Almonds Brain Food 19 y
Neelima Chauhan at the University of Illinois-Chicago gave mice with an Alzheimer's-like disease an almond-rich diet. The animals had already developed some of the abnormal brain deposits thought to underlie the disease. After four months, the team gave the mice a memory test.
Animals eating the almond-rich diet did much better than those fed the usual chow.
Chauhan says almonds contain substances that act like cholinesterase inhibitors, drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s.
The diet also reduced the number of Alzheimer deposits in the rodent brains.
Mice got that benefit by eating a relatively small amount of almonds — the equivalent of about a handful daily. Almonds may not be able to help people suffering from advanced disease, Chauhan warns. Still there’s no harm in adding almonds to a healthy diet. In fact, such a diet may protect against memory loss, she says. read more
Edgar Cayce:Almonds Research Compared to Cayce Readings 20 y
Mentions of almonds in the Cayce readings fall into several categories: (1) as general sources of nutrition, (2) as sources of fats (in low or no meat diets), (3) as cancer/tumor preventatives, (4) as a skin lotion/therapy, (5) as a spiritual symbol. The use of almonds as a source of fats was most commonly found in low or no meat diets recommended as a cancer preventative or part of a cancer cure.
Almonds in the Cayce Readings Compared to Current Medical Research
Douglas G. Richards
November, 2001
Nutritional Properties of Almonds
Cayce makes occasional references to specific nutritional properties of almonds (e.g., 1861-10). In one reading he says, ”The almond carries more phosphorus AND iron in a combination easily assimilated than any other nut.” (1131-2) Almonds were also suggested to a pregnant woman as a good substitute for milk as a source of calcium (480-46) and to a woman with lymph and uterine tumors as a source of calcium (1140-2). In reading 659-1, a general ... read more
New Research:Almonds Boost Vit E 20 y
MODESTO, Calif., March 10, 2005 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- For those concerned about America's vitamin E shortfall, highlighted in the government's recently released Dietary Guidelines for Americans, consider grabbing a handful of almonds. A new study published in this month's Journal of the American Dietetic Association confirms that eating almonds significantly increases vitamin E levels in the plasma and red blood cells and simultaneously lowers cholesterol levels. This is the first study to demonstrate that eating almonds will result in higher vitamin E levels.
New Research: Almonds Boost Vitamin E Intake and Lower Cholesterol-Grabbing a Handful of Almonds Can Help Overcome America’s Vitamin E Shortage
Provided by PR Newswire on 3/10/2005
Back to Healthy News
Researchers at Loma Linda University compared the effects of healthy men and women consuming three different diets for four weeks each, including a control diet that didn’t include almonds, a low-almond diet and a high-almond diet. The low- and high-almond diets were designed by replacing ... read more
Almonds for Type II Diabetes 20 y
Effect of diets enriched in almonds on insulin action and serum lipids in adults with normal glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes.
Lovejoy JC, Most MM, Lefevre M, Greenway FL, Rood JC.
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 70808, USA.
Am J Clin Nutr 2002 Nov;76(5):1000-6
BACKGROUND: Nuts appear to have cardiovascular benefits but their effect in diabetic patients is unclear. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to assess effects of almond-enriched diets on insulin sensitivity and lipids in patients with normoglycemia or type 2 diabetes. DESIGN: Study 1 assessed the effect of almonds on insulin sensitivity in 20 free-living healthy volunteers who received 100 g almonds/d for 4 wk. Study 2 was a randomized crossover study that compared 4 diets in 30 volunteers with type 2 diabetes: 1) high-fat, high-almond (HFA; 37% total fat, 10% from almonds); 2) low- ... read more
Study:Almonds Improve Heart Health 20 y
The claim states: Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.
