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Turmeric Cure Research Blog
by risingsun

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  • Turmeric for Gallstones and more   RN   by  risingsun     18 y     76,130       4 Messages Shown       Blog: Turmeric Cure Research Blog
    Turmeric: Better Than Celebrex

    Turmeric (Curcuma longa), besides being a popular
    curry spice, is also a COX 2 inhibitor, that is, it
    inhibits the action of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase-2
    which is partly responsible for the pain of arthritis, so
    it can be used as an effective (and much safer substitute
    for the arthritis drug “Celebrex“ and other similar
    drugs. It also contains a substance called curcumin which
    decreases amounts of prostaglandins (involved in the
    transmission of pain signals) and stimulates the adrenal
    glands to release natural cortisone, which also reduces

    In fact, curcumin has proven to be almost as
    effective as cortisone in the treatment of some kinds of
    inflammation; and remember how I said in the first lesson
    on cayenne pepper that it depletes substance P, which is
    also involved in pain transmission? Turmeric does that
    too. In short, it's a safe and effective pain killer so
    reach for it instead of aspirin or other pain killers
    (but remember to look for the source of your pain as

    Take advantage of its pain/inflammation relieving
    abilities for things like arthritis, bunions, bursitis,
    tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome (inflammation of the
    wrist), gout, headaches of all sorts, geographic tongue
    (tongue inflammation), etc. It can be taken as a tea, in
    capsules, as a tincture, or applied directly to the
    painful area as a poultice or fomentation. Use your
    imagination. Also take a small amount daily (a teaspoon
    or so) and get on a good cleansing program to help keep
    the problem from coming back.

    One study in Thailand showed that taking turmeric
    is good for relieving the pain of ulcers.

    In Ayurveda, an East Indian system of medicine,
    physicians make a paste of two parts turmeric and one
    part salt to apply as a poultice to swollen areas. Some
    also add some ginger to this mixture.

    Dr. Michael Murray, N.D., co-author of the
    Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, calls curcumin one of
    nature's most powerful anti-edemic and anti-inflammatory
    agents. So use it both internally and externally wherever
    there is abnormal swelling.

    Curcumin also thins the blood and helps prevent
    blood clots. This is very important in preventing such
    things as strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis (blood clots
    inside a vein), etc.

    Here's yet another thing that curcumin does: it has
    been proven to increase the solubility of bile, that is,
    it makes it dissolve more easily. Bile is a fluid
    produced by the liver that helps you digest fats, but
    when the liver or gall bladder becomes congested, this
    fluid can harden, forming gall stones. Taking turmeric
    daily has been shown to eliminate up to 80% of gall
    stones in just a few weeks. It will also help prevent
    them from forming in the first place.

    It also contains several compounds that protect the
    liver from damage.

    Turmeric is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A
    (carotenoids), C, and E and others (yes, curcumin is an
    antioxidant too) which help prevent a great many
    complaints associated with old age like cataracts.

    It is also another of many herbs that is helpful
    for treating amenorrhea (stopped menstruation). Remember
    to consider whether the cause might be natural like
    pregnancy or menopause or due to under-nourishment.

    Turmeric also inhibits many common problem types of
    fungi and is useful for athlete's foot. Try adding a
    teaspoon or two to a hot footbath (soaking your feet in a
    small tub or pan of hot water).

    It kills various parasites as well, like lice and
    scabies (microscopic parasitic mites that infect the
    skin). Make a paste and apply it to all the affected
    areas each day for a couple of weeks or until the problem
    is cured. For lice, it's also a good idea to boil your
    clothes and bedding to prevent reinfection.

    Take turmeric to get rid of other parasites too,
    especially nematodes. Turmeric contains four anti-
    parasitic chemicals, each of which is not effective
    alone, but when combined, they make a strong worm-killing
    cocktail. This phenomenon is called synergy and you will
    never find it in any pharmaceutical drugs since they are
    all isolated chemicals. Only God's herbs have this

    Make a concentrated tea or tincture of turmeric to
    use as a yellow dye or ink, or use it as a food coloring
    instead of potentially toxic synthetic varieties.

    Turmeric helps the body to use insulin more
    efficiently, making it great to use for both type #1 and
    type #2 diabetes.

    Various studies show that it can help heal wounds
    (apply as powder or use the tea as a wash) and even help
    fight Alzheimer's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    (taken internally).

    And last but not least, turmeric has been proven
    effective at destroying certain types of cancer cells.
    The researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson
    Cancer Center conducted a study which showed that when
    curcumin was introduced into cell cultures containing
    multiple myeloma (a type of cancer), it stopped the
    cancer cells from reproducing and those that were left
    died. Previous research indicates that it may be
    effective in fighting other cancers as well (I'm not at
    all surprised). And best of all, it has no known side
    effects, even in very large amounts.

