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    The Master Cleanse Expression

The Master Cleanse Expression
by Zoebess

11 blog entries; 11 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 88,536 times
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  • Day 4   by  Zoebess     17 y     3,976       3 Messages Shown       Blog: The Master Cleanse Expression

    Today sort of began last night. At midnight,
    storms moved through quickly and I have always
    been fascinated by thunder and lightning and so
    found it difficult to sleep.

    I lay in my bed, looking out the window, and
    admired the billowed out thunderheads as the
    lightning illuminated them. I reflected back
    on times I had spent watching *clouds* and how
    fortunate I had been in my life to have the
    experiences and good memories I have. I felt

    This morning, another small blessing, my company
    put their trip off a day and so a day of quiet
    was mine to enjoy. The house was in order, so
    my time was really my own. I had played so much
    music yesterday, that today I spent time to
    enjoy the quiet. I re-opened all the windows
    to feel the breeze. All my chores of making my
    lemonade, feeding pets, birds, all were behind
    me. I spent probably 30-40 minutes on my inversion
    table, almost playing. If I closed my eyes, I
    could feel like I was in the ocean, swimming.
    I stretched and hung upside down and felt that
    thrill of being a kid again, hanging upside down
    on a monkey bar. I rocked myself gently as if
    I were swaying in a hammock. It was comforting.

    I was also grateful since, yesterday, I was
    going through an emotional detox and so, sitting
    in my hot tub of epsom salt and ginger, I cried
    through some memories which I try more often
    not to think about. I did not even try to think
    differently about them, almost like laying my
    cards out in front of me. I just cried my little
    river of tears and as I pulled the plug on the
    tub, I felt like that pain also went down the
    drain. I had a friend tell me some good advice
    once, well many times, but she said, "you do not
    have to know what is on a tape to erase it",
    meaning that you do not have to pluck through
    every nuance or piece of hurt and pain in your
    life which loops through your memory before you
    let it go. These events did figure in my life,
    but my life I have now is what I make of it and
    so, just pushing the erase button, with no fear
    of letting go, is really what I want to do. I
    want to remember the joys, the laughter, and the
    love I have experienced. Those are the kinds of
    experiences I also want to draw into my life.

    I am still going through my day, processing in
    little ways. I fell asleep reading a book and
    woke myself from a typical MC dream where I was
    with a friend and we were late to lunch at a
    buffet at a conference. We were scurrying thru
    a parking lot and I was barefoot and so when I
    found myself in the midst of a sea of broken
    glass, I asked my friend to go back to the car
    and fetch my tenna shoes. While I was waiting,
    I did not notice a bus backing up and the driver
    had backed up so much, the bus had me pinned
    against a building. I was pounding on the bus
    and people in the bus were screaming and just
    briefly, I was running through my body like a
    diagnostic check, what is being crushed, okay,
    my mind is still here, since I AM trying to
    get this bus to stop~! Of course, being a dream,
    the bus driver had pulled forward and I felt
    all the relief of being released from the crush
    of a bus...ggg. My friend returned, shoes in
    hand and I said, hurry, we need to make this
    buffet. We ran down some stairs, the cloud
    wallpaper on the walls not escaping my notice.
    We did not miss the buffet did we, I queried?
    Yes, you did, there is only 20 minutes left
    to eat. I turned and felt sad that I was missing
    a meal. Of course, I had not realized YET that
    it was just a dream. What totally woke me up
    was turning and noticing out a window that a
    baboon was out in the yard next to the building
    and he had begun to harass a dog. Behind him
    I could see more baboons coming. "Run, baboons
    are outside", I said. No way, people said, there
    can be baboons outside. I woke up, rather dazed
    and laughing, GLAD not to have eaten, and of
    course, very happy baboons were not in my life.

    Most likely this dream goes back to a traumatic
    event I experienced during an attack by a chimp.
    I cannot post a link to it, since the Curezone
    Knowledge base is set up like a list, so I will
    include that post here so you can perhaps imagine
    why I would be revisiting that trauma. I really
    try not to think of it, and usually, only rarely
    do. It is something I need to work at healing.
    Perhaps this cleanse, that terrifying episode
    in my life will also go down the drain...


    I wrote this post in response to the question,
    "Has anyone ever truly talked to God or seen hard evidence of Him/Her?"

    "I called on God"

    I met an old woman, when I was a young woman, and she emphatically spoke to me of her conversations with God. I listened, incredulously, but most of all impressed with her spiritual certainty. It left an impression on me....