FDA: Eating a Daily Serving of Almonds May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
Government Issues Health Claim for 1.5 Ounces of Most Nuts; Almonds Join Elite List of Foods That Deliver Heart Health
07/15/2003 - Here’s some good news to crunch on: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved the first qualified health claim for conventional food, saying that eating one and a half ounces of most nuts, including almonds, may reduce the risk of heart disease when they’re part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
The claim states: Scientific evidence suggests but does no ... read more
Edgar Cayce: Almonds for Cancer 20 y
"A form of vitamin may be obtained from certain nuts - as the almond - that would be helpful as a preventive. A person who eats two or three almonds each day need never fear cancer."
- Edgar Cayce
Almonds, Health & Cayce
Almonds are mentioned somewhat infrequently in the Cayce readings, yet, according to his rather definite statements, apparently have a very important job to do in the metabolism of the human body.
Cayce makes no statements about the physiology of the action of the almonds, although in one reading he did state that within the almond was a substance that he called a vitamin. He stated that taking two or three almonds a day would prevent a tendency toward cancer. Nowhere, apparently, does he mention almond ... read more
Almonds in your Diet 20 y
Almond Protein is High Quality Protein
Almonds provide high quality, highly absorbable protein. What does quality protein mean and how is it measured? Protein quality is measured by the number of essential or indispensable amino acids provided and by the digestibility of the protein.
All protein, with the exception of gelatin, contains all of the essential or indispensable, amino acids. However, some protein sources are low in one or more IAA, making that source incomplete from the standpoint of meeting biological requirements. This is referred to the limiting amino acid. Meaning, when the recommended level of protein is consumed in the form of a protein that has a limiting amino acid, then the biological requirement for the limiting amino acid is not met. This is generally referred to as an incomplete protein. However, this is a slight misnomer, because while the prot ... read more
Substitute Almonds for Meat 20 y
Almonds - their proteins have a high biological value and some nutritionists say they are an excellent substitute for meat; Almonds have 19 %of protein.
Stay healthy by including almonds in diet
Washington, Sept 6 (ANI): Replace expensive cholestrol lowering drugs with almonds, suggest scientists at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), USA, who released a report recently with new recommendations for healthy eating to reduce the risk of chronic disease, including coronary heart disease and diabetes.
Developed by a panel of 21 experts who analyzed existing scientific literature regarding human requirements for certain nutrients, the report included discussion of healthful fats, protein and fiber -- providing more great reasons to eat a handful a day of almonds.
Already America's favorite tree nut, almonds shine on all three counts -- providing healthful fat, protein and fiber -- as a healthful choice in a healthful diet. With a unique combination of nutrients, they offer
For the first time, the NAS analyzed how different types of fats impact health, including a discussion of the important role monounsaturated fat plays in reducing the risk of chronic disease.
Almonds are the leading source of monounsaturated fat among America’s most consumed nuts (almonds, peanuts and walnuts). Of the 14 grams of total fat found in one ounce of almonds, 68 percent is monounsaturated.
This monounsaturated fat plays a role in helping almonds lower harmful cholesterol just as effectively as expensive drugs, according to a University of Toronto study, recently released b ... read more
Almonds Boost Vitamin E Levels 20 y
Almonds Boost Vitamin E Levels
Posted on: 03/07/2005
LOMA LINDA, Calif.--Adding almonds to the diet--contributing up to 20 percent of total energy--can increase plasma and red blood cell concentrations of alpha-tocopherol, according to researchers from Loma Linda University. In their study, published in the March Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 16 healthy adults followed one of three diets for four weeks--control, a low-almond diet (almonds contributing 10 percent of total energy) and a high-almond diet (almonds contributing 20 percent of total energy). Incorporating almonds into the diet helped participants meet the recommended dietary allowance of 15 mg/d of alpha-tocopherol and increased lipid-adjusted plasma and red blood cell concentrations of alpha-tocopherol. A significant dose-response relationship was observed between percent energy from almonds and plasma ratio of alpha-tocopherol to total cholesterol
Almonds For Colon Cancer 20 y
The June 2001 Issue of Nutrition Science News reported an animal study which suggested that almonds help protect against colon cancer. The study was completed at the University of California at Davis. The groups fed any form of almond had less indication of colon cancer than the control group, but those fed whole almonds did better than those fed almond oil or almond meal. Other research findings that link high-fat diets to increased cancer risk may be the result of diets low in cancer-fighting fruits and vegetables. Despite their fat content, nuts may be helpful in fighting colon cancer.