    Here are the free Bonus Formulas I promised you:

    First, some basics of making herbal formulas:

    Herbal formulas are a great way of addressing the
    many different aspects of a condition with one
    preparation. For example, a good formula for heart
    disease would probably include an herb to strengthen and
    protect the heart, one to nourish the tissues, one to
    thin the blood and increase circulation, one to regulate
    the heartbeat, and one to lower cholesterol and clean out
    the arteries (the elimination organs should also be

    Formulas are also good to use because people are
    all different and while one might respond best to one
    herb, another might get better results with a different
    herb. I find that one of the herbs that relaxes me the
    best is chamomile; it puts me right to sleep, and
    valerian root just calms me down. My mother is the
    opposite - valerian puts her to sleep while chamomile is
    mildly relaxing/calming for her.

    By combining 2-3 (or even more) herbs that have the
    same general effect, or work on the same part of the
    body, you will have a preparation that will supply the
    needs of a much greater number of people. One person
    might respond best to black pepper, another to ginger,
    and yet another to fennel, but if you combine the three,
    you'll have a preparation that will give them all
    marvelous results.

    These formulas are a great asset and healing tool,
    but they are not the only tools in your healing tool box;
    they are not an entire program, and you must address the
    root cause of a problem for healing to be complete and
    permanent. This course makes a great beginning to your
    healing journey, but please don't think that this is all
    you need to get well. Lifestyle changes and other natural
    treatments are also in order.

    Also, these formulas were designed so that you can
    make them entirely from the herbs in this course and
    while you will certainly see results when they are used
    properly, there are many other herbs that I normally use
    in such formulas to make them even more effective, that
    are not included here because I wanted to make these
    formulas easy and affordable for everyone to make and use
    (not everyone has access to or can afford Gymnema
    sylvestre or wild American Ginseng for making their

    Don't be afraid of designing your own formulas
    either, just research and learn about the properties of
    different herbs and put together a combination of herbs
    that address different aspects of a particular problem.
    You don't need a degree and you won't hurt yourself, just
    listen to your body and use your common sense, and you'll
    come up with a wonderful formula. And if you have any
    questions, please don't hesitate to email them to me.

    Parts - "Part" just means an equal measurement. It
    varies according to how much of the formula you want to
    end up with. So if you have a formula that calls for 3
    parts of one herb and 1 part of another, and you want to
    end up with 4 ounces of the formula, then each part would
    be one ounce. In other words, you would use 3 ounces of
    the one herb and 1 ounce of the other.

    Also, it is more accurate to measure parts by
    weight than by volume, in other words, use a food scale
    instead of a measuring cup if you can. If you can't get
    one, just estimate and don't worry about it, but if you
    are going to be making large amounts of these formulas,
    you will find a scale to be of great help.

    Once you have measured out your herbs, you can mix
    them together and then either powder them, tincture them,
    or do whatever kind of preparation you want to. Remember,
    the instructions for making preparations are in my free
    ebook that you can download right now. If you haven't
    already, you can do so by following the link at the top
    of this email.

    Some (rather inexperienced) individuals say that
    people shouldn't take multiple herbs at the same time
    because they are "risking side-effects from unnecessary
    medications." This simply is not true. These people are
    making the mistake of thinking that herbs operate in the
    same way that drugs do. They do not.

    Drugs have harmful side-effects because they are
    toxic foreign substances that interfere with the body's
    normal way of functioning in order to control/suppress a
    symptom of an illness. Herbs, on the other hand, are
    entirely natural substances (foods) that were designed
    specifically for our body by our all-wise Creator and
    they work with the body, encouraging and supporting its
    natural processes and supplying it with what it needs to
    correct the cause of illness and heal itself.

    This is why herbs do not have the side-effects of
    drugs and why it often takes longer to feel results with
    herbs than with drugs; it takes longer to heal a problem
    permanently than to simply ignore it.

    The effects of herbs are very different from those
    of drugs because their mode of action (the way they work)
    is different. Healing herbs, when used with prudence and
    skill, will never have ANY harmful or damaging side-
    effects of any kind, regardless of whether they are taken
    in combination with other herbs or not. Your body has the
    ability to take only the parts of herbs and foods that it
    needs and discard the rest. It cannot do this with
    synthetic chemicals and drugs; they are absorbed
    according to how much you take, rather than how much you

    Herbs also contain many nutrients (“raw materials”)
    to help your body build and repair itself and strengthen
    it so it can defend itself against disease; there is no
    synthetic chemical drug anywhere that does this.

