Holy Communion… ”We ask and repeat that no one handle in unconsecrated hands the Body of My Son! It will be defiled and discarded, unless only a legally-ordained priest, a man of God, with purified fingers of the Holy Spirit, give the Body and Blood of My Son to each one under his care.” - Our Lady of the Roses, September 6, 1975 Zenit reported on September 23, 2002 of the Holy Father’s concern that much of the laity have become confused in their role, and warns of the attempts to clericalize the laity: ”… in the ye ...   read more

Changes 1   19 y  
Why change?
| Home - Latest News | Introduction | Bayside Prophecies | Directives from Heaven | Order Form | Testimonies | Veronica Lueken | Miraculous Photos | Bible | Radio Program | #211- CHANGES, PART 1 ”It is unlawful to alter the established customs of the Church . . . Remove not the ancient landmarks which the fathers have set.” - Saint Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “DO NOT DESERT MY CHURCH” ”My children, do not cast aside your sacramentals. They are your armor in the days ahead. Do not dese ...   read more

Outside the Catholic Church … no salvation    19 y  
Outside the Catholic Church … no salvation ”My child and My children, you are all My children. I judge you not by color or race, and I do not judge you by your creed; however, should the knowledge of the One True Church be given to you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be given to you, you will follow it or you will be rejected.” - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1985 (The following is taken from the booklet, ”Why the Catholic Church says ’Investigate’”, + Imprimatur Joseph E. Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louis, January 24, 1949): Non-Catholics who are ...   read more

Message from Jesus & Our Lady to Veronica   19 y  
Message from Jesus and Our Lady to Veronica November 21, 1981 - 2:45 a.m. Jesus and Our Lady appeared in Veronica’s bedroom as she lay ill in bed at 2:45 a.m. and dictated a message to her, and left at 3:30 a.m. Jesus was dressed in a beautiful—not a red, but a deep burgundy robe, like a rich, plush velvet, trimmed in gold braid, and similar to the gold trim Our Lady has on Her cape at the vigils, but somewhat narrower. It was unlike the cape that He usually wears at the Vigils, which is tied at the neck. It was closed at the neck, and the undergarment, the gown, was not v ...   read more

"Parents must alert their children to remain far from witchcraft and all manner of supernatural probings."   19 y  
Read this
”Parents must alert their children to remain far from witchcraft and all manner of supernatural probings.” Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve - December 24, 1979 Veronica—All about the trees there’s a beautiful glow now, cascading out in an upward stream of light. The coloring is a pale blue, almost crystal in appearance. Human-wise, how many words I could use to describe this—I could, I would be unable to describe the translucency of the color, because it is not of this world, but supernatural. If you could see it as I do, you would understand that no human hand ...   read more

"… A major force of evil, worshiping Lucifer, the prince of darkness, is loosed upon your earth."    19 y  
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”… A major force of evil, worshiping Lucifer, the prince of darkness, is loosed upon your earth.” Eve of the Assumption of Our Lady & in honor of St. Joachim - August 14, 1979 Veronica—All about the trees there’s a beautiful blue light. It’s a pale blue light, but it gives you a great feeling of warmth. It’s so beautiful. The colors that always come from Heaven are beyond human description. I don’t think any painter on earth has been able to place these colors onto easels or even on crayon in any human means. I don’t believe any human being could actually duplicate the colori ...   read more

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End Time Prophecies Messages From Jesus and Mary, & The Saints, To Seer Veronica Lueken In 1917 the Virgin Mary gave warnings and prophecies to three children in Fatima, Portugal. Many of these prophecies have already occurred with 100% accuracy. At Bayside, New York, Mother Mary explained in great detail the Fatima prophecies and the events soon to befall mankind. Veronica Lueken, the seer of Bayside, is wife and mother of five children. She lived on Long Island, New York. The story of her heavenly visitations goes back to the year 1968 when St. Theresa began appearing to her and dicta… more...

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Created: 19 y   Mar 12 2005


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Comments (10 of 52):
Re: Why are all me… ren 19 y
Why are all messag… Fr_Ro… 19 y
hippocratic oath ren 19 y
hidden drofinnah 19 y
with such a post y… drofi… 19 y
Re: my two cents Baysides 19 y
Re: my two cents Baysides 19 y
hidden Baysides 19 y
Re: my two cents ren 19 y
Re: my two cents cstuser2… 19 y
All Comments (52)

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