- Day 19 by Zoebess
18 y
4,880 11 Messages Shown
Blog: The Master Cleanse Express
Day 19 was eventful. I marathon watched major flooding in
Houston on television. Houston is just down the road from me.
It was a main topic among the neighbors, some who called, one
who came to visit. It was coming up like a "comma" and circling
back to head towards us. The rain began in the late evening but
we were more in the feeder bands again and so Brenham got the
most of it. Overnight, some places got 14 inches of rain, and
more today!
Here, the gardens look great and its nice to see everything
greening up again. The rain really amped my wheatgrass patch
and I have been harvesting but it is really getting tall and
is thick and emerald green. The juice is divine. I think I will
add some to my bath tonight as a real treat.
I also had some substantial gut spasms, from my hefty dosing
of cayenne in my lemonade. I am hoping it is normal but hoping
too there will not be too many repeating episodes of belly clutching!
My experiment, encouraged by Detour, is working and this morning,
day 20, my morning throne time was incredibly productive. I almost
think if I am still having this amount of stuff coming out at day
30 I should consider going on although right now I am reluctant to
imagine that preferring to envision the break on Saturday July 1
and blissing out on orange juice!
In between the cloud rolling, the sun came out so I was able to
get out and sun which did much to recharge my batteries. It did
not last long, but long enough to really feel better. I began to
wonder if there were not a correlation between my sunbathing time
and feeling good and since we have had rain for these days past,
I have had days which were not as good as others.
My main distraction of the day was discovering during my shower,
a growing boil right on top of my head!! Time to get out the
pointed hat as I find myself continually touching it to see if
it is is growing or going away!! It has grown over the past hours,
about the size of a large pea now. Better out than in, I remind
myself, but a honker pimple on the top of my head is not the place
I really wanted it to come out at...ggg.
Otherwise, sure nice to see so many happy face stickers on my
calender. My cleanse will be over so soon...time sure has flown!!
This cleanse has been so easy that I can only imagine that I am
living better than I was so there was less detoxing to do. I have
still been using my zapper, body-brushing every day, and using my
bounce chair, chi machine and body blade. Once my energy surges
again, I will get back to weight lifting.
Woke up the morning of my 20th feeling really good. I have a
massage client coming this morning so I did not mess around
getting my SWF down and my lemonade down. Got all my chores
done in record time and am settled in to face my lemonade with
extra cayenne. It does not taste as neat as it does with less
cayenne but with only 10 days to go, I want to maximize the
benefits. I thought today, if my belly begins to ache, I will
get out my thermophore fomenting pad. May even find the time
to do a castor oil pack and really shake up the belly.
Today I am also going to use something I received as a Christmas
gift that I rediscovered in organizing my closet! They are
transdermal essential oil patches by Naturopatch. The essential
oil is lemongrass and is supposed to help with energy and focus!
I have used them for driving on all day hunting and foraging in
the big city, but who knows what effects it may have on a cleanse.
I do so love doing experimentation! Well, safe stuff...certainly
nothing explosive although it could be argued the SWF can be at
times explosive!
Well, time to go ready my table and pick out some music for a
massage session. I like Badger Oil and most likely I will be
listening to Dean Evenson's Ocean Dreams.
My thought to share for the day~~~
"Treasure your physical being as a vehicle that houses your soul.
Once you have the inner way, the outer way will follow."
~Wayne Dyer
I hope all my other fasting buddies have a great day!
be happy, be well,
Here are directions for how to make a castor oil pack!
Simple procedure for detox and cleansing~
Castor oil has a long history of traditional medical use
dating back to ancient Egypt. Derived from the castor bean
(Ricinus communis), the oil was once used internally as a
laxative but is now primarily used externally due to its
potential toxicity.
How it works
A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation
and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues and organs
underneath the skin. It is used to stimulate the liver, relieve
pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and
improve digestion.
How it is made
Castor oil packs are made by soaking a piece of flannel in castor
oil and placing it on the skin. The flannel is covered with a
sheet of plastic, and then a hot water bottle is placed over the
plastic to heat the pack.
A castor oil pack can be placed on the following body regions:
The right side of the abdomen to stimulate the liver. Castor oil
packs are often recommended as part of a liver detox program.
Inflamed and swollen joints, bursitis, and muscle strains.
The abdomen to relieve constipation and other digestive disorders.
The lower abdomen in cases of menstrual irregularities and
uterine and ovarian cysts.
Safety precautions~
Castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be
applied to broken skin, or used during pregnancy, breastfeeding,
or during menstrual flow.
Three layers of undyed wool or cotton flannel large enough to
cover the affected area
Castor oil
Plastic wrap cut 1-2" larger than the flannel (can be cut from a
plastic bag)
Hot water bottle or heating pad
Container with lid
Old clothes and sheets. Castor oil will stain clothing and
1. Place the flannel in the container. Soak it in castor oil
so that it is saturated, but not dripping.