    So don't worry about taking formulas with several
    herbs. Herbs are foods, and saying that herbs are harmful
    in combination, when they are not harmful alone, is like
    saying that people should not eat salads because
    combining cucumbers and lettuce with tomatoes might
    produce harmful side-effects. Give me a break!

    Drugs can interact harmfully with each other and
    sometimes with various herbs and foods, but herbs will
    not interact harmfully with any other herbs or with live,
    natural, wholesome foods. Herbs are NOT drugs, they do
    not operate in the same way, and they do not produce the
    same kind of effects/side-effects.

    The worst thing that can happen to you if you
    overdose on an herb that I (or another good herbalist)
    recommends, is that you would do a little vomiting.
    That's the worst case scenario and it's nature's way of
    making sure that you don't get too much of the herb at
    once. How awesome is that!? A medicine with a built-in
    protection mechanism against overdose! No drug can do

    One note on preparations: you can take these herbs
    in capsules, but you will get better (and faster) results
    from liquid extracts like teas, syrups, tinctures,
    glycerites, oils, and vinegars. See my free e-book for
    instructions on how to make these.

    Here are some suggested dosages:
    capsule: 2 caps 3 times a day
    tincture/glycerite/vinegar: 2 dropperfuls 3 times a day
    oil: apply liberally to the affected part
    tea: 1-2 cups 3 times a day

    In emergencies or extra severe situations, take 4
    times the normal dose or even more if necessary. For
    animals, children, etc. figure the dose by putting their
    body weight over 150, the average adult weight. In other
    words, an adult of 150 pounds would get the normal dose;
    a child or pet that weighs 50 pounds would get 1/3 of the
    normal dose; an overweight person of 300 pounds would get
    twice the normal dose; and a horse of 1,500 pounds would
    get 10 times the normal dose. This gives you a good
    starting dose, but keep in mind that you can go up or
    down from there depending on what the person's needs are.

    Here we go -- There are 15 formulas here, each for a
    different purpose. The proportions of each herb are
    given, followed by the reason I included that herb in
    that particular formula.

    Formula #1: Cold Formula
    1 part Ginger [anti-infective, anti-viral, stimulates
    1 part Rosemary [anti-infective, anti-oxidant, stimulates
    circulation to the head]
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [Stimulates circulation, anti-
    infective, clears out sinuses]
    2 parts Sage [decongestant, anti-infective]
    2 parts Basil [anti-viral]

    (also eat lots of fresh garlic)

    Formula #2: Stomach Soothing Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [stimulates digestion and
    2 parts Ginger [expels gas, stimulates digestion and
    2 parts Fennel [expels gas]
    2 parts Cinnamon [expels gas]
    2 parts Cumin [expels gas]

    Formula #3: Hormone Balancing Formula
    1 part Ginger [to stimulate circulation and carry
    necessary hormones around the body]
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [to stimulate circulation and carry
    necessary hormones around the body]
    2 parts Mustard Greens (if available) [to supply raw
    materials - that is, live vitamins and minerals]
    3 parts Fennel [to balance hormone production and supply
    raw materials]

    Formula #4: Anti-Infection Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [to stimulate circulation and
    increase the actions of the other herbs]
    2 parts Basil [anti-viral]
    2 parts Cloves [anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal]
    2 parts Turmeric [anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-
    4 parts Garlic [anti-everything-that-can-hurt-you]

    Formula #5: Pain Relieving Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling,
    pain relieving, stimulates circulation]
    3 parts Ginger [anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, pain
    relieving, stimulates circulation]
    3 parts Turmeric [anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, pain

    Formula #6: Anti-Aging Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [increases circulation, feeds the
    heart, etc.]
    2 parts Ginger [digestive, circulatory stimulant]
    2 parts Fennel [hormone balancing]
    2 parts Garlic [anti-everything-that-can-hurt-you,
    strengthening, tonic, eliminates cholesterol buildup,
    increases circulation]
    2 parts Rosemary [anti-oxidant, memory preserving, anti-
    2 parts Turmeric [Liver-protective, anti-inflammatory,
    anti-oxidant, anti-cataract]
    4 parts Oregano [powerful anti-oxidant, anti-cataract]

    Formula #7: Anti-Arthritis Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory,
    pain relieving, circulation stimulant]
    1 parts Ginger [anti-inflammatory, circulation stimulant]
    1 parts Oregano [anti-oxidant]
    2 parts Turmeric [anti-arthritic, anti- inflammatory,
    anti-pain, etc. - see lesson #15]

    Formula #8: Brain Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [increases circulation]
    1 part Ginger [increases circulation]
    1 part Oregano [anti-oxidant]
    1 part Garlic [cleans out blood vessels, improves
    4 parts Rosemary [protects/improves memory, increases
    circulation in the head]

