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by want2bfree

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  • Day 8, anyone around?   by  want2bfree     19 y     2,931       6 Messages Shown       Blog: Hannagrl
    Hi all!! At least I hope I am not alone. I am once again feeling really crappy this morn. I am very discouraged, so I decided to post early in the day. I am really asking myself WHY people fast. I am still waiting to be enlightened but have not come close. I still have no energy, the scales have not moved for 2 day, and I am feeling depressed and sorry for myself. I do hate to admit that, but I must do it. I am so wanting food and wondering what the payoff is for this suffering I am putting myself through. I am questioning everything in my life right now. Especially this juice fast. I feel like I am moving in slowww motion, including my brain. The broth is making me sick and I don't even reaaly want any juice. I guess I will have to force it down. I think I am detoxing emotionally more than anything else, that is what is really getting to me, plus I am over tired from not sleeping well. Hmm I am wondering is there anything positive I can write?

    I have lost about 11 and 1 half pounds, skin and eyes are brighter and I can move around alot better. I know this may be a mistake but I didn't take my enema today. Just couldn't handle bothering. I will do it tomorrow. Wish I could just sleep the day away and hope to wake up tomorrow in a better space. Hmm it is Valentines Day, and my marriage isn't so hot, maybe that is what got the emotions flowing. WELL to whom it may concern I am gonna go for now.
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    • You can do it!!!   by  vegandanzer     19 y     1,297
      You know why people fast...;) You are better than the rest of the people in 'mainstream' trying to lose weight. Fasting is the only realy way to lose weight. You are giving your body and incredible gift! I know the scale is our enemy! But what I do is try on my 'skinny' clothes or my 'fat clothes' to see if they fit or see how loose they are...try it! Especially if you looking great on the outside, it would be fun, try on those clothes, strut around in the mirror and see how HOT you are!!! ( hope to be where you are soon!!!!)
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    • Please Don't Quit!   by  Dazzle     19 y     1,185


      I am assuming you researched juiced fasting prior to taking the plunge as this would give you the answers to your questions as to why people juice fast in addition to what to expect on a juice fast. 

      There are many entries in my blog that explain the reasons why juice fasting is a terrific way to rejuvenate the body, lose weight and retrain yourself to new dietary and eating habits.  I've listed some of them below for your convenience.  Benefits of Juice Fasting  Ups and Downs of Juice Fasting  The Healing Power of Juice Fasting  Eight Benefits to Juice Fasting  Off the Top of My Head Notes for New Juice Fasters

      I think you know why people juice fast, in addition to why you embarked on this journey.  But because you're feeling so badly today, your mind can't get into gear.  That's normal.  It depends on how badly out of shape and unhealthy your body is that will determine the severity of your detoxes.  But trust me, the longer you juice fast, the less severe those detox moments will be.  The longer you fast, the stronger you will become.  Read my blog in its entirety.  Start at the introduction and just take some time to read.  The blog will give you tons of information, explanations, tips and tricks and encouragement.  And when you're done with that, read Julie's  She hated the veggie juices, could barely stomach them.  She had nasty detox moments and she got through it all.  It was really rough for her.  Read her blog and the encouraging messages from others to her.  It may give you some insight as to how she got through it.  We're all here for you.  We'll encourage you, support you, cheer you on, but we cannot make you continue.  That has to come from you.

      Julie's Blog:

      Detoxing will effect you both physically and emotionally.  Your emotions will fluctuate up and down and up and down and even sideways.  Today you are undergoing another nasty fugly detox moment.  When you have those detox moments, it is imperative that you drink MORE juices (even if you don't want to) especially the GREENS as they have a unique way of coating your nerves making you feel better emotionally, in addition, they work against the hunger feeling and give you more energy.  If you are actually feeling PHYSICAL hunger (as opposed to psychological hunger)  then you need to listen to your body and drink more juices.  Drink more water, lots more, it flushes out the toxins.  Drink come herbal tea such as Chamomile as it will calm you, in addition to flushing out the toxins.  Enemas also help the detox moment to move much faster.  It's when you don't feel like doing any of these things, that you must find the wherewithal to do them anyway.  They will make the detox moment move on much quicker.  And you will feel better much faster.

      Juicing detoxes the body which is the best gift you can give yourself even when you're feeling as badly as you are.  Those toxins left alone, will one day become cancer or another debilitating dis-ease. (Dis-ease equals DISSING YOUR EASE!)  Allowing the toxins to build up will age you before your time.  They will make you feel blah and fatigued day in and day out.  You'll begin getting those mysterious aches and pains in your joints and muscles if you haven't already.  Your patience and tolerance levels to stress will shrink down to nothing.  One day you will become very ill and feel so much worse than you do now.

      Perhaps you could shrink the 40 days down to, say 21 days.  Get to Day 21 and see how you feel... hopefully by then, you will begin seeing the benefits and feeling the highs and will be strong enough to continue to 30 days.  When you get to 30 days, see how you feel, and perhaps then you can get to Day 40.  Take it in increments.   Cut it down to bite size pieces. Give yourself persmission to do this.  I'd much rather see you do this than to quit altogether.  Imagine how badly you will feel toward yourself if you quit.  And if you do decide to break the fast, please try to do that on a high, rather than a low. I explain this in the Notes to New Fasters (link above).

      By removing the toxins, you're giving yourself a whole new lease on life.  You're setting an example to your family  and friends by taking responsibility for your own wellbeing.  This is not to mention the enormous pride and self-respect you'll gain for yourself.

      I hope this has helped you.

      I wish you the best!!



      ~ Dazzle 

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    • This day will PASS, husbands 8 day he ex same thing   by  But God     19 y     1,399
      Hi hannagrl,

      Please know that EVERY emotion and thought you're having is EXACTLY what my husband is going through, the two of you started the same time. When I read him your blog his response was "MUM", he couldn't imagine a person he never met was going through the same thing. today and yesterday he has been struggling, even with his tremendous weight loss. He's saying the same things, "What am I doing this for?", "This is crazy", "please don't bring that juice near me", "the smell is making me sick", "I just can't do another enema", "I've got to eat", he doesn't even want water, just kinda lying around. THIS DAY WILL PASS, it's normal. You CAN do this hannagrl, your reason YOU WANNA BE FREE !!! AND YOU WILL.

      But God
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      But God
      • Re: This day will PASS, husbands 8 day he ex same thing   by  want2bfree     19 y     1,308
        WOW!! That is strange isn't it. It must be common for day 8 or somthing? Thank you so much for the message!! It helps to know I am not alone. You tell him to keep his chin up! he si gonna make it!! If I can get through this day so can he. i keep telling myself, it has to be a good thing, in fact I know it does. I just have to write about how I feel. It is very theraputic, being in the mental health field, many clients use journaling to externalize those pent up feelings.

        BLESS YOU AND HUBBY...Hanna
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