- Post fast day 4 by fungivore
19 y
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Blog: 30-40 day juice fast to pry open my third eye
Well, obviously I'm getting lazy about blogging.
So the first day I ate 3 apples, the next day I ate grapes, apples, a banana and a salad for dinner. Yesterday I ate about the same, all raw.
I've got to say I don't think I've ever felt better IN MY LIFE. My passion for life has been reignited like never before.
I got through something in those really horrible days from about 17-22 that I didn't get to last year. For the first time ever my breath really is fresh, and I haven't had any body odor whatsoever since I broke fast! My wife would never stop telling me how bad my breath is, fasting and not, and now it's gone! I mean, really it's the first sort of proof to other people that fasting really does work, and that raw food really is the key.
When people ask why I fast, I always go into how good it feels and how much energy you have, during and afterwards, and how much crap comes out of you, but they usually just nod and roll their eyes (my wife included). Having my body's odors disappear is something concrete that she can't deny!
Other than that, I've been to the Planet Organic every day since it opened. I tried one of those Maya raw vegan chocolate bars at the Trailer Park Boys movie last night and almost orgasmed. My favorite food by far though has been fresh dates. God I wish I lived somewhere I could grow date palms. That would be Eden.
Fasting truly is the best gift you can give yourself. Today's Thanksgiving in Canada, and I'd like to give thanks for that gift...and dates.
- hey by healthylife
19 y
i just wanted to know did you lose weight on your face & your thighs area?
ok reply me
- Re: hey by fungivore
19 y
Well I definitely lost weight, but I was pretty skinny to begin with.
I started around 145, I think I got down to about 133. My face does look a bit gaunt and my hips are pretty bony!
- hey by healthylife
19 y
can i do exercise during my juice fasting? won't i get weak? and what should I drink during the juice fasting?
- Re: hey by fungivore
19 y
I think some exercise is pretty key while fasting. At work I walk around all day for 10 hours, so I didn't do too much other than that, but I did go jogging once or twice per week.
I guess rebounding would have some of the same effect, but when jogging you're getting your circulation deeper into tissue as well as shaking up the crap lodged inside yourself.
Just make sure to drink a good veggie juice with greens afterwards. I found I'd feel a little worse the day after jogging, but not like being tired, as I had no stiffness or soreness in my legs. I think it's just because you detox faster when exercising so there's more crap in the bloodstream.
Pretty much every day, I'd wake up before work, make a carrot/apple juice for breakfast, and one to take in a thermos to work. I'd get home around six and make a veggie juice, and sometimes another small carrot/apple near bedtime if I felt crappy. On saltwater flush days, I'd do the flush on returning from work, then the veggie juice a couple hours later.
Hope that helps!