- The Saga Continues by Zoebess
17 y
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Blog: The Master Cleanse Expression
This last year, I have really reaped many benefits
from my Master Cleanse last summer. My digestion and
elimination have been great, and focusing on keeping
well hydrated has served me well.
This summer, I hope to refine my coping behaviors and
to develop more ways to stave off boredom and to resolve
my persistent issues where I use food to comfort myself.
Most of all, I plan to enjoy this cleanse and have chosen
to see it as a working vacation. A time to reflect on
where I am going and how far I have come in the last
year in facilitating change and good health habits.
I have seen much progress and hope to bring to my
awareness more joy, more peace, more laughter, more
dancing as if no one is watching.
I wish the best of luck to those who are also on a
vacation from eating and who are looking for balance
and healing.
Best Wishes,
- Welcome back by seunim
17 y
So here you are! I have been keeping an eye out for your new blog and saw it this morning right after I did my SWF (0630). I really wanted to sleep more but perhaps a nap later. Great to have you back on board as you are a leading source of inspiration for so many, myself included.
- Re: Welcome back by Zoebess
17 y
Thank you~~ :)
Yeah, I forgot it can take a few days
for your blog to make it to the front
page when its new.
I am up sipping down my SWF while my
body channels...I was having such good
dreams. Still, I live in a room with
windows on 3 sides so once the sun
begins to crawl up, I wake up naturally.
My first sip of water, and the poo
parade begins...its looking like it
will be a productive day...lol...I
hope so for you too~!