Thank you for your views; I have been to most of the Middle East countries; and there are many sites on the internet which show the literacy rates, income, poverty, social injustice and treatment of women and the slaves {yes there are slaves in muslim} mainly Arab countries today...
The Qur'an if you read the 114 sarus; then study the lives of people (mainly woman) who live under this controlling religion; just maybe you will come to some understanding as to what the post meant!
The whole intent of the post was to show that most of the problems in most if not all the Islamic countries is due to the system under which they choose to live for over the past 1500 years...
السلام عليكم, هل تجدون في الحقيقة على لكم الطريق الحياة! فهل نعمة عيسى عليكم, وأنت تبحث عن الحقيقة!