Feast of Pentecost June 8th 11 y
Feast of Pentecost
Come Holy Spirit....
Go to Mass, or watch EWTN. www.ewtn.com May Holy Spirit Fill you today and bless you with his gifts.
viewed 3285 times on my blog- called ’devotion to the Holy Spirit’
Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means ”fiftieth day” and is celebrated fifty days after Easter.
Ten days after Jesus ascended ... read more
Devotion Month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on First Friday. 11 y
Devotion Month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on First Friday...
Devotion Month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on First Friday
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Feast of the Visitation. 11 y
”Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
”My soul magnifies the Lord, and my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior...”
Luke Chapter 1 vs 39-57.
Assuming that the Annunciation and the Incarnation took place about the vernal equinox, Mary left Nazareth at the end of March and went over the mountains to Hebron, south of Jerusalem, to visit her cousin Elizabeth, because her presence ... read more
The Ascension of Our Lord 11 y
Collect for the Feast of the Ascension (from the Mass of St. Pius V)
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who believe Thine only-begotten Son, our Redeemer, to have this day ascended into heaven, may dwell in spirit amid heavenly things. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
The Ascension of Our Lord, which occurred 40 days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, is the final act of our redemption that Christ began on G ... read more
Feast of St. Matthias 11 y
Saint Matthias, Apostle
Feast Day
May 14th
Maestà (detail)
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Tempera on wood
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena
The Greek Matthias (or, in some manuscripts, Maththias ), is a name derived from Mattathias , Heb. Mattithiah , signifying "gift of Yahweh." Matthias was one of the seventy disciples of Jesus, and had been with Him from His baptism by John to the Ascension (Acts 1:21, 22). It is related (Acts ... read more
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima 11 y
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima PM Archangel777 email Archangel777 Date: 5/13/2009 3:01:21 AM ( 5y ago ) Hits: 448 Size: 33913 char. URL: http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1417971 Edit This Message
The Apparitions at Fatima
The Real Third Secret of FATIMA ht ... read more
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima 11 y
The Apparitions at Fatima
The Real Third Secret of FATIMA http://www.tldm.org/FatimaGate.htm
The Test
The Angel of Portugal
13 May 1917
13 June 1917
13 July 1917
The vision of hell
August 1917
13 September 1917
13 October 1917
The Miracle of the Sun
The deaths of Francisco a ... read more
Feast of St's Philip & James 11 y
First Saturday Devotion of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! 11 y
You want Blessings?
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker today! 11 y
St. Joseph was betrothed to a virgin named Mary, and when she became pregnant without sexua| intercourse with him, he intended to divorce her secretly. However, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, telling him that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit, and that Joseph should take Mary as his wife. The angel also instructed Joseph to name the child Jesus. Joseph, being a humble man, obeyed the angel and took Mary as his wife.
Various legends have grown-up about St. Joseph, and while non-canonical, and historically suspect, they are interesting. One legend suggests ... read more
Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist 11 y
April 25
St. Mark
Most of what we know about Mark comes directly from the New Testament. He is usually identified with the Mark of Acts 12:12. (When Peter escaped from prison, he went to the home of Mark's mother.)
Paul and Barnabas took him along on the first missionary journey, but for some reason Mark returned alone to Jerusalem. It is evident, from Paul's refusal to let Mark accompany him on the second journey despite Barnabas's insistence, that Mark had displeased P ... read more
Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord 11 y
The Annunciation of the Lord: March 25th
Lord celebrates the angel Gabriel’s appearance to the Virgin Mary ( Luke 1:26-38 ), his announcement that the Blessed Virgin had been chosen ... read more
Feast of St. Joseph today! March 19th 11 y
http://curezone.com/blogs/fm.asp?i=1592637 Devotion to St. Joseph Blog- get your prayer, litanies here.
St. Joseph Feast Day.
Celebrate: Here’s some info and Recipes
&n ... read more
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