2. Place the pack over the affected body part.
3. Cover with plastic.
4. Place the hot water bottle or heating pad over the pack.
Leave it on for 45-60 minutes. Rest while the pack is in place.
5. After removing the pack, cleanse the area with a dilute
solution of water and baking soda.
6. Store the pack in the covered container in the refrigerator.
Each pack may be reused up to 25-30 times.
Frequency of use
It is generally recommended that a castor oil pack be used for
3 to 7 days in a week to treat a health condition or for detox.
- Your Day 20 by Germanflower
18 y
I have been sending "stay away from Zoe" energy to the storms and also to the people who are flooded out down there, all the challenges they are facing and have yet to face. I would say that at least good old Ohio is boring that way, but knock on wood...
what I came to say is that you would make a great ND as you are not only very knowledgeable but you have a knack for presentation and teaching that is very engaging.
And also....does the wheatgrass stain you in the bath, are you going to turn all green tonight, LOL? I bet your naysayers would have a field-day with that one. "I submerged my body in wheatgrass" is just a little weirder than "I was abducted by little green men and they took me to their planet and this is what I brought back from that trip." Just joking around. If it wasn't $17.99 a pound here, I'd bath in it too, in fact, what else can we add to bathwater cause if we can't eat it, we can at least soak in it...maybe that's the key to the garbage down the cake hole phenomena...don't eat that nacho cheese..."I'm saving this for my bathwater"! Now then they would really be concerned! ;)
I preface all discussion of my practices with "OK-look--I'm a freak, and I know that and I'm ok with that, ok?...but...etc. etc."
You're almost there....but I hope you aren't leaving your blog then as you really live it and you have integrated all this into your life and have great insight as to how to do that, and we all like the way you teach it to us!
- Re: Your Day 20 by Zoebess
18 y
Hee hee hee heee....I love the image of sitting in a tub of hot water with floating veggies or such. Perhaps Cheerios! Really wheatgrass is not very strange at all and I have done it enough to really be able to feel a difference. I prefer to do *implants* but since I have a healthy crop right outside the door, its a given I will toss some in the bath tonight. It will not stain the tub or me. I do feel like I am being marinated when I toss in Apple Cider Vinegar. It smells so much like a salad...ggg. The oregano oil has a distinctive smell, not like a pizza. I know it is very healing to inhale it into your lungs so I enjoy the double whammy of soaking and smelling.
As for being weird, it works better if you surround yourself by others like you! The Master Cleanse does seem to press buttons for some, but for the most part, certainly dumping stuff in the tub and sitting in it does not put me in the weirdo range with my friends. They know I love bath salts and that the gallons of Apple Cider Vinegar I buy are for medicinal bathing. I will probably explore more using herbal infusions in the tub but I do not have any malady to treat yet that the other stuff does not take care of. I have used colloidal oatmeal for poison ivy and of course I like clay but it tends to be messier so I leave that for footbaths or for when I am going to spend time in a motel...ggg. You would laugh to see me covered with clay and standing like a gorilla in front of a motel tv waiting for the clay to dry!
I grew up in Ohio. In Cleveland. I worked at Edgewater beach summers and my brother was a lifeguard. I have many fond memories of there although I think where I used to live is a highway now. Cleveland should have a perfect climate for growing wheatgrass. See if you can find some wheatgrass seed...just hard wheat. I buy in bulk from Whole Foods. You can either put it in containers outside or in a small patch. I try not to grow more than I can use since it is better fresh. My little plot is about 3 by 6 feet.
Thank you for your prayers and energy to protect me from the storm! I have never seen a storm be so massive and s-l-o-w like this one that hit Houston. Four to five miles per hour is not fast for a storm. My friend is a shaman/curandero so I asked her to protect the house since if it had come my direction it could have caused damage I would prefer not ever seeing. I, being from Ohio, and most of my adult life, Missouri, I am not used to hurricanes and tropical storms. So far, I have dodged the bullet every time I am happy to say. I plan on escaping all hurricanes this year too!
I do not know how often I will blog past my break. Its been popular and I have enjoyed being a little creative. It will be here though for people to glean info from and I know I wish I had had more easily accessible info so I tried to share with people what I would have liked to have known. I also like to research so this has been a perfect way to channel that. Thank you for coming and supporting my effort!
Especially thank you for your encouragement. Only >>>10<<< more days to go!
I am counting down and already have my oranges ready! I hope your cleanse is going well too!
"Wheatgrass juice can also be added to bath water to stimulate circulation, and it can be applied topically to help heal cuts and bruises. In addition, gargling with wheatgrass juice can ease a sore throat."
- Off-topic but maybe you know by Germanflower
18 y
I'm really having trouble getting any input on the topic of which food processor and which non-$400 blender to purchase...you know, for the raw food thing. I ordered my dehydrator and my spiral slicer and I bought a cuisinart mandoline, it wasn't too expensive but really nice, and I'm going all out for this I've decided to make it an investment in success--so be it, I'm on 0% for 6 months, LOL.
