- Evening Day 12 by fungivore
19 y
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Blog: 30-40 day juice fast to pry open my third eye
I can't believe the amount of bowel movement I've had today. Probably had to go 10 times at work today, and the first few were huge.
Did another swf when I got home tonight, and even more of this stuff came out.
I'm guessing that's why I felt so bad for a couple days.
Even though I'm sure there's more to come, I'm really feeling clean right now. It's like the opposite of nausea. If there was a scale with "feeling like I'm going to puke violently" on one end of it, I'm at the other extreme!
Had a carrot/beet/celery/cucumber/green lettuce juice for dinner!
- still goin'? by qanitus
19 y
hi, i'm a 29 year old guy who stumbled upon this website while researching juice fasting. I read your blog because the "prying open the third eye", caught MY eye. i was curious if things are still coming along well for you. i intend to fast for around 40 days, and have done several 3 days fasts in the last 4-5 weeks for "practice". im wondering if the hunger really does subside to a tolerable level. i know at the end of my 3 day fast i was quite hungry. also it sounds like your body is really cleaning itself out. have you had any more ummm.."cleansing experiences" since your last post? i'd be interested in starting a dialogue with you if thats ok, as my fast, which i intend to start in a day or two, will coincide with yours. my main reason for doing so is to cleanse myself from about 6 years of heavy drinking and over-eating. hopefully, i can also pry open my 3rd eye in the process, and gain more clarity into my spiritual nature. hope all is well.
- Re: still goin'? by fungivore
19 y
Hey there. Thanks for the response! I was starting to think I wouldn't really get talking to anyone!
In response to your questions:
Ya, I'm still goin strong, not feeling hunger at all but definitely craving flavors! I just keep telling myself, "It'll be there when you're done, and the longer you wait the better it'll taste!"
Day three was definitely the hardest for me, if you can get past that you should be in good shape. I'd recommend doing warm-hot saltwater flushes often, though. It's hard when you're detoxing and feeling like crap to drink all that saltwater, but a few hours later you feel waaaayy better.
I've still had a lot coming out. I didn't do a swf yesterday but had 3 pretty subtstantial bm's, with a lot of that really dark mucus type crap. I can actually tell when it's that mucus coming out by how uncomfortable it is just below my belly button for about 20 minutes before it comes out. Like it's not supposed to be there! Even the saltwater rushing through doesn't feel uncomfortable like that.
Last year I had nowhere near as much elimination, I think I was focusing too much on the not eating and not enough on the removing, which is probably more important.
Unfortunately I haven't had much time for introspection the past few days. I've been working through the weekend and have been really focusing on elimination. Once this phase is done, though, I think I'll be flying high for a while!
Good luck with your upcoming fast! And I'd recommend starting a blog from day 1! With so many ups and downs it's hard to remember how I felt 2 days ago!