- Day 18 by LiveToBe100
18 y
3,420 6 Messages Shown
Blog: First 30 day Juice Fast - Stepping into the Unknown
Ended with a liver flush, which went great! Only a few green blips came out so i must be very clean and feel VERY clean inside.
Had a nice fresh salad with romaine lettuce, carrot, raddish, tomato, spinach, cucumber, sunflower seeds and green pepper. Tasted just great!
i feel like a new man.
- Big Congratulations! by Dazzle
18 y
This is absolutely terrific, AJ !!
What a fantastic feat you've accomplished. There's nothing you can't accomplish that Life throws your way.
I wish you the best!
~ Dazzle
- well done by ausjulie
18 y
congrats on your fast i loved reading how you where doing. im so glad you met your goals and hope you continue to feel the effects of the fast for many moons to come.
- Congrats! by livingwater
18 y
I'm so glad you blogged your journey through juice fasting. It has been a great testiment to what juice fasting can accomplish. Can you believe you didn't have food for 18 days?! Crazy.
Well, keep us posted on how you're doing post fast and take care! :)
- You did awesome!....n/m by midge
18 y
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