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Fasting & Detox: Juicing for first time
by RedFizz

50 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 365,697 times
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  • Day 25??? Can it be?   by  RedFizz     18 y     3,572       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Fasting & Detox: Juicing for first time

    Who would have ever thunk it?  A compulsive eater addicted to sugar and would freak out at the sight of cake can actually go 25 DAYS without eating a morsel?  Once again, only with God's help.

    I found out that my professor fasts!  Rock on!  There're coming out of the woods I tell ya.  But when I told her I was considering a raw diet, she said, "Gross."  Maybe she didn't understand what I meant by raw...maybe she did...hmmmm.

    So I spent many hours at bookstores trying to find a non-complicated book for raw recipes, and I finally found one that is simplistic for me: Raw Food Made Easy for 1 and 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet.  Obviously I have not tried any of the recipes yet, but the recipes seem very reasonable.  A food processor and a blender are the main kitchen appliances you need rather than the plethora of expensive appliances and hours the other books call for.  I really was those California rolls right now...mmmmm.  They even have a recipes for chocolate mousse (sp?) with vanilla whipped cream.  Heck ya.  That's what I am talking about.

    Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?  (I admit it.  I watched it...this one time.)  They had a heart sergeon on there talking about foods and why you shouldn't cook many of the foods.  It really reinforced what I have been reading. 

    So I have been taking Original Cleanse Smart.  Major crampage that only lasts up to 30 seconds maybe two times in one day. That only happened three days.  But I think it worked today.  I won't go into details.  You are all smart people.

    I think I am going to buy Living Foods for Optimum Health by Digeronimo & Clement. 

    Oh, my thinking is clearer!  I read 4 books in 3 days.  Never happened before.  Super-fast!  (You have to read that like Mary Catherin Gallagher..hehe...I know, I know..."nerd".)  I am feeling very pretty.  I smile a lot more.  I fit inot clothes I haven't for a long time.  I still cannot wait for those stuffed mushrooms with sunflower seed pate, but this is getting to be fun!

    Hm. I need to get a coffee grinder and an ice cream maker...yeah baby!  Living ice cream?  Can it be? 

    Op!  My nose just started running.  That's right little toxins.  Be afraid.  Run away. 

    Perhaps I am entering the "I've got lots of energy" phase think?

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Good job!   by  raddish     18 y     1,740
      I think that as you move closer to the 30 day mark, you do start to feel better. I've felt great since I crossed the 30 day mark. I did have a little detox today - a coated tongue again. I know it will be done in the morning, but it's strange. Anyway - good job!
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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