    Formula #9: Heart Formula
    1 part Ginger [improves circulation]
    1 part Cloves [excellent blood thinner to prevent clots,
    anti-infective - infections can sometimes cause problems
    with the heart]
    2 parts Cayenne Pepper [blood thinner, balances blood
    pressure, clears out arteries, possibly the greatest
    heart food/energizer in the world]
    2 parts Garlic [improves circulation, cleans out
    arteries, anti-infective - infections can sometimes cause
    problems with the heart]
    2 parts Oregano [anti-oxidant, anti-infective -
    infections can sometimes cause problems with the heart]
    2 parts Turmeric [anti-inflammatory - some heart problems
    involve inflammation of the heart muscle or blood

    Formula #10: Weight Loss Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [increases circulation and speeds
    up metabolism]
    1 part Ginger [increases circulation and speeds up
    1 part Mustard [increases circulation and speeds up
    1 part Garlic [increases circulation and speeds up
    1 part Black Pepper [increases circulation and speeds up
    1 part Fennel [increases circulation and speeds up
    1 part Turmeric [increases the solubility of bile which
    helps digest fats]

    Formula #11: Liver Formula
    1 part Cayenne [increases circulation]
    1 part Ginger [increases circulation]
    2 parts Garlic [increases circulation, stimulates the
    2 parts Turmeric [increases bile solubility to dissolve
    stones in the liver and gall bladder]
    2 parts Oregano [supports the liver, anti-oxidant]
    2 parts Fennel [supports the liver]

    Formula #12: Cancer Formula
    1 part Cayenne Pepper [increases circulation]
    2 parts Oregano [anti-oxidants have been found to have a
    powerful anti-cancer effect]
    2 parts Turmeric [anti-inflammatory, protects the liver
    which detoxifies the body and fights cancer, destroys
    cancer cells]
    2 parts Cumin [anti-tumor]
    4 parts Garlic [powerful cleanser, anti-cancer]

    NOTE: Also, eat at least 10 cloves of raw garlic per day
    and remember to do an entire healing program to address
    the root cause of the disease; don't use just herbs
    alone! There are also more powerful herbs that should be
    taken for cancer in addition to these, like apricot seeds
    and red clover. Find more information in my free ebook
    and on my web site.

    Formula #13: Diabetes Formula
    1 part Cayenne [increases circulation, benefits the
    1 part Ginger [increases circulation]
    1 part Turmeric [helps the body use insulin more
    efficiently, anti-edemic (helps prevent excess fluid
    1 part Cumin [helps the body use insulin more
    1 part Garlic [helps the body use insulin more
    1 part Cloves [helps the body use insulin more
    1 part Cinnamon [helps the body use insulin more
    2 parts Mustard [supports the kidneys]
    2 parts Fennel [hormone balancer, benefits the kidneys]
    2 parts Oregano [protects against oxidative damage which is common in

    NOTE: also take large amounts of cedar berries (one-
    seeded juniper berries) for diabetes and (for insulin-
    dependants) be sure to monitor your blood glucose level
    so you can decrease you insulin dosage appropriately.

    Formula # 14: Nursing Formula
    1 part Ginger [stimulates circulation, helps digestion]
    2 parts Fennel [increases milk production]
    2 parts Cumin [increases milk production]
    2 parts Garlic [encourages infants to nurse more]
    2 parts Mustard Greens (if available) [to supply raw
    materials - nutrients - to make more nutritious milk]

    Formula #15: Nerve/Anxiety Formula
    1 part Sage [builds and strengthens the nervous system]
    1 part Basil [builds and strengthens the nervous system]
    1 part Rosemary [builds, strengthens, and stimulates the
    nervous system, but doesn‘t over-stimulate like coffee]
    1 part Thyme [builds, calms, and strengthens the nervous
    1 part Ginger [helps the nerves, soothing, warming and
    calming, anti-inflammatory, and increases circulation]

    Quick Reference Table of Contents for this Course:

    Introduction/Welcome E-mail
    Lesson # 1 -- Cayenne Pepper
    Lesson # 2 -- Ginger
    Lesson # 3 -- Sage
    Lesson # 4 -- Basil
    Lesson # 5 -- Oregano
    Lesson # 6 -- Fennel
    Lesson # 7 -- Black Pepper
    Lesson # 8 -- Garlic
    Lesson # 9 -- Mustard
    Lesson # 10 -- Thyme
    Lesson # 11 -- Rosemary
    Lesson # 12 -- Cloves
    Lesson # 13 -- Cinnamon
    Lesson # 14 -- Cumin
    Lesson # 15 -- Turmeric

    Herbally Yours,

    Chris Lewis, M.H. ><>
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