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    First Fast Ever for 31 yr alcoholic male

First Fast Ever for 31 yr alcoholic male
by #64221

28 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 317,094 times
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  • Day 14   by  FirstFastMay06     18 y     3,196       5 Messages Shown       Blog: First Fast Ever for 31 yr alcoholic male
    Man, I really wish I didn't eat that salad on day 5. I would have gone 2 weeks without any solids. I read where someone said eating that one salad was like me starting my fast over. I don't know how much it hurt, but it didn't seem to change anything as far as I noticed.

    In 2 weeks I drank alcohol 2 times. That is a record for me! I am noticing my skin really clearing up and I still feel very good. Sometimes I just breathe in some fresh air and it feels so good. I know that I haven't felt this way since I was a lot younger. The feeling I get is well worth the hunger pains I get every now and then. I think I will definitely be able to go longer, especially when I get that new juicer. I was using a 450W juicer and this new one is a step up at 600W.

    Man I feel good. I had a dream that I ate a bologna sandwich and it tasted so good. In my dream I realized I ate it and woke up in a startling way and then realized I didn't actually do it. I got a good feeling after I knew it was a dream. I felt really dirty inside like that bologna was really in me? I was trying to explain the vivid dreams I have been having to my girlfriend. She just laughs at me. It is so true though. My dreams are almost like doing or seeing that stuff in real life.

    I have been taking quite a bit of Epsom salt baths lately. I think they bring the toxins out of me faster. My water is a little murky after about 20 minutes so I know it is working.

    I am terrified by the weekend coming up. My daughter will probably go to her grandparents like she does ever other weekend and that will give me the perfect opportunity to drink.

    I just have so much to say because this is like a mini step. 14 days is a good feeling! Since the juicer broke I have been detoxing more with the master flush. I get extremely hungry though and always look at the food my girlfriend and daughter is eating and sometimes I take a big smell of it. It's funny, it kind of satisfies me:)

    Ok, I'm ready for day 15! I will be drinking water, lemon, and tabasco. I went to get more molasses, but they were out. It won't hurt me for the next 2 days though.

    I just felt something. I think I am getting my first headache since starting the fast. I never get headaches at all. Even a hangover rarely gives me a headache. I just felt 2 sharp pains. Hmm, oh well... Detoxing is in effect! Good night!

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    • your doing awesome   by  Roaminone1     18 y     1,494
      Im just starting a MC today and have tried on many other occasions to start one and always fail. I ,like you ,started drugs when i was 15. alot of pot(more hash really),LSD, pills etc I didnt really start drinking till I was 21, I guess(Im turning 34 the beginning of aug) I worked as a bartender for 9 years and had to walk away. the money is great and I really miss it ( i make about a third of what I used to make)anway I drank everyday (sometimes would take one day a week off because my hangover was so bad) I used to get puking drunk(and i wasnt one of the lucky ones ... Im a next day puker!!!) probably 3 times a week. anyway its been 2 years probably since I have drank everyday but I still cant get past that... its friday night time for a beer or wine or whatever cause after being a bartender you will drink anything!!!! AND I cant stop at one!! I think I did serious damage to my liver and really cant handle drinking at all anymore but i still do it and have the worst hangovers of my life. I still havent made it more then a week and always cave. I want to be able to have a drink with friends and just have one or 2 or even have 3 but im not there and I dont no if I will be able to?? anyway I feel for you , i no what your going thru and wish you all the best.
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    • S'up F?   by  #63992     18 y     1,406
      I am really so impressed you've gone this far. It's amazing all the little details you describe with how your body is healing. Wow. I hear people talking about how much more vibrant they feel both physically and mentally. That's gotta be pretty cool. I'm doing the Master Cleanse and have attempted my 4th time now in about a month's stretch having caved every time. Yesterday I went the whole day....salt water flush in the morning, lemonade mixes during the day, a couple of cups of tea (I've learned about a yogi tea called fasting which has an appetite suppressant and is compliant w/ the master cleanser diet really works!) Last night however I had 4 shots of gin. Didn't even use any mixers. How sick is that? My dreams have been extremely vivid also. Woke this morn, did the salt water flush and am making the lemonade for the day. 18 days 'til my wedding so it's hammer time!!!!!! I also went and bought a mini tramp and season 6 of sex in the city. I figure I can treat myself and watch sex & the city w/out commercials while I bounce away. I'll bet I can knock that out easily & an hour or so later I won't have even noticed how quickly the time passed while knocking out the exercise. I'm BBBBAAAAADDDDD about exercising unless I'm playing an interactive sport. I watched a girlfriend of mine lose almost 100 lbs from her mini tramp. This sounds kinda silly, but she'd record 2 hour long soap operas every day while she was at work and then would come home, get on the mini tramp, fast fwd thru commercials, and jump away for prob 1 1/2 hrs engrossed with her stories. I've thought about it, and tho it sounds silly about the soap operas, if you have something that keeps you hanging and you want to find out what's going to happen next, ya know, whatever works, right? Rock on man, we're rooting for you....your KY friend.
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      • Do this!   by  FirstFastMay06     18 y     1,323
        I think the biggest help was doing the juice for most of the first days. Now my juicer is broken and its so easy to do the master cleanse. I'm waking up and not hungry at all like I was before this fast. This is awesome. I know that it does get easier and for some reason this whole 15 days hasn't been hard at all honestly. The first day was 100X worse. I do CE and take epsom salt baths and I wonder if that has something to do with my not getting headaches. My body is really thanking me for this fast. I don't have bags under my eyes, I'm not weak, and I feel better than I have for a long time. I honestly feel as good as when I did when I worked out for a year solid.

        I wish everyone had it this easy. I see many people struggle with the MC. I started the MC in between the juice fast. I think my body worked its way up to accepting it better that way.

        Man, all I can say is definitely fast everyone! Especially if you never done it before. Read all the posts on this site. I find myself reading everything I can. Hours and hours of reading on this site has conditioned my head. Read about those people that are doing 140 days + and you will get so inspired.

        I will have before and after pictures soon. I think my face is almost as skinny as a skinny persons :) I was growing a double chin and its almost gone now.

        I am drinking my salt water flush right now and its gross. You have to condition your body to accept it. It's all in the mind. If people can do that stuff on "fear factor" then I can drink salt water. That is how I think of it! When I saw them eat those African cave spiders it did almost make me puke though:)!!!!
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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