- Beautiful Day by ren
18 y
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Blog: Ren's Holistic Fitness and Life Journal
Today I am eating 80% raw, having had a scone this morning but not craving anything this afternoon. EFT definately works. I have to do it A LOT where coffee and starchy pastries are concerned. It's not that I overeat till I'm wanting to vomit, it's getting in the way of my weightloss and my goals. Plus, I use the starchy foods as a crutch. I just had some blueberries and now I'm going to go bikeriding up to the library to drop back my sister's videos. The fish pond supplier is a little far for the bike and I have to carry a big UV light. I'll get my hour of exercise by doing my bikram yoga today. Some of my shower money is going to buy two heaters to heat my room so I can do yoga. I've not exercised in two weeks but this rawfood bootcamp feels almost like the Air Force *LOL* except I feel more responsible for myself than relying on TIs (training instructors) to kick my ass into submission.
- Congrats on perseverance! by YourEnchantedGardener
18 y
I admire the way you can stick to this...
I wonder if surrendering to some
whole grains ala Jensen...
some home cooked brown rice
with maybe some raisins...
or some other wholesome grain
would be a good midway point
to the carbo fragmented white flour
sugar stuff.
Each grain has a spiritual essence,
a unique quality that draws in and from
its original cultural heritage.
Whole Brown Rice for example,
brings in balance, and is cleansing
in its own way. Rye builds muscle.
Wheat builds fat.
Fragmented wheat off the Tree of Knowledge
is a great way to build mucious and
alergic reactions. Most people can't handle it.
That is not to say than I am holier than thou,
my dear. I ate two of those buns in Whole Foods
the other night, and enjoyed every bite.
There is a mile of consciousness separation
between the starchy, so to speak, fragmented foods
and something whole and holy with whole grains
you can make to feed the lovely pre-married butt.
Your EG
- Re: Congrats on perseverance! by ren
18 y
The whole grains sound great Leslie. I have some stuff from I got from Whole Foods, who as you know, has the best bulk grain section in the world. I'm going to take some quinoa, cous-cous with me on my road trip and mix it with raisins and olive oil. YUMMY.