    The act of faith is suspending disbelief. In deciding to believe in something, anything, you develop faith....

    I would like to share one example where I called on God and my faith in God was rewarded....

    Longer story short, one evening I was in a cage with another woman and a chimpanzee, named Sally. The cage was roughly 10 X 12 X 20. It immediately adjoined another, where another chimp was housed, a male. We had been in the cage perhaps an hour, maybe a little more, but it was time to leave and Sally was not interested in us leaving. The problem began when the other woman who was a visitor and not used to handling the chimps began saying NO to Sally. There was protesting on the part of Sally and even the male began to vocalize too, hooting. Then someone came into the room and was going to unlock the cage so we could get out and Sally began poking the woman desperate to initiate play. The woman pushed Sally's hands away and that triggered an attack. I had always known that there was that potential in chimps since they play very rough and the majority of accidents/attacks seem to happen in familiar settings when there is rough play going on. Well, Sally grabbed the woman's hands and began to attack her. The male began screaming as the blood went flying. The attack was probably only a few minutes, but everything began to go in slow motion as it seemed every noise, every action became a layer in this event, the woman screaming, me screaming, people outside the cage screaming, the male screaming, my own thoughts racing like a jigsaw puzzle, trying to put the pieces together in nanoseconds and knowing in the back of my mind that both the woman and I could easily be killed. For whatever reason, God only knows...ggg, the people *outside* the cage behaved as poorly as one could in the situation and that feeling of abandonment was the most poignant since it became evident that the calvary would not be showing up...

    I remember standing up, although the memory is also in slow motion, as if I were doing some yoga stance or tai chi-ing into a tower of desperation. I stood up, put my arms out, looking down on the situation of chaos, blood and terror. I called, aloud, on God. "God help me", I said. In a heartbeat, a column of gold light, almost like a pillar of gold light, with gold confetti in it, hit Sally in her chest. The pillar of light was round, approximately 16 inches wide. Sally's head flayed back and I saw her eyes roll up into the top of her head. Her mouth hung open as she became speechless as if the wind were knocked out of her. My own inner guidance, (angels?), urged me, now!! and as the light switched off, I took that instant to body slam the chimp. I had fear that she would tear me up but I pleaded in my mind, "God dont let this chimp kill me". I lay on her, cheek to cheek, both of us heaving with adrenaline. Amazingly, she lay limp as a kitten, and did not resist. I called on someone to unlock the cage and they got the other woman out. They locked the cage door behind and I was almost afraid to move since I did not know what would happen. I asked God to allow me to get up and then spoke up, "open the cage, I am coming out". As I lifted my body from Sally's, she lay motionless as if paralyzed. I stepped away and out.

    I would not have even mentioned the gold light but as soon as I got out of the cage, the other woman wanted to know, what had happened, "what was that gold light". I told her the truth, "I called on God for help"...

    Like my experience when I was young, listening to my elderly friend encourage me to cultivate spiritual certainty, I do not expect you to believe what I have shared, but I will profess it as truth. In so many ways, that lesson of listening to someone and feeling the strength of her faith planted seeds in me of my own faith. Over the years I have witnessed many miracles and each time, I become even more certain of the presence of God in our lives. What, who, where, and when God is, I do not know. It is a matter of faith for me and I have chosen to believe even with the lack of evidence, and that my friend, has made all the difference.


    I hope for all those cleansing that they too are
    able to get in touch with their greatest fears and
    hopes and that you experience healing on all levels.

    Many blessings,
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Women who run with the wolves...   by  ger1     17 y     2,262

      Zoebess I thank you for sharing such a profound moment in your life. I commend you for knowing to call on God in your moment of terror and upset. It takes much practice for me to remember to call on God in crazy moments as well as well, any moment, but when I do I get out of ego and act in grace. I completely believe your story because I have great faith and also because I know you would not lie. Also, I have my own stories....

      I know you are a gentle loving woman and although I don't know you I love you.

      I will continue to read your posts and listen to your wisdom because to me you are a "Women who runs with the wolves!"

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Women who run with the wolves...   by  Zoebess     17 y     2,047

        Thank you for your care and compassion.

        My story is true and although it had a
        tragic edge, it was an incredible gift
        to know that, by reaching out, I was
        supported in my time of need. It really
        did serve to release me from fear.

        I hope your own miracles served a great
        purpose in your that I expect
        miracles, I see them more often too.

        Many blessings & love,

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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