Make your Own Almond Butter
Almond butter
Jim Brandt
Almond butter (replacement for peanut butter)
4tbsp almond flour
1tbsp flax flour
1 to 2 tbsp olive oil
orange or almond extract flavor to taste (optional)
Make fresh every time, or refrigerate, the longer it sits the more oil is absorbed, use more oil to make it more spreadable.
Almond Milk is easy to make:
Rawberts Recipe
½ cup almonds (or any nut for that matter), 1½ to 2 cups water, 1 fig, and a dash of vanilla. Blend and strain the pulp with fine metal strainer or cheesecloth into a medium size bowl.
visit the page
Almonds for Calcium 20 y
These tasty nuts have tremendous health potential. Although they're high in fat (it's the "good" fat), they're also packed with vitamins and minerals. A cup of almonds contains as much calcium as a cup of milk, plus 500 mg. of potassium, 20 grams of fiber as well as a host of other nutrients, including folate, magnesium, iron, zinc and the B vitamins. Even better, almonds are among the richest food sources of the antioxidant vitamin E. One-half cup provides twice the RDA, which not only mops up free radicals but promotes healthy skin and hair. And a new study from the Health Research and Studies Center has found that almonds are even better than olive oil at lowering artery-clogging LDL cholesterol.
Why Eat It
Almonds are a surprisingly decent source of calcium: Although you would have to consume 330 calories’ worth of almonds to get a significant quantity of this bone-building Mineral, almonds contain more calcium than any other nut. Almonds are also a significant source of magnesium, which contributes to strong bones as well, and they supply a healthy amount of Vitamin E. These sweet, versatile nuts have the highest dietary fiber content of any nut or seed, supplying more than 3 grams of fiber per ounce; like all nuts, almonds are a good source of Protein, although they are lacki ... read more
Study: Almonds Reduce Cholesterol 20 y
Both almonds and walnuts have been shown to lower cholesterol. For example, a study published last fall in the journal Metabolism found that participants who followed a specific dietary plan high in heart-healthy foods, including almonds, decreased their LDL or “bad” cholesterol (since it can clog arteries) by 35 percent—in just two weeks. And a study published in 2002 in the journal Circulation found that participants who substituted a portion of almonds for their usual daily snacks reduced their LDL cholesterol by 9.4 percent and raised their HDL cholesterol (or “good” cholesterol, since it has been shown to protect against heart attacks) by 4.6 percent in four weeks.
Data from a Harvard Nurses’ Health Study in 1998 showed that women who consumed more than five ounces of nuts a week lowered their risk of heart disease by 35 percent, compared with women who rarely ate nuts. And another study done at Harvard’s School of Public Health, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2002, found that men who ate nuts at least twice a week had a 47 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death compared with men who rarely or never consumed nuts.
“Nuts are also the best source for arginine, an amino acid that plays an important role in wound healing, detoxi ... read more
Almonds to Resist Obesity?
20 y
Almonds to Resist Obesity?
Summarized by Robert W. Griffith, MD
February 27, 2004
The role of dietary fat in overweight and obesity has been debated a lot recently. But while this argument continues, there's no doubt that portion sizes and total energy (calorie) intake are important factors in the epidemic of overweight in the many countries today. And different components of low-calorie diets (LCD) can be important in helping to combat some of the effects of overweight - in particular coronary heart disease and the metabolic syndrome.1
The inclusion of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MFUA) in place of saturated fat in the diet helps prevent the development of the metabolic syndrome. One way to achieve this is by adding nuts, which have high levels of MUFA, and, to a lesser degree, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Scientists in California have now compared the benefits of an almond-enriched LCD with one enriched with ’self-selected complex carbohydrates’, such as peas, corn, potatoes, pasta, or rice.2 Their findings are reported in the International Journal of Obesity.
How the study was done
A pool of overweight ... read more