- Day 17 by Zoebess
18 y
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Blog: The Master Cleanse Express
Day 17 began with my mad dash to the post office and a return in the pouring rain. It was like an amusement ride getting back home down our dirt road which when it is flooding out, is more akin to an amusement ride, slip-sliding away!
It was nice to be a hero to the dogs who were so excited to be in the house where it was dry, they were doggie-dancing!
The rain continued on and off more of the day. More on than off and so I kept up with the beat and settled in for a day of hum-drum detoxing. I did my salt water flush, made my lemonade and one by one, clicked down my list of things to do for me and the Master Cleanse.
Finally settled in with my lemonade drink which I have begun to add more cayenne too which makes me sip it a little slower, but it feels intuitively like the right thing to do.
It looks real pretty too!
I surfed and listened to the television news until I became saturated and just wanted something also hum-drum to match my mood.
HA! I found a station running a marathon of the reality series, The Ultimate Love Test. They were running back to back episodes and it happened that I was watching the very first one!
Well I am not proud to say, I watched the entire series in one afternoon AND evening! I do not think I have ever done that, since I like to go outside too much to watch television non-stop, but hee-hee, it was raining, the house tidy, and it was just sucking me in, sort of like watching a slow motion crash. It was fine enough and when my daughter called to chat, I even confessed to my incredible waste of time which made her laugh, and me feel much better...ggg.
The rest of my evening I did research and kept busy until time to run my bath. I did not go outside since there was water standing in the yard and it is no fun in the dark to step into ankle deep water. I made my tea and relaxed with Saturday Night Live.
Another happy face on my calender and a satisfied mind...less than 2 weeks to go!
I woke up today, the morning of day >>18<< woo hoo! and feel really good. My face looks clear and my eyes bright. Even before my SWF I had some impressive releases, thank you cayenne! AND Smooth Move...ggg. I am going to keep up with the 1/4th teaspoon of cayenne per drink since Detour was rhapsodizing about the benefits of adding more cayenne.
Not much on the agenda today. Major mud out in my world so getting out is not a good option. The grass has all greened up beautifully and the noises of the country morning reinforce the idea that all is well in my world.
I am listening to pundits on television, background chatter...
My tummy is growling, something about sundays...if I were not fasting, I would be making a fabulous cup of fresh pressed Costa Rican Coffe, some Ezekial bread toast with two poached eggs. Today has such a feel of >>SUNDAY<< that I am missing my sunday routine.
I feel like I am hitting that part in a cleanse where you grow bored with the same old thing. Maybe that is another reason why Burroughs made the minimum amount of days 10, because the excitement to do the Master Cleanse is still strong. I am still releasing stuff and so am not tempted to stop, but I do look forward to my first sunday after my break where I can sit out under the trees with a tray and eat breakfast and relish the taste of everything I am craving in this very moment.
Here is a snapshot of where I live....
I wish all my fellow fasters the best, and the fathers among us, a HAPPY FATHER's Day!
be happy, be well,
- The love test marathon... by Germanflower
18 y
I did the same thing with "Sex and the City" once, only it took a whole weekend of non-stop watching from morning till night...I studied during it...and when I hit the final episode...I cried, like the ending of a really good book that you didn't want to put down.
Whew, you ain't kiddin' about the power of the cayenne once you up it. Detour is probably sitting back smiling sadistically somewhere thinking of all of us ON FIRE! I really like your expression "rhapsodizing" that's very expressive. It does feel good though, I wasn't using nearly enough...the heat is comforting in it's way too.
- Re: The love test marathon... by Zoebess
18 y
You gut feels hot and a little achey. I take it as a good sign. I also did exercises and stretchs to help it out. Whew though...its strong going down but like you said, comforting, in a way.
Yepper, I bet you are right, Detour's tranced out on cayenne and wants us all to get "hot gut" with him! hee hee
I'm going to stick with it though for a few days unless I begin feeling *bad*.
I watched marathon Sex & the City too. Now, that is worthy, and I spent a day with my girlfriend watching it and laughing and drinking wine...oh my....gggg
We know how to relax...ggg...detox baths and tv...
be happy, be well,
- my Golden...ahhh by want2bfree
18 y
Ohh, I was just sitting here at work missing my eight month old golden retriever and AH HA...I see your pictures of the 2 goldens, made me feel as though she was thinking of me. By the way...got off to a false start with the cleanse, this is a very very stressful tinnnme in my life right now and I have not slept for 2 weeks. I hope the cleanse doesn't make the insomnia worse...any suggestions for that? OOps I think I posted questions in the wrong spot....SORRY!!
- Re: my Golden...ahhh by Zoebess
18 y
Hi Kelly,
This is a perfect spot to ask that question. You can also ask in the forum if you would like more opinions, but I can share mine!
I would recommend a nice hot bath, with 2 cups of epsom salt, and a hot cup of Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea. Chamomile would also be good. These are both herbal teas which will help calm you and prepare you for sleep.
Then a cup of hot laxative tea and you are ready to dive into dreamtime!
I am glad you enjoyed the Goldens...I bet your baby is fast becoming one of your
best friends!
Do not worry that the cleanse will put more stress on you. It should provide an opportunity to find clarity and energy and you can release so much on your *plate* which no longer serves you and find ways to bring comfort and peace into your life.
I wish you well and success in your cleanse!