Day Five 17 y
Today is almost over, and I am glad! I got so much good advice from the forum. I suppose that without this support I would have quit on the second day. I feel a bit tired emotionally. Before this I had never skipped a meal. I belive that this will make me a stronger person. It has been a good time to reflect. visit the page
Day Four 17 y
Day four
Day four. Yesterday was very tough. Spent some time smelling my kids plates before I handed them over. Some of you say that this is a spiritual vaca, to me it was a horrible chore! I am hoping that the worst was over. My husband and kids are really worried, they believe I will perish without solids. My husband begged me to eat, then threatened the cops on me. My daughter said she would call my mother, even scarier than the cops! My sons shook their heads sadly. They are hoping I will make it, otherwise who will cook for them? The lack of support is awful!
I am still with you.
On the sunn ... read more
Day Three 17 y
Not so hungry today?
It is 6am and I just finished the SWF. First time I dared take it. I had taken 3 oxy caps on the morning of day two.
I had a BM prior to drinking the swf and yukky muk came out. It looked like many people blew their nose and it was brownish yellow. Maybe the smooth move tea did it? It floated briefly then went down in string patterns, kinda like the spit test for candida.
My tongue is coated white, more than usual.
I took a detox bath last night. I put in baking soda and epsom salt. The water was very hot! I got in slowly, then I put a towel over me to keep in the heat. I was in for abo ... read more
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viewed 32,994 times Created: 17 y Jun 01 2007
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