Do you know anything about either food processors or blenders? I just need some common sense advice and I've posted to all the groups w/ no responses, raw foodists must not like to talk about equipment with newbies? If you have any insight I'd truly appreciate as I've no knowledge of either of these pieces of equipment and the specs seem meaningless to me, email me if you like/have time to do so.
- Re: Off-topic but maybe you know by Zoebess
18 y
I like my Cuisinart Blender but its not so expensive as those other fancier ones with bells and whistles. I want a glass top and a good motor. I have had luck with Cuisinart products so have used them. I have a Cuisinart processor too, again, there may be better ones but I am fine with something simple. I like to slice and dice with a good sharp knife. Invest in a good knife and a knife sharpener and you will not regret it. I sharpen my knife a lot, especially when cutting tomatoes.
This is a sharpener from Farberware, I love it! A good peeler is important and some cutting boards that are large enough to cut up a cabbage on and which can be washed easily, with bleach even, so I do have a nice bamboo board but I like those plastic kind even more so than a glass one.
You may have to just go hunting for your larger appliances and *vibe* one out for yourself. On a blender, being able to clean it easily is important. Drippings down into buttons is a drag. My Cuisinart has a sliding control. It is older now but it would be a feature I would look for in a new one. No little buttons to need a toothbrush to clean! :)
Good luck with your hunt, I hope you find something special. Even looking on line, go to google, use the *image* option and look at them and see which one winks at you. You can find the page they are on and investigate even more.
be happy, be well,
- Thanks! by Germanflower
18 y
I'm pretty bad with a knife--I cut a piece of finger off cutting up lettuce once and I'm not so sure about having a really sharp knife around, maybe I'll take a class. I liked the cuisinart blenders in looks the most and they aren't $400 so I think I will go with that.
- Re: Thanks! by Zoebess
18 y
Jeez...thats a salad ruiner! I can understand your hesitancy with that happening. Perhaps over time, you can release that pattern and get back to cutting since it seems such an important part of preparing food.
Have fun shopping for a blender. Come back and brag about what you find!
be happy, be well,
- Lemons from the universe, it is a GOOD day! by Germanflower
18 y
I'm back to brag....I went for MORE lemons, having only 4 of them makes me nervous. As I picked out a bag of about 30 of them, I remarked to the person stocking the fruit that ever since I started buying lemons in great quantity, the price had gone up $1.50 per pound to make them more expensive than gasoline. She said she would talk to the produce mgr....
Well, I didn't pay too much attention until I got home to discover that my receipt didn't have any lemons on it and all I had bought was lemons, epsom (stocking up!) some candles...she had forgotten to ring them up. It was actually about $20 worth of lemons--so the higher price I'd been paying is about even now.
Well....I know, I should have driven the 15 minutes back and confessed...but I prefer to think that the lemon gods heard me and answered my prayers. I'm wondering what better use I can put this to, seeing as how I am now able to name my price, LOL.
I am agonizing over a blender and a food processor.....but the saladacco now, that was easy!
I hope you don't think less of me for accepting the lemons from the universe!
- Re: Lemons from the universe, it is a GOOD day! by Zoebess
18 y
LOL...no, I take my blessings where I find them...what a way to manifest!
It is not like you were going to steal them. So, my take, enjoy your lemons and some day you will have an opportunity to pass on the blessings....
Recently I went out and had finally decided to buy a dress that was a little more than my budget allowed but it was beautiful. The salesperson rang it up, rang it up again, and then said finally, the computer wants you to have this dress for $11. That included the tax! It was an absurd price by anyone's account but instead of her fussing about the discrepancy or me arguing I needed to pay the full amount, I just said, "Thanks God" and paid the lady and brought my miracle dress home!
Someday I will pass on that blessing too. I think when we really need little miracles like that to cheer us up, they come.
I am happy for you...cleanse on!!!
- cayenne by seunim
18 y
Greetings Zoe,
I am curious why you have opted to up your intake of cayenne. Obviously there must be some benefit. Would you mind explaining please. Thanks.
- Re: cayenne by Zoebess
18 y
The cayenne loosens the old fecal debris as well as heals as it goes. It can be used to cure ulcers so you can imagine the power in this pepper. The lemonade then flushes out what the cayenne loosens which is why I like to consider the lemonade a "cayenne delivery system". Detour was extoling the virtues of adding MORE pepper to his drinks so I thought, well, thats the ticket for me. I have been doing it two days now and I have seen a dramatic increase in the funky stuff coming out of my bum and thats all I need to see to keep the increased pepper dosing up.
I also am cleansing for 30 days and so now, at day 21, I am interested in getting as much mileage out of this cleanse. I will most likely do some shorter cleanses but I will most likely only do an extended fast once a year.
be happy, be well,