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    Cleanse My Bulimic little Secret

Blog: Cleanse My Bulimic little Secret
by mariposa azul

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  • Cleanse My Bulimic little Secret by mariposa azul
    • owning my eating disorder owning my eating disorder by mariposa azul  15 y
      • Re: owning my eating disorder owning my eating disorder   by  geni1     15 y     1,718
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          • Re: owning my eating disorder owning my eating disorder   by  geni1     15 y     2,237
            Subject:   Re: owning my eating disorder owning my eating disorder
            Username:   geni1     contact geni1
            Date:   12/20/2009 3:24:20 PM   ( 15 y ago )
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            I was going to suggest kefir. The real kefir not the kind that you buy in the store. It has done wonders for me. It really helps the cravings. I had bulimia really bad because of the cravings not to loose wait. I think it has something to do with it being easily digestable and also there is something in kefir that helps depression. In Turkey, the word kefir means "feel good." heres a link that tells about kefir.


            And heres some testimonies I found on the internet

            While in Denmark a few years back, I had the chance to stay with an old friend of mine, Mette, and to meet her new boyfriend, Morton. The two of them were gracious hosts and the three of us had a fabulous time together, but during my stay I grew concerned about Morton. His appearance was off. He looked to be quite a bit underweight and had sallow, oily skin with dry patches on his hands and arms. The whites of his eyes were yellow and his overall appearance created the impression that something was wrong. However, I didn’t want to overstep my bounds; he appeared to be fine in all other aspects and there was no indication of a concern on their part.

            Two years later, I returned. Mette and Morton met me at the airport and I immediately noticed that something was different with Morton; he looked stunning – I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His skin was clear, the whites of his eyes were bright, his posture had improved, and he had a glow that was absolutely stellar.

            I didn’t say a thing, but as soon as we arrived back at their flat, they began to talk about it. Apparently, Morton had been a smoker and with a terrible diet. A year earlier, his doctor warned him about the damage he was inflicting on his health. The doctor insisted that Morton quit smoking and change his diet. But most importantly, he asked Morton to introduce kefir into his daily regime. Morton stopped smoking, changed his diet, and began having kefir twice a day.

            Kefir is a natural pro-biotic derived from bacteria and yeasts found in milk grains. Kefir is formed by fermenting milk, which results in a sour, sharp tasting beverage loaded with enzymes, protein, minerals, and vitamin B. Kefir contains live, active cultures and is similar to yogurt, but is considered superior because it has more potent bacteria.

            Research indicates that kefir is beneficial to health in many ways and has been called a miracle food that promotes longevity. Kefir aids in circulation; helps with heart, liver, and metabolic function; creates elasticity in blood vessels and joints; and increases blood flow to the brain resulting in increased mental clarity. In addition, kefir is easy to digest and some research even suggests that it has youth-preserving qualities. Now that sounds like something to take note of (it certainly worked for Morton)!

            Kefir in its pure form is not palatable to most people. Luckily, it can be mixed with other substances to create some tasty treats! It is most easily found in health food stores in the form of drinkable yogurt in a variety of flavors (such as peach, raspberry, and vanilla) and can also found in kefir cheese (very similar to Greek yogurt). What a delicious way to look and feel fabulous!

            If you can get your hands on Kefir Yogurt Drinks or Kefir Cheese, you are a lucky gal indeed!

            ~Jennifer Rosen

            Here are some more testimonies. Another name for kefir is milk mushrooms

            Friends have reported bone spurs disappearing, irritable bowel syndrome and excema improving , blood sugar becoming more normal, and much more. We are collecting these testimonials and will have more online soon.

            The milk mushrooms have saved me!!! Not only is my arm healing up so fast, this is the first year I have been free from the dreaded rag weed allergies!!! I hug you forever!
            Much Love,
            Pati Strouss, Fairfield, Iowa, USA

            I have been drinking this milk mushroom for about a week and already I can post a health benefit.
            I have had a rattle in either my lungs or in my bronchial tubes for about a year now. I can't say for sure where the rattle is coming from, but I can hear it mostly at night when I lay down. Anyway, last night I realized the noise was gone. This morning I listened again as I lay in bed, but again I heard nothing. I tried to squeeze all the air out of my lungs, trying to force the rattle, but it's gone!! I'm getting healthier and healthier every day!!
            Love, Ajuwah, Fairfield, IA, USA

            Milk mushroom benefits: I've noticed better elimination, my skin is improving, less age or liver spots, less dryness. Better sleep. My son put it on his lupus rash and it looked better the first day -- we just put a 1/4 tsp smear on his cheeks so we are hopeful to improve that completely. We have only been on 3 weeks. I feel there is something special about the mushroom and I feel very grateful for it. I'm so happy to give it to my friends to help them with their problems. I think its important for people to use it on their skin and/or joints as a poultice if they have issues there. - Janet from Fairfield, Iowa, USA

            My husband has been working with a chronic health problem for several years. His progress has been up and down and up and down. Once he started taking the kefirs, he was able to absorb nutrients better and he became stronger and was then able to detoxify better. The result is his progress is now more steadily up, with fewer downs. I can definitely say he is recovering. - Fairfield, IA.

            Here's what I have to say about the milk mushroom kefir. I cannot say a cure. I can only say that from the first moment I had a taste of this kefir, I was hooked. There is just something so wonderful about it.
            I am not a disciplined person and usually don't stick with any regimen. I do eagerly keep on making the milk mushroom kefir every day. Three months now. It is so easy. And when the kefir is ready, and I spoon or drink it, every time I am as happy as I was the first time I tasted it.
            It's good for pets too. My daughter's dog feels the same way about this kefir as I do

            Just thought i would suggest